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.300wm - .300wsm

Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

Rem BDL Stainless .300 WSM
McMillan Hunter's EDGE
WW Brass
168 Barnes Tipped TSX
CCI 250
66.5gr RE17
2.193" Ogive (0.050" jump in this rifle)
3100fps (23" barrel)

Matches perfectly with the Zeiss Rapid Z 600 reticle at 9x. Confirmed this at 300, 400, 500, and 600 yds.
Heavy duplex post tip beneath Rapid Z reticle is spot-on at 750 yards.

Averages .6 MOA
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: fo gallegos</div><div class="ubbcode-body">new here and just looking for a load for 208 a max with viht n560 </div></div>

Lapua have not got any published data on the 208 (I emailed to ask) but I've used N570 by taking their load data for the 220gr SMK and working up carefully.
Hornady list a max load of 69.2 grains for N160 but that was a 1:10 barrel tested.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jerseymike</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Rifle:
Alan Brown built 300WM, Bartlein 1/11, finished at 26" with a Badger FTE brake,and used the same reamer developed for the MK248 220 SMK ammo

Win case
Rem primer
77.0 Gr of H1000
220 SMK
2840 FPS (average) using CED M2
no pressure signs
best 100 yard group ive done measured at .273 (5 shots)

I tried 77.5 grains of H1000 and got a little over 2880 (average) and showed minimum pressure signs (flat primer and very slight ejector impression) but no sign of hard case extraction.

Both loads shot extremely accurate, but with the pressure signs of the 77.5 load I will probably bump it down to 77.2 just to keep the FPS around or above 2850

Dude where'd you get the reamer from, Kiff? Thanks!
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

Remington 700 Police 300 WM

26in factory barrel with vais brake
1-10 Twist

RP brass
Hornady 208 Amax
Fed 215 Match Large Magnum Primer
72.0grs of IMR 4831 at 2940 FPS
Trimed to 2.600
C.O.A.L 3.578
.25 MOA at 100
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

300WIN Douglass 26" 10twist SS
210 VLD
71.5 4000MR alliant Pro
3.430 OGIVE


600 yards in a match 5rounds 7 MPH gusts..COLD CLEAN BORE included..

By asm1 at 2011-03-10
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

Savage Model 11 300WSM
Re-barreled with McGowan pre-fit 26"
Win brass, FL sized and trimmed to 2.09"
CCI mag primer 64.5gr. Hogdon 4350, Topped with 175gr SMK
Three round group was .522" no chronograph, so don't know velocity.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

Win Brass
Berger 190 VLD
63g H4350
CCI Mag primers
OAL to ogive 2.232"
seated to just touching the lands
This load is .4 MOA if I do my part

Looking for min/max powder range for 208 Amax for H4350 or RL19. I cant find anything in any of my books for 208. Anyone have any data on min/max range. Wanting to do a ladder test and work up but not sure where to start.

Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

I'm in need of a 300 Win Mag load for a TRG-42 using the 208 grain Hornady A-Max and H-1000.

Yes, I know that everyone's rifle is different... However, I'd like a load that seems to be working a distance with H1000.

I just acquired a quantity of the stuff and would prefer to use it, since it should work well...

Thanks in advance!

Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

208 Amax
WIN Brass
74.6 H1000
.015 off lands
CCI BR Primers

Its a little on the slow side but has worked well out to 1500 yards. Never checked FPS but is somewhere around 2800.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM


208 Amax
WIN Brass
62.4 H4350
.010 off lands
CCI Mag Primers
SD 5
ES 10

This stick loves the 208's .41 when I do my part. Initial ladder test was 1.25" at 100yds with 4 grain range and 20 rounds. Didnt seem to matter what was the load it just gobbled them all up.

Other loads
190 Berger VLD
WIN Brass
63.5 H4350
just touching the lands
CCI Mag Primers
.44 MOA

190 Berger VLD
WIN Brass
66 H4350
just touching the lands
CCI Mag Primers
.5 MOA but slight keyholing
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: colt933</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: colt933</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: colt933</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 300WidowMaker</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hello.I Have a Remington 700 Sendero in 300WM with a 26 inch barrel.I bought some H4831 H1000 and H4350 powder.Was wondering if anyone had a Good Loading Data for this Caliber with these powders?Also what is your OAL?I am using 190SMK and 208 Amax.If anyone can help,I would appreciate it. </div></div>

I'm at 69.6 and 73.3gr of 4831sc with 190SMK, Win brass, Rem mag primers, OAL ~= 3.340", 700P 26".

I'm going to start on the 208 Amax and H1000 in a few weeks. </div></div>

I have an EXCELLENT load for my stock 700P in .300 WinMag now. Three shots in 3/4" at 200 yards. I can't wait to get it out to 1000.

208 Amax jammed .010" into the lands
Win brass with minor prep
H1000 78.9gr
CCI magnum primers

All loads between 78.0 and 79.2gr H1000 with this bullet and seating depth, case, and primer, have produced sub-MOA 3 shot groups in this rifle at 200 yards. I'll work a little more in this charge range to come up with a compromise between group size and velocity spread. </div></div>

OK, I settled on the above load:

208 Amax jammed .010" into the lands
Win brass with minor prep
H1000 78.9gr
CCI magnum primers

median velocity 2874
extreme spread 21

5 shot groups average 1.5" at 200 yards
several 3 shot groups at 3/4" at 200 yards

It looks like this will still be supersonic at 1760 yards if I got the BC right - like I will ever have the chance to shoot at that distance.

All velocity numbers are with AAC 762-SD installed over an AAC brake. It's pretty amazing shooting the .300WM with a can! The .300WM sounds the same as a .308 with the can - like a .22lr from a rifle. The main sound is the crack of the bullet flight - and the impact of the bullet. Group size with and without the can are identical but point of impact is about 2" low with can on at both 100 and 200 yards and is repeatable and is the same as POI shift on the .308 bolt gun. </div></div>

I have continued to tweak this load, and have decided to stop while I'm ahead. Based on advice from members here, I decided to jump the AMAX instead of jamming it.

Winchester Brass
CCI large magnum rifle primers
78.5gr H1000
.030" jump

Chrono didn't function too well on the most recent range trip, but based on previous data, velocity should be around 2850fps.

Shoots < 3/4 MOA at 200, 5 shot groups, consistently, always with an AAC 7.62SD can.

Caution: This load may be hot in your rifle - it's pretty close to max.

Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

Questions for all you 300WSM guys/gals. Im looking to load up some for Savage Striker. It has a 14 inch barrel any good suggestions or am im just going to have to load up a bunch of different loads and see what works best?

Right now I shoot factory Winchester Power Max 150 gr PHP

They shoot very well about 3/4 MOA at 100 yards granted 3 shot groups. Have no issue stretching the pistol out to 350-400 yards.

Just trying to save money on cost of ammo and see if maybe I can better results.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

.300 WSM m70 Supershadow
Rebarreled by McGowen 26" 6 groove 1:10
Blueprinted action, squared bolt face, hand turned bolt manufactured for blueprinted action,
Optics Nikon 4.5x14 Buckmaster 1000yrd adjustable parralux

Practice Loads:

165 gr. Hdy BTSP Interlock
63.1 gr. Ramshot Big Game

3 shot group .41 MOA, 3025 FPS 3021 FPS 3024 FPS

Hunting Loads:

168 gr. Barnes TSX
64.1 gr. Ramshot Big Game

3 shot group .44 MOA, 3019 FPS 3013 FPS 2994 FPS

May shoot tighter...there is a Jerk behind the trigger.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

I find a very good combination for my TRG42

Sierra 190 grs HPBT
Norma brass
76 grs of Reloader 22 (hot load)
930 m/sec
Federal 215M primers

That's a group of 7 shot at 200 meters, not bad eh eh eh
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

I ran some loads in a 300 RSAUM today. RL17, 208 AMAX hBN coated, Win LRM, Rem LTR 20":

107f, 18.7% RH

60 avg 2853
60.5 avg 2877
61 avg 2914 *Bolt lift, moderate primer flattening

I may try to replace the magnum primers with CCI LRs and see if I can reduce the initial pressure spike that I think has me limited to 60gr charge.

60gr load is where I'll stay with what I saw today. Supersonic to 1700yard, 7.3mil at 1k.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

300 WSM

Rifle: Rem 700 SPS (24", 1/10 twist")
Bullet: 208 gr Hornady AMAX
Case: Win (4nd loading) standard case prep
Primer: WLR-M
Powder: 67.2 grains of R-19
COL: 2.840"
Chrono info: Av - 2983 fps, Es - 24.31, Sd - 10.39
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

700 police .300 win mag. Try 70.0 grains imr 4350 with wlrm primer with a 2.610 trimmed case seated at 3.600 oal. Pushes it about 3100 fps. Next try 210 berger vld with same trim ect... 72.7 grs r22 seated the same. It pushes 2920 fps and maintains a velocity above 2200 fps out to 540 yds. Not real big on 208 a maxes. Did load a batch and to be honest the 178's performed better. It all depends on what your rifle likes but hopefully this will help somebody
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

Just curious. I'm running large rifle primers in my 300 wm and was wondering if magnum primers would be better? I'm also using h1000 and 208amax. I have been loading book with book o.a.l. Gonna step it up since I found where my o.a.l is.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

There are a couple of companies that have no difference in the amount of primer material in the cup, simply a change in the cup material.

When you switch a component from a load you will likely have to retune the load and prudent sense states you should back off the load. I run have run CCI LR Mag (#250's) through my 308 with an otherwise identical load using the CCI LR's (#200) and there is no discernible difference in the results whatsoever. Doing the same test with FGMM Primers there is a notable difference in pressure signs and group size.

The Wolf LR and LR Mag have a copper cup in the mag primer and a brass cup in the regular LR if I remember right.

Long story short: Sometimes it matters, sometimes it doesn't. It will depend a lot on whose primer you're using.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM


Great data. Starting load development w/ my TRG42 in Aug. Looking to focus primarily on the following combinations:

Combination A
208gr A-MAX bullets
H1000 powder (start at 74gr )
Norma brass (COAL 3.640in)
WLRM primers

Combination B
Sierra 210gr HPBT MK bullets
RL22 powder (start at TBD gr, perhaps 64gr?)
Norma brass (COAL TBD, perhaps 3.340in ?)
WLRM primers

Would appreciate any of updates/feedback on Combinations A and B. Also trading whether I should use CCI 250 primers vice WLRM primers. Note: Sierra's 5th ed Reloading Manual does not list any 210gr HPBT MK, only 200gr and 220gr HPBT MKs.

Planning to shoot on 100/200/300yd ranges during load development and progress to firing at 600-1000yd ranges. Also intend to chrono the loads. FWIW, using Wilson neck-only bushing die and Wilson bullet seater. I neck-only size my brass for 3 uses, then anneal, and then full-length size prior to the 4th use.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

I've used Norma Brass with excellent effect.

The stuff rules.

Last batch of 300WM that Lapua made was actually Norma.

74Gr seems like a decent starting load... I'm really curious what Chad thinks. He also mentioned something about Retumbo at some point.

Me, I've got alot of H1000 I need to go trough this weekend. -smile-
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Reactions: stefan73
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

300 Win Mag
26in Krieger 1:10 barrel with VIAS muzzle brake
Bat Action
Virgin Winchester Brass
CCI 250 Magnum Primers
208 AMAX
0.020 from the jam
Reloader 22: 70g

100yd group

300 Win Mag
26in Krieger 1:10 barrel with VIAS muzzle brake
Bat Action
Virgin Winchester Brass
CCI 250 Magnum Primers
208 AMAX
0.005 from the jam
Reloader 22: 71g
100 yard group

Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 2ndPanzer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Anyone try any of the 155's in a 300 wm? Or 175's? </div></div>

Sure, but in the end, what's the point? Heavy bullets with high BC are where the .300WM shines. Try the 208AMAX or 210VLD.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

The point is I already have tried the heavy, now I was looking for the lights for some closer in comps. Heavy for 600+, light for 0-500 for an extremely flat shooting 30 cal. There is more than 1000 yd plus shooting with 300's.

Seems to me the 300 wm has alot of capabiity, and I want to explore all options to suit the environment I will use it in. Sure the 308 will do what I want from 600 and in, but why not get more time on the 300?

So any data from the guys that tried it?
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

I've shot 155 SMK with IMR 4895. Dont have the data as my books are at my shop, but it was a flat shooter at 300yds. Groups were never bigger that 2" out of a savage 10FP w/ factory barrel. Significantly less recoil felt than with the 208 AMAX and 200SMK I usually shoot. I'll PM you the data when I find it.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 2ndPanzer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The point is I already have tried the heavy, now I was looking for the lights for some closer in comps. Heavy for 600+, light for 0-500 for an extremely flat shooting 30 cal. There is more than 1000 yd plus shooting with 300's.

Seems to me the 300 wm has alot of capabiity, and I want to explore all options to suit the environment I will use it in. Sure the 308 will do what I want from 600 and in, but why not get more time on the 300?

So any data from the guys that tried it? </div></div>

I say you go with 30 cal incendiary, they work well for close in stuff in my 300. -smile-
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 2ndPanzer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I don't think it would go over well on the range.... But would be awesome to see. No doubt on the hits.

Yeah, it is... not super accurate... but suprisingly very good. ...but I did pull them and then reload them using RL-22. Those suckers are moving.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

Here is one of my "go to" loads:
300 WM R700
Bartlein 10 twist bbl 26"
Lapua brass
210 SMK
H1000 77.3 gr
Wolf Large Magnum primers
seated 0.005" off the lands
2835 fps

Shot my best groups with this rifle and load this weekend. Didn't measure them, but 8 rounds were on top of each other at 700 yds, and 5 rounds into about 3 or 4 inches at 1000 yds.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

I'm loyal to the bone to my beloved 300 WSM, but I helped one of my good friends out by working up a load for his 300 WM Browning A-bolt for an upcoming elk hunt.

300 WM
Rifle: Browning A-bolt Stalker (26", 1/10 twist")
Bullet: 190 gr Berger VLD-H
Case: Win (1st loading)
Primer: WLR-M
Powder: 65.6 grains of Hodgdon Hybrid 100V
COAL: 3.340"

No pics or chrono, but it grouped 0.350 moa for him at 100 yards. I hope he has a successful elk trip, so I can see what it'll do on soft targets.
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

My 300 WSM load consists of 65.4 grains of H4350 behind a 175 SMK using Norma brass and CCI magnum primers. Comes out of a 24" 11.25 twist barrel at about 3040 fps. Groups are right at 1/2 MOA but a lot of that is me. I have had numerous groups with 4 shots in 1/4 MOA with the other bringing the group up to 1/2. Groups were shot prone at 200 yards from a bipod.

Update: FWIW I shot a 0.41" 5 shot group at 200 yard match last Saturday (11/19/11).
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

Remy 300wsm
Krieger 24" 1-10 twist #5 contour

Winchester Brass
IMR 4350 65.0grns
Burger Bullets 185 VLD hunting
FGMM 215 primers

5 shots yielded 2988, 3002, 3004, 3002 fps, I called it all good at 3K fps.

basically the first load I tried and it was exactly what I wanted. Shots 1/2" groups at 100yrd
Re: Loads for .300WM-.300WSM

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: GardDog</div><div class="ubbcode-body">300 WSM

Rifle: Rem 700 SPS (24", 1/10 twist")
Bullet: 208 gr Hornady AMAX
Case: Win (4nd loading) standard case prep
Primer: WLR-M
Powder: 67.2 grains of R-19
COL: 2.840"
Chrono info: Av - 2983 fps, Es - 24.31, Sd - 10.39

I tried to finally take this round to 1k, but the spot I shoot was otherwise occupied, so the landowner let me shoot on a different parcel that only let me get out to 700 yards.

I'm happy with these results.
