Re: .45/70 fast load low, slow load high
Found this little tidbit......
Thread on POI change due to recoil
"Ok, the physics are correct but there's nothing like empirical data so, I called an old friend of mine today. He's a retired engineer from the Rock Island Arsenal. He's done work on the m198 Howitzer and the new 105mm Hawkeye.
His work involves the mechanics and stresses associated with recoil so I asked him about this subject.
He tells me that both sides of the argument have merit but only if we are willing to split hairs. At initial ignition of the charge, there is a small and barely perceptible motion of the barrel/breach. (only detectable by sensitive instrumentation) However, this motion is of so little significance that it has no practical effect on POI.
However, the motion widely accepted as recoil, were it to take place while the projectile were still in the barrel, would make POI so unpredictable as to make any sighting system useless; nothing more than decoration on the weapon.
<span style="color: #FF0000">
In short, recoil occurs only after the projectile has exited the barrel and has no effect on POI"</span>