C'mon, say it. SAY IT ! Accuse everyone here of (use the word !) "Groupthink"........
Every time one of you doorknobs comes around (on average, about once a month) and starts slinging shit, invariably, the term "Groupthink" gets throw around. It nevers occurrs to any of you self centered little pricks that there are a lot of like minded people here. Many people that have never met each other in person, never BS'd over a beer or two, or never been out to dinner or shooting together. Just one question; What are the odds that all those people "got together" and decided what everyone should think ?
Jesus, give your head a shake. Oh, and the constant attacks on others, while not providing any other input of value gets the attention of the Mods. Guys like you don't last very long around here and for good reason. And no, I'm not going to turn you in to the Mods. I don't have to. Problems like you tend to be a self licking ice cream cone. Enjoy your time here while it lasts.