One really notices Land chasing in Magnums ,as it can account for heavy bolt lift or damaged bolts . Again I've not done anything so drastic ,so as to pound open a bolt but have seen it more than a couple of times at ranges matches and such .
I truly believe I've seen just about everything at shooting ranges and clubs, matches and tournaments ,including guns exploding contestants dying.
Including a close friend from a fragmented shotgun on the 26 yd trap line .
Talk about Karma ,the guy who owned that shotgun with the overcharge ,was killed at another club 65 miles away during a league shoot some 4 months later . Made ME a believer, what goes around comes around !!.

Both incidents were determined Operator Error accidents .
Afterwards we were notified NO more Reloads during any sanctioned shoot Period . Tournaments and matches Never allowed home built shot shell in competition but warm up pre rounds were open . That ceased after those two deaths in Kommyfornia ,that was decades ago .