6.5 PRC

Bartlein also recommends that twist rate. You can have success with 1:8, but a faster twist will be more stable. Anything bigger/ longer than 147s and you for sure want 1:7. Maybe someone else can chime in.
You don't need a 1:7 for 147's. 1:7.5 is as fast as I'd ever go, especially with a PRC. Factory 147gr creedmoor ammo is running in the mid/upper 2600's and is fine in all those 1:8 twist guns. At 2900+ you'll have no problem with a 1:8. Even the new 135's and 153's were meant to work in an 8 twist.

How lighter bullets will work in a 7 twist is they'll blow up. I've run 95gr Vmaxs to 3900fps in my 6.5 SAUM 8 twist (HOT load), and they were on the edge of letting go (over 350k rpm). 123's or heavier will probably be fine in 1:7 or 1:8.
Im going to run 143s, i guess ill let you know when i get it.
Thanks. I know I wasn’t specific in grain but I was more or less wandering about lighter bullets than that.

You don't need a 1:7 for 147's. 1:7.5 is as fast as I'd ever go, especially with a PRC. Factory 147gr creedmoor ammo is running in the mid/upper 2600's and is fine in all those 1:8 twist guns. At 2900+ you'll have no problem with a 1:8. Even the new 135's and 153's were meant to work in an 8 twist.

How lighter bullets will work in a 7 twist is they'll blow up. I've run 95gr Vmaxs to 3900fps in my 6.5 SAUM 8 twist (HOT load), and they were on the edge of letting go (over 350k rpm). 123's or heavier will probably be fine in 1:7 or 1:8.

Thanks @led zeppelin, this is more what I was wandering about. I bet a person could do a 1-7.5 and be a good to go, not that I’d go below 100grain on bullets as idk if it would be very good very far because the bullet would be a short fat sucker and suck for things past 500yrds other than be a lazer.
If I need a bullet that low I’d use my .243 or Valkyrie.
Called Proof today to try to get a prefit TL3 LA 6.5 PRC and was told "No go". Apparently the tenon length on the LA is a thou longer then the SA ones. And they wont spin it up as a prefit with the LA tenon length. I was trying to not go down the route of buying a blank and a having a smith chamber it. As the cost ends up $550 or more in the end. Already have the TL3 LA and was planning on running the 150 gr SMK bullets or the new A-Tips. Oh well. Anyone know of someone who can chamber up a prefit without sending my action to them with long lead times with the .188 fb.? Edit.. TS customs is taking care of me.

And I am looking for a box of 50 ADG 6.5 PRC brass if anyone has an extra they will sell me?

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Does well on game. Took this bear here in Montana from 370 yards. Rifle is a PVA with proof 24” barrel shooting factory hornady 143s at 3050avg.


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I'm having good luck w 5R 1-7 w 147 ELD. If anyone wants to try Sierra 150 i have 49 for sale in the reloading section!!!
I ended up getting a barreled action ordered and ended up getting a 1-7 twist 4 groove Krieger......what is the lowest grain bullet you have tried with a 1-7?
I did some stability tests on Berger’s web site and jbms’s site and everything I tried was in the green or good but I had the lighter bullets sg value of 2.95 using a 120 Berger target bt going 3400fps and 2.89 going 3200fps.
On jbm’s site a Hornady eldm 120 going 3400fps has a sg of 3.80 and 3.73 sg going 3200. Then I do a Hornady gmx and the sg value of 2.303 at 3200fps...... it seems that as long as the sg don’t go below 1.5sg it’s fine but seems that you can go pretty high on the sg.
Sorry guys been working out of town away from a computer. I mapped the 123 from 3053 fps- 3469 fps. My go to load is 2.955 OAL @ 3445 FPS SD 2.5 ES 6 (5 shot during testing) from a 28 inch barrel. I bet i can push it to 3500 FPS. Most test loads under 10 SD/ES. I tried running them into the lands closer but accuracy went to shit.
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1-1.25 3 shot groups at 300 yards off bipod. I played w a few loads out to 1k but the wind wasn't in my favor for good accuracy testing. I'm using .650 bc in my program and has tracked well out to 1K. Going to try more testing this weekend.
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Thanks, that's helpful. What powder are you using and how much? One of my initial questions before starting to develop a load is whether H1000 is too slow for the flatlines and whether a faster powder is needed.
O.k., thanks. My barrel was done with a .188 reamer. RL-26 is in the same general burn rate range as H1000, so that's good info. I've previously gotten load data from Dan, but what he sent was a list generated from Quickload with tweaked characteristics of the bullet. Not as useful as data from actual load testing.

I haven't checked the measurements of 123gn flatlines against the 121gn flatlines yet, but assuming the BTO is similar, it sounds like your 2.955 OAL gives you roughly a .040 - .050 jump. That's what I usually start with with solids, I've never gotten good results with solids close to the lands.
This was my first experience w solids unless you consider Barnes TTSX/TSX solids. LOL....I tend to load hot so i hate loading close to the lands. The closer i got to the lands the worse accuracy got.
Email Dan ,

he will send you load data.

RL-26 is what i used. Always works up your loads. There has been 3 different 6.5 PRC reamers that i know of. Mine was .188 FB

That's actually great news. With Accurate AICS WSM magazines, I can go with 2.950 COAL. Sounds like that's nearly what you're running with SAAMI chamber spec. Did you happen to load any at that COAL, and did they shoot well? I'd love to stay magazine fed if possible in my SA.
That's actually great news. With Accurate AICS WSM magazines, I can go with 2.950 COAL. Sounds like that's nearly what you're running with SAAMI chamber spec. Did you happen to load any at that COAL, and did they shoot well? I'd love to stay magazine fed if possible in my SA.
140 hybrids @ 2.950 and they were jumping .085 with my .188 FB


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That's actually great news. With Accurate AICS WSM magazines, I can go with 2.950 COAL. Sounds like that's nearly what you're running with SAAMI chamber spec. Did you happen to load any at that COAL, and did they shoot well? I'd love to stay magazine fed if possible in my SA.
Measure your accurate mag. I mag fed them at 2.955 no problem. I also have a Alpha 300 Wsm type 4 which has almost 2.980
140 hybrids @ 2.950 and they were jumping .085 with my .188 FB

I'm sure ELD-Ms and Xs will do fine too, they love jump. The old Flatline 121/122s did not. That's why BCX's load was so interesting to me.

Measure your accurate mag. I mag fed them at 2.955 no problem. I also have a Alpha 300 Wsm type 4 which has almost 2.980

Copy that. Still waiting on them to come in, so was just going off the specifications. Great to hear! Thanks again.
Barrel length 24” or 26” non suppressed??? Looking at a proof carbon in one of those lengths. Wondering what the data is on 143 ELD-x, 147 ELD-m and possibly 156 Berger EOL elite hunter.
2" of barrel is ~30-60fps so figure what it's worth to you. If you're going to hunt anything bigger than whitetail I'd use the 143 ELD-X of what you've listed, but I know guys have dropped mulies with 147s. Never seen the 156 in the wild yet. If it's like Berger's other "Hunting" offerings I'd steer clear, personally. ELD-M, VLD's, etc. are essentially heavy varmint bullets. Super thin jackets and no core retention. That said, don't try to punch through bone with match bullets (ELD-M, VLD, etc.) and it usually works out if they blow up in the vitals. The 143 has a substantially thicker jacket and an interlock ring to help retain the core.
Barrel length 24” or 26” non suppressed??? Looking at a proof carbon in one of those lengths. Wondering what the data is on 143 ELD-x, 147 ELD-m and possibly 156 Berger EOL elite hunter.

If running the heavies and no suppressor I don't see why you wouldn't opt for the 26. Run a slightly milder load and still get them moving. I've seen some good numbers out of 24" tubes and RL26 and H1k also. Don't think you can go wrong with either. But with no can, 26 for me.
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I'm doing my research on the 6.5PRC...seem like you don't want to drop the barrel length below 22" to really get the benefit of the cartridge over the creedmoor. So if Im wanting to build a hunting rifle..western big game....barrel length 16-20" should I just go ahead and build a 308 or 6.5 creed? I was thinking of running a 20"PRC but if it's all going to be wasted performance then maybe the 308 or Creed is the better bet. I want a short, handy, accurate, 500yd Elk Slayer. I wouldn't mind running it suppressed since I already have a Titanium Can....

What do you guys think?
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If you are willing to put up with the length and mass of a can, why not just get a longer barrel?

I think for must hunts I would just run a thread protector or a the brake....If I was hunting close to the truck maybe lug the can along... I just don't want a 24 or 26" tube and then want to suppress it and it be unwieldy. If I'm going to run that long of a barrel I think I'd stay with my 300WM to get the extra ass. I would be doing a Christensen Arms MPR so it's a side folder which helps anyway. Most of the shots I would take will be under 300yds....I'd like to be able to take confident 500yd shots. My current lightweight rifle isn't very accurate...or its hard for me to shoot...I only feel comfortable to about 300 with it. SO basically looking for a handy packable mountain rifle, accurate, not an ultralight so it's difficult to shoot but light enough where i'll actually take it on a 10K mountain.
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I'm doing my research on the 6.5PRC...seem like you don't want to drop the barrel length below 22" to really get the benefit of the cartridge over the creedmoor. So if Im wanting to build a hunting rifle..western big game....barrel length 16-20" should I just go ahead and build a 308 or 6.5 creed? I was thinking of running a 20"PRC but if it's all going to be wasted performance then maybe the 308 or Creed is the better bet. I want a short, handy, accurate, 500yd Elk Slayer. I wouldn't mind running it suppressed since I already have a Titanium Can....

What do you guys think?
From the hours of research I’ve done, I’d go with the 308. In fact, IMO, that is exactly where the Chris Arms MPA accels. I’ve fondled that 308 at a local dealer. And the guy behind the counter owns an MPR in 308, for feel/elk hunting as well. Tons of ammonium options, more than the 6.5CM, and much much more than the 6.5 PRC.

And for context, I have a 6.5CM in RPR, and have a 6.5 PRC on the way.
From the hours of research I’ve done, I’d go with the 308. In fact, IMO, that is exactly where the Chris Arms MPA accels. I’ve fondled that 308 at a local dealer. And the guy behind the counter owns an MPR in 308, for feel/elk hunting as well. Tons of ammonium options, more than the 6.5CM, and much much more than the 6.5 PRC.

And for context, I have a 6.5CM in RPR, and have a 6.5 PRC on the way.
Thanks for the reply...Thats what I was kinda thinking...build a really short handy 308...collapsable stock and all that. That will be a great rifle for everything but shooting across Canyons. For the long stuff a lot can be said for calibers like my 300WM. I currently have a SAC 260 with a 22" tube. The rifle shoots phenomenally well but as it sits, it's just to heavy for me to lug around these mountains. There's a big difference in hunting off an ATV and backpacking for a 4-5 day hunt. It all adds up. I'll keep you guys posted on what I order.
Welp Friday was a break in, zeroing and velocity check, Saturday was a confirmation and try to get the upmost accuracy as Friday I was in a very uncomfortable format(shitty rest, position, just plainly uncomfortable). Today was to take it out farther distance 628yds! I really enjoy the accuracy this thing can accomplish if I do my part. Top group is 143g eldx.....not sure what that horrid flyer was about but I doubt it was the rifle, the wind was a fluctuating some buck, idk. Bottom group was a 147 eldm. Both groups were 3 shot.
Cool, IHFarmer07. Still waiting on my barrel... I'm eager to see how far this caliber will reach.
Ya I was wanting to have some load development on this thing by now but it was a little late to get to me, oh well. It came in just in time for deer season and the way it looks is good to at least that range. Anyway, was hoping to shoot a mile with it soon but now finding forester dies in this caliber is all on back order. Hope you can get yours soon to play with.