6 mm GT vs 6x47 Lapau or other maybe 243 Winchester. I see this has been touched on in 6MM vs 6x47 Lapau about 5 years ago.


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
  • Nov 8, 2023
    Poughkeepsie n. y.
    Hello fellow shooters: I have been doing precision shooting for a while and entering into ELR I use a Savage elite 338 LM, an M-24 in 308 Win and a 40-X in 223. The 223 I use more for practice since it costs a fortune to do a lot of shooting with the 338. I want to "round out my lineup with a 6 mm.

    I had initially decided on a 6 MM GT. Spoke to a gunsmith and was just waiting for budgeting before giving the go ahead. Now, I am not so sure that is the right decision. When I compare the G mm GT to the 6X 47 Lapua for instance, I have come up with some doubt about the GT cartridge – not the caliber.

    My problem is the ballistics for the two are very similar power loads are almost identical and produce similar velocity. So, the best reason I can see for the 6 mm GT is possibly economic by using only varget powder. The 6x47 Lapua is a bigger case and leaves the possibility of laddering up a more energetic load.

    So, if anyone can share their opinion with me on which 6 mm is the ideal one to use, I would appreciate it. One thing I have thought of is using the classic 243 Win, with a contoured barrel and accurizing a custom wood stock. That would be nice!
    I am only going to build one and I want it to be right.
    Hello fellow shooters: I have been doing precision shooting for a while and entering into ELR I use a Savage elite 338 LM, an M-24 in 308 Win and a 40-X in 223. The 223 I use more for practice since it costs a fortune to do a lot of shooting with the 338. I want to "round out my lineup with a 6 mm.

    I had initially decided on a 6 MM GT. Spoke to a gunsmith and was just waiting for budgeting before giving the go ahead. Now, I am not so sure that is the right decision. When I compare the G mm GT to the 6X 47 Lapua for instance, I have come up with some doubt about the GT cartridge – not the caliber.

    My problem is the ballistics for the two are very similar power loads are almost identical and produce similar velocity. So, the best reason I can see for the 6 mm GT is possibly economic by using only varget powder. The 6x47 Lapua is a bigger case and leaves the possibility of laddering up a more energetic load.

    So, if anyone can share their opinion with me on which 6 mm is the ideal one to use, I would appreciate it. One thing I have thought of is using the classic 243 Win, with a contoured barrel and accurizing a custom wood stock. That would be nice!
    I am only going to build one and I want it to be right.
    You can never build just one :ROFLMAO:
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    Hello fellow shooters: I have been doing precision shooting for a while and entering into ELR I use a Savage elite 338 LM, an M-24 in 308 Win and a 40-X in 223. The 223 I use more for practice since it costs a fortune to do a lot of shooting with the 338. I want to "round out my lineup with a 6 mm.

    I had initially decided on a 6 MM GT. Spoke to a gunsmith and was just waiting for budgeting before giving the go ahead. Now, I am not so sure that is the right decision. When I compare the G mm GT to the 6X 47 Lapua for instance, I have come up with some doubt about the GT cartridge – not the caliber.

    My problem is the ballistics for the two are very similar power loads are almost identical and produce similar velocity. So, the best reason I can see for the 6 mm GT is possibly economic by using only varget powder. The 6x47 Lapua is a bigger case and leaves the possibility of laddering up a more energetic load.

    So, if anyone can share their opinion with me on which 6 mm is the ideal one to use, I would appreciate it. One thing I have thought of is using the classic 243 Win, with a contoured barrel and accurizing a custom wood stock. That would be nice!
    I am only going to build one and I want it to be right.

    6 GT works well with more than just Varget. Anything between Varget and H4350 will work fine.
    Funnies has no place in shooting. I plan to use it in ELR shooting and for practice along with a 40-X in 223 at my local range which is only 100 yd. I have a 338 Lapau also but I shoot that the least, even with a good brake it still is a little bit of a punch.
    What's your intended goal for shooting? Is this for PRS, just for funnsies?
    P.S. I have a bad feeling that we will be more heavily involved in three potential big time conflicts which will suck up all the brass copper lead and powder. a 155 mm howitzer uses nitrocellulose for propellant ant they use a lot of them. My stockpile won't last using the 338 LM
    I would stay the course and do the 6GT like you are planning. It has good barrel life, and you can buy factory ammo for it. It also uses the same stock mags as 308 uses as well as the same bolt face, so you could always change to a different caliber if you do not like it, like 6.5 Creedmoor.
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    Thank You for your comments they are appreciated:
    What I am dealing with in the first place is I can't see an overwhelming reason for the cartridge to begin with. The
    Load data for the two (6mm GT and 6x47 Lapau) are in my opinion to close to make a good argument for a new cartridge. The one thing the Lapau cartridge has is extra space suggesting the possibility that experimentation with slower burning powder could produce better ballistics.
    It is not a money issue type of choice bt trying t find the best performing 6mm cartridge,
    "find the best performing 6mm cartridge". You need to better define the characteristics of "best" and "for what purpose".
    6BR = accurate, easy to load, quality components available, small case = limited speed, limited powder choices, potentially longer barrel life
    6BRA = 6BR with slightly more speed
    6 Dasher = 6BR with more speed more powder choices
    6GT = works in regular AICS mags, more speed, more powder choices
    6X47 = same as 6GT but potentially harder to find brass (Lapua focused on war ammo now)
    6XC = similar to 6GT but more case capacity, multiple powder choices, support from Tubb on brass and DTACs
    6mm Creedmoor = factory ammo options plus lowest barrel life

    6GT exists as a potentially optimum PRS cartridge that has Hornady support.

    How much barrel life are you willing to trade for speed?
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    If you're considering a "6" in the class of the 6GT and 6x47L, you should certainly consider the 6XC.

    We used it for several years with most excellent results.
    If I still had a life and was shooting comps, I would probably still swing a 6XC because it simply works without drama. That way I only have to worry about stupid shit I do behind the gun.
    if your looking for best performance why are you not looking at 6 creed? I loved my 6.5x47 but brass seems to be harder to find and more expensive.

    I currently shoot dasher, if I was wanting more I would go creed for the available factory ammo, cheaper and more avaialable brass and more likely to be around in 10 years where the 6gt might not.

    If you’re truly concerned about component availability due to global conflicts, which caliber do you think the manufacturers of components will continue to make or at least try? I can assure you the GT and the x47 will stop production way before the creed………. Just some food for thought.
    An argument in favour of 6GT, once you have dies and brass(enough to burn out the barrel) future shortages aren't an issue, just rebarrel to a similar 6mm. As Lapua are bringing out 6GT brass in a few months I don't anticipate issues.
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    I have a couple 6x47L and have no reason to change. Luckily I have a decent stock pile of brass for them. Barrel life has been acceptable and it feeds in AICS mags just like it's supposed to.
    same as above except with 6 creed. I have the stuff, works great and shoots great, why change. I highly recommend it if you may want to shoot factory ammo, as the hornady match and berger stuff shoot great in the saami chambers.
    I'd rather have a dasher or a 6 creed. 6 creed feeds easier and betterer + factory ammo, and the 6 dasher is more economical now that it has factory match grade brass if you can find varget. Just depends on speeds you want. if you want to send the 109s at like 2900 in a long tube, consider dasher or GT. if you want about 3k and a couple hundred rounds less barrel life, I'd recommend 6 creed.
    I never had a 6x47L and now that I've got N555 to try I wouldn't want one but it's also a great option.
    i was told a long time ago to buy the brass and dies that you want first and pick or order the reamer.
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    same as above except with 6 creed. I have the stuff, works great and shoots great, why change. I highly recommend it if you may want to shoot factory ammo, as the hornady match and berger stuff shoot great in the saami chambers.
    I'd rather have a dasher or a 6 creed. 6 creed feeds easier and betterer + factory ammo, and the 6 dasher is more economical now that it has factory match grade brass if you can find varget. Just depends on speeds you want. if you want to send the 109s at like 2900 in a long tube, consider dasher or GT. if you want about 3k and a couple hundred rounds less barrel life, I'd recommend 6 creed.
    I never had a 6x47L and now that I've got N555 to try I wouldn't want one but it's also a great option.
    i was told a long time ago to buy the brass and dies that you want first and pick or order the reamer.
    I use IMR4451 in my 6x47 which I think has helped with barrel life. I think the slower powder slows down the erosion at the throat. The Creedmoor is very close to the Lapua. I know 550 is close on the burn chart, no my chart doesn't have 555 on it.
    n555 appears, based on Vits reloading data, to be much closer to n560 than n550. in book pressures it'll send the 109s to about 3030 in a 26" barrel. I'm assuming I'll get an average 1500-1700 rounds on the barrel keeping it in book values.
    I got a jug to try because it's billed as "the most temperature stable powder in it's class" which is probably all marketing but I'm game to find out.