Hey guys,
I know I'm opening a can of worms with this one... but every forum thread I see talking about 6br variants has people swearing their variant is best without providing any convincing evidence as to why. I've spoke with some good shooters that give some pretty good arguments for both. For those of you that run a 6 BRX or a 6 Dasher, especially if you have personal experience with both, why did you choose what you did?
I am currently running a 22 BR. It shoots lights out and has almost no recoil. Just gets kinda squirrely out past 1000-1100 yards and tough to see my trace/impacts. I'd like to move something just a little more "well rounded" while staying in the br variants. I don't want to run either of the mentioned cartridges super fast. I'd be happy around the 2800 to 2850 range with the 115 dtacs, perhaps a little faster if I choose to run the 105's. I'm willing to fire-form but will probably just buy a hydro-forming die.
The longer I look into this, the more I am beginning to believe that it doesn't matter whether you run the BRA, BRX, Dasher, or even the standard BR. Hopefully you guys will have some good insights to help me find the advantages to one over the other.