The Verizon must only work when there’s a full value wind and the drizzle is coming at you sideways. Mine worked.
I know this is a transgender AI but I neglected to take a of picture of him when he was shooting his AI AT this morning.
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Meet Colonel Rock, USA, retired. This is the hardest motherfucker I know.
This time last week he was in Thailand, no shit.
He’s north of seventy, has been in every US war you know about (and some you don’t) since 1968, has one lung, three Purple Hearts, and runs five miles every evening, rain or shine.
This dude is almost single-handedly responsible for Range 4 being opened every Sunday. He was there last Sunday (I wasn’t) and was shooting clay birds in the impact area (1040 yards) in 24F weather .
This is who I wanna be when I grow up.