Accuracy International Picture Thread

So others don’t run out and buy duct tape, that tape is called gaff or gaffer tape, not duct tape. Sometimes I’ve heard it called grip tape. I think actual permanent-ish duct tape would be a nightmare to remove.

Gaff tape is made for film and photo industry needs. It’s removable, fairly tough, cloth-texture tape and tends to be high quality. Gaffers use it to tape down electrical cables, affix temporary lighting solutions, and do ad-hoc Brazilians on hairy starlets.

Gaffers are the dudes that set up the lighting/electrical on film sets. Grips are the guys who carry and set up most everything, like a roadie.

I installed my new Tactical Scooby Doo Pez dispenser in FDE last week. Super pumped to get into the field today.View attachment 8467421

I got a 3d printed chicken nugget and sauce holder I should take a pic of
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GIGN in Paris for the opening of the Olympics.


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0 suppressors due to budget cuts or what
Not the same philosophy. They are mainly here as observers. Most of their colleagues are in the streets dressed up as civilians. They would only engage as a last resort and in this case a suppressor isn't needed. People would surely notice the supersonic crack and the VIPs being extracted.
Not the same philosophy. They are mainly here as observers. Most of their colleagues are in the streets dressed up as civilians. They would only engage as a last resort and in this case a suppressor isn't needed. People would surely notice the supersonic crack and the VIPs being extracted.

I can't think of a single reason why I wouldn't want a can on.....
I can't think of a single reason why I wouldn't want a can on.....

Well, if you plan on surrendering anyway it just gives you a heavier gun to lug around until it is time to hand it over.

There are Germans in the Olympics right now. Maybe one has a funny mustache and the French are getting all weak in the knees about the chance to surrender again.
Well, if you plan on surrendering anyway it just gives you a heavier gun to lug around until it is time to hand it over.

There are Germans in the Olympics right now. Maybe one has a funny mustache and the French are getting all weak in the knees about the chance to surrender again.

Offf good point... As an a real American...surrender just isn't anywhere in my mind lol
I can't think of a single reason why I wouldn't want a can on.....
That's the american way of thinking. If you don't see a reason why you wouldn't want it then you want to have it even though you don't get any measurable benefit from having it. 😜

Jokes aside, I can see one reason why you wouldn't want one : cold bore shots. Chambers are empty when shooting cold bore and they are full of hot gas for the subsequent shots. While this can be debatable some believe that the velocity difference from cold bore to hot bore is greater when shooting suppressed.

I too love shooting with a can which is greatly encouraged in France but I have never seen "cops" using them, only military personnel.
That's the american way of thinking. If you don't see a reason why you wouldn't want it then you want to have it even though you don't get any measurable benefit from having it. 😜

Jokes aside, I can see one reason why you wouldn't want one : cold bore shots. Chambers are empty when shooting cold bore and they are full of hot gas for the subsequent shots. While this can be debatable some believe that the velocity difference from cold bore to hot bore is greater when shooting suppressed.

I too love shooting with a can which is greatly encouraged in France but I have never seen "cops" using them, only military personnel.

Of course. This is why we shot the British when they tried to take the cannons away from a bunch of farmers. They didn't need cannons, until the Brits tried to take them. Then they shot them because it's what Americans do when someone tries to steal their guns.

Thanks again for your country's help in that little affair, by the way. Most convenient, I must say.
That's the american way of thinking. If you don't see a reason why you wouldn't want it then you want to have it even though you don't get any measurable benefit from having it. 😜

Jokes aside, I can see one reason why you wouldn't want one : cold bore shots. Chambers are empty when shooting cold bore and they are full of hot gas for the subsequent shots. While this can be debatable some believe that the velocity difference from cold bore to hot bore is greater when shooting suppressed.

I too love shooting with a can which is greatly encouraged in France but I have never seen "cops" using them, only military personnel.

Uh yea gonna have to call bs on the cold bore shot with a properly made can argument...
Well, if you plan on surrendering anyway it just gives you a heavier gun to lug around until it is time to hand it over.

There are Germans in the Olympics right now. Maybe one has a funny mustache and the French are getting all weak in the knees about the chance to surrender again.
For the surrendering part you might know that France didn't really surrender. French were pissed off at the politicians for their lack of well everything. Prime minister at the time was forced to resign and General Petain who was pretty well liked became prime Minister and formed his government. It was pretty much a coup supported by a big portion of the people.
A lot of french had the same issues the germans had at the time and saw Hitler single handedly restore german economy and got the country back on its feet. They were more hostile towards french politians than they were towards the germans...
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Of course. This is why we shot the British when they tried to take the cannons away from a bunch of farmers. They didn't need cannons, until the Brits tried to take them. Then they shot them because it's what Americans do when someone tries to steal their guns.

Thanks again for your country's help in that little affair, by the way. Most convenient, I must say.
Same happened to Napoleon during the war against the Prussians. He almost got kicked out by french farmers because he needed their canons for support on the frontline. Well, they said no. :ROFLMAO:

But you can have the canon at home and just take a knife to a fist fight. Lighter to carry I guess :ROFLMAO:
For the surrendering part you might know that France didn't really surrender. French were pissed off at the politicians for their lack of well everything. Prime minister at the time was forced to resign and General Petain who was pretty well liked became prime Minister and formed his government. It was pretty much a coup supported by a big portion of the people.
A lot of french had the same issues the germans had at the time and saw Hitler single handedly restore german economy and got the country back on its feet. They were more hostile towards french politians than they were towards the germans...
Vichy apologist in 2024, nice.
For the surrendering part you might know that France didn't really surrender. French were pissed off at the politicians for their lack of well everything. Prime minister at the time was forced to resign and General Petain who was pretty well liked became prime Minister and formed his government. It was pretty much a coup supported by a big portion of the people.
A lot of french had the same issues the germans had at the time and saw Hitler single handedly restore german economy and got the country back on its feet. They were more hostile towards french politians than they were towards the germans...
WTF. . .


Vichy apologist in 2024, nice.
Not a Vichy apologist. It's just that many people start this story in 1940-1941 as if nothing happened before.
If you want to truly understand what happened you have to understand the french sentiment at that time and get the full picture.

For the french people it all started in 1914 when the germans invaded France. There were a massive draft at the beginning of the War and dudes were sent in trenches wearing red pants and hat with a dark blue coat. Our doctrine at the time was way behind Germany's, we were stuck in Napoleonic doctrines.
The conscripts were ordered to get out of the trenches with their Lebel in hand and run on open terrain in front of machine gunners all the way to ennemy trenches. If they managed to get there they had to clean them up using their bayonet. Joined a picture of the average french infentryman at the start of WW1. Best close quarter tactical set up you have ever seen, I know.

French government also introduced a temporary tax that same year to help with the war effort. It was called the "income tax" (yep, still there in case you wondered).
Well, during these 4 years we lost 1'397'800 soldiers and we also had 4'266'000 wounded soldiers and I'm not even counting the civilian casualties.
Said like that it doesn't sound like much but just to put that into perspective it would be equivalent to the US loosing 11,7M soldiers (the US has lost less than 650k soldiers since its creation in 1776) and having 35,9M more wounded at today's populaltion.
It was the biggest massacre to known history at that time and the french got the most of it.

Just take my family name : AILLAUD
It's one of the least common french names with 1673 people born in France since 1890.
Yet 59 guys named AILLAUD died in combat (all in my region) during WW1. It's basically the tribute my enlarged family paid.

Now bear in mind, when WW2 broke the french guys in age to be drafted all grew up during the aftermath of that war. Not a single family got spared. They grew up seeing dudes like that everyday :

And you know what these kids also grew up to ? The french government telling them NEVER AGAIN. Nothing is worth such devastation.

Now we can move to 1939 when Germany invaded Poland after a few years of unsuccessful negociations over the corridor of Dantzig.
- French population : "Sounds like a you problem. Good luck with that"
- French government : "You remember when we were telling you NEVER AGAIN, well. We've just declared war to Germany with the Brits. But don't worry we have a plan".

Needless to say it didn't work as planned. We got flanked. The British troops were ordered to retreat and french troops were ordered to leave their positions to cover the British retreat. The french generals were so confident in their plan that these morons didn't even bothered preparing defensive lines behind the maginot line. Some even think that it was done on purpose but we won't go there.

French people : "Well, well, well, now that these damn brits returned to their floating piece of shit called UK and the german army is rushing to Paris what do we do ?"

"French government has left the chat..."

Petain took over and signed the armistice with the germans thinking he could negociate something, which was the only thing he could have done at that time given the mess he got to deal with. He got fucked over.

I know some Americans think that they would have fought to the last one and never signed anything but, really ? Look at the average Joes around you, look at your politicians, most of them are only interested in the number of digits showing on their bank statment (like everywhere else).


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Who has good photos of the L96A1, the PM, etc? I've had an unusually difficult time getting some nice, quality and high resolution photos of it. With how few examples still exist, its expected but, none-the-less, frustrating. I came across this photo through Imgur by pure chance, along with just a couple others that seem to be in the hands of private owners.

Was there a "civilian" target rifle model of the L96A1 that existed and made its way into a few customer hands @tomirwin ? What was the rifle that started with the prefix "ABL" in the serial number?


I'm unsure of which rifle this is below, as it looks transitional between the PM style and AW style, noting the magazine cutout to more easily pull and change it.


L96A1 Cased.jpg

I am new to the forum and this is why! :) My pride and joy, 2012 AW briefly clad in borrowed Arken awaiting either S&B, Steiner or Kahles..choices choices! 😁
Shoots as good as I hoped out to 850yds so far, only had 100 or so Ruag 168gn & 176gn through and seems to prefer 176gn.

Any advice on where to start with home loads or suitable .308's to feed it is welcome! (still not 100% on if the 7.62x51 really is ok with .308, even though the AIAW manual mentions ballistic data from tests with .308 168gn Match?..)
Thanks for the great forum gents, been very helpful so far(y)
View attachment 8467936
I am new to the forum and this is why! :) My pride and joy, 2012 AW briefly clad in borrowed Arken awaiting either S&B, Steiner or Kahles..choices choices! 😁
Shoots as good as I hoped out to 850yds so far, only had 100 or so Ruag 168gn & 176gn through and seems to prefer 176gn.

Any advice on where to start with home loads or suitable .308's to feed it is welcome! (still not 100% on if the 7.62x51 really is ok with .308, even though the AIAW manual mentions ballistic data from tests with .308 168gn Match?..)
Thanks for the great forum gents, been very helpful so far(y)
308 is fine in a 7.62x51. There is whole 308 load data thread in the reloading section. Hard to go wrong with varget and 175 smk.
View attachment 8467936
I am new to the forum and this is why! :) My pride and joy, 2012 AW briefly clad in borrowed Arken awaiting either S&B, Steiner or Kahles..choices choices! 😁
Shoots as good as I hoped out to 850yds so far, only had 100 or so Ruag 168gn & 176gn through and seems to prefer 176gn.

Any advice on where to start with home loads or suitable .308's to feed it is welcome! (still not 100% on if the 7.62x51 really is ok with .308, even though the AIAW manual mentions ballistic data from tests with .308 168gn Match?..)
Thanks for the great forum gents, been very helpful so far(y)

This is not going to be the perfect load, but it will be very good and will run in anything.


I’ve been getting some trade offers on my ATX. I prefer to do a gun swap but have had offers to swap chassis. ATX chassis to a thumbhole AT chassis

Is there someone who bonds these or is it a simple process to bond myself?

I’m leaning towards a entire gun swap but curious what just swapping the chassis would bring

I’ve been getting some trade offers on my ATX. I prefer to do a gun swap but have had offers to swap chassis. ATX chassis to a thumbhole AT chassis

Is there someone who bonds these or is it a simple process to bond myself?

I’m leaning towards a entire gun swap but curious what just swapping the chassis would bring

Takes me like 30 min with prep it ain't rocket science..... However if I was on the fence it 100% ain't worth the hassle imo
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View attachment 8468056

Appropriate time to bring this goodie back up lol
Never saw that one.

I actually asked Frank why the 168 SMK did poorly when it reached transonic, was it density altitude we have on the east coast? He said it's the boat tail design of the 168 SMK.
Black has been more accurate for me in my “trainer” 308 barrel than fgmm168
Standard 1:12 Lothar Walther barrel?

I haven't found much of any 168gr that works. I've gone full 175gr FGMM and that's produced the best groups, except one freak day where a box of Hornady TAP ELD Precision 168gr worked well. Then every other box shot 4MOA.