Re: Ahhh....Osprey greatness!
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: pfcustom</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: cal50</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: pfcustom</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> my examiner tells me that is people like cal50 didn't call up there every frikkin week they could get more work done. </div></div>
Well, the next time you call, ask your examiner if your calls help her get any work done on your or any the other forms she is trying to work thru. I know of one examiner several years ago that unless it was a very legitimate question she would find the callers form and put it on the bottom of the pile.
It is the same in my shop, when the phone rings, a customer wants to know if his gun is ready, I have to stop working on, possibly his or another customers gun to tell him that if we have not called his gun is not ready. Do this 10-12 times a day at about 5 minutes per call...I've lost a hour.
But you jokers think you are the only one and that the NFA examiners are just sitting around doing nothing. Maybe 10 years ago, when NFA was still down in DC. But not the guys and girls at NFA now. Ken Houchins set up a great program that the Branch Chiefs that have followed have carried on and have improved on. Come to Knob Creek or one of the SAR shows and actually talk to the folks from the NFA or FTB branches...they can politely tell you what a PITA people like you really are.
Thus it slows down transfers for all of us.
Keep laughing, I don't see a damn thing funny about it.
Just my 2 cents... </div></div>
The people who answer the phones are not examiners
They do not pull your paperwork and put it at the bottom, that would take more time then approving it as there are 11 examiners to do all that paperwork. They see nearly 65,000 forms a year.
You need to relax!