Facts are facts man, take a hard look at the facts..
I believe in fact you are asking us to believe in conjecture.
1993, 1996, and 2014 present Sleds evidence, dont push past a point, dont end up dead, win, exonerated (93 & 14), 96 no one died by .gov excess. The Constitutional system held and won. That is undeniable and not conjecture.
94 and 2016 dead and (94 - lost in court ), 16, yet to be determined. Fat lady hasn't sung yet.
And, in the cases DS brings up, his point of view, no justice bc ppl tax $ paid the settlements,
The middle ground, .GOV LOST !!!!!
the people know it, and cynically, that's just the cost of doing business in a free country versus a totalitarian country, the free people still win but pay, versus hello dead or hello camp...
And the other SIDE... HC n crew, gotta put those deplorables away, by any means, death n camps. So far, we ain't there. AJ knows US isnt CentAm.... AJ knows some facts...