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Anniversary of burning little kids to death

I didn’t trust my gov growing up watching these events on the news and reading up on things like mk ultra etc, but then gave them the chance to prove me wrong in the mil. They taught me to kick in doors and set up roadblocks. Then they put me to work. Then I get out in time to see a man that wasn’t even born in America become president, followed by “the rightwing radicalization report” were combat vets, 2A supporters, constitutionalists, evangelical Christians, preppers, and virtually anyone that should consider them self’s true Americans are people that should be “watched more intently” for potential domestic terrorism. Now I watch video of police setting up a roadblock around a curve and murdering a unarmed guy walking through the snow.. I read of cops executing a no knock warrant on a kids birthday party because someone lived there 4 years ago. I watch video of a cop murdering a unarmed drunk shirtless guy on his knees after yelling orders a sober person that’s never stared down a barrel couldn’t even follow. I read up on a no knock were cops kill the guy the woman and the dog all based off fabricated evidence. I have lived long enough to see cops take guns with no warrant and no due process. I’ve watched the Brady ban come and go. I’ve kicked doors in. I’ve set up road blocks. I am sad to say I was wearing a uniform while guns were being taken away from Americans in Katrina. I’ve read about cops no knocking and taking kids from parents that have committed no crime.. and then I read comments on here suggesting davidians shoulda sent their kids out? The gov has proven time and time again they can’t be trusted.. the FAMILIES in that compound were under seige. Who in their right mind would hand their kids over to any entity that puts them under seige? So how many innocent kids and/or civilians is it ok to murder to get one guy that comes into town all the time? Why would any rational person think they should send their kids out when the oppressers that have them surrounded take shots at anyone at the door? It really saddens me how many people on here are trying to support the gov or deflect with “oh that one guy was a child molester so let’s kill everyone especially his victims” or “randy turned himself in and won even though he lost his son and wife so why didn’t Dave?”. Some claim that davidians are on recording implying they set the fire.. reminds me of hearing a certain owner say something about tower 7 that comes down even though it wasn’t hit by any plane.. and okc? To many witnesses seeing people with mc scapegoat to believe the gov version.. and that guy with chemicals he thought were explosives in his underwear on a airplane? How did he get on a airplane without ID? And how many people saw him with a “handler” waiting to get on the plane? Are you nieave enough to believe that the gov will let you Leo’s keep your guns after you help the gov take em from Americans? When did America die? Or are we on life support?
Until it's your HOME.
You've made a choice,
Drawn a line in the sand,
Said, not one inch further,
My home, our way of life, our choice

The adults made a choice, for them AND their families, we go together.

The message they and others have left through history caused changes, educated others, and shined a light for others to see.

What you get from it may not be what somebody else gets. History repeats itself, over and over and over.
Man always has a choice, live free, resist slavery, die for a principle, your way of life.
Live in a herd, get fat n dumb, and herded into a chute...
Either way, same ending, it's how you choose to engrave that dash between the dates.
Your home, your choice.

Your children go with you, or your children get raised by what you hated and stood against. Your choice.

Perspective is where your feet are when it happens.
Reflection comes later, sometimes too late.

Second guessing another's line in the sand is futile.... it was their choice, and every man makes his own. If hes right, hes a hero, wrong, hes demonized. 100 years later the herded dont give a damn. The thinking man makes hard choices.


Sorry...I haven't read the whole thread yet. I simply got here and said, "Let it be so! Amen!"
You win the Orson today. Well said indeed.
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I didn’t trust my gov growing up watching these events on the news and reading up on things like mk ultra etc, but then gave them the chance to prove me wrong in the mil. They taught me to kick in doors and set up roadblocks. Then they put me to work. Then I get out in time to see a man that wasn’t even born in America become president, followed by “the rightwing radicalization report” were combat vets, 2A supporters, constitutionalists, evangelical Christians, preppers, and virtually anyone that should consider them self’s true Americans are people that should be “watched more intently” for potential domestic terrorism. Now I watch video of police setting up a roadblock around a curve and murdering a unarmed guy walking through the snow.. I read of cops executing a no knock warrant on a kids birthday party because someone lived there 4 years ago. I watch video of a cop murdering a unarmed drunk shirtless guy on his knees after yelling orders a sober person that’s never stared down a barrel couldn’t even follow. I read up on a no knock were cops kill the guy the woman and the dog all based off fabricated evidence. I have lived long enough to see cops take guns with no warrant and no due process. I’ve watched the Brady ban come and go. I’ve kicked doors in. I’ve set up road blocks. I am sad to say I was wearing a uniform while guns were being taken away from Americans in Katrina. I’ve read about cops no knocking and taking kids from parents that have committed no crime.. and then I read comments on here suggesting davidians shoulda sent their kids out? The gov has proven time and time again they can’t be trusted.. the FAMILIES in that compound were under seige. Who in their right mind would hand their kids over to any entity that puts them under seige? So how many innocent kids and/or civilians is it ok to murder to get one guy that comes into town all the time? Why would any rational person think they should send their kids out when the oppressers that have them surrounded take shots at anyone at the door? It really saddens me how many people on here are trying to support the gov or deflect with “oh that one guy was a child molester so let’s kill everyone especially his victims” or “randy turned himself in and won even though he lost his son and wife so why didn’t Dave?”. Some claim that davidians are on recording implying they set the fire.. reminds me of hearing a certain owner say something about tower 7 that comes down even though it wasn’t hit by any plane.. and okc? To many witnesses seeing people with mc scapegoat to believe the gov version.. and that guy with chemicals he thought were explosives in his underwear on a airplane? How did he get on a airplane without ID? And how many people saw him with a “handler” waiting to get on the plane? Are you nieave enough to believe that the gov will let you Leo’s keep your guns after you help the gov take em from Americans? When did America die? Or are we on life support?

The Great Wall.....
Of text.
I bet there is some good stuff here, but it hurts my head to read it.
We ain’t on life support,,, they watch us because we are what will stop them,,, we hold the key not them, that key is in the lock and turning.

I didn’t trust my gov growing up watching these events on the news and reading up on things like mk ultra etc, but then gave them the chance to prove me wrong in the mil. They taught me to kick in doors and set up roadblocks. Then they put me to work. Then I get out in time to see a man that wasn’t even born in America become president, followed by “the rightwing radicalization report” were combat vets, 2A supporters, constitutionalists, evangelical Christians, preppers, and virtually anyone that should consider them self’s true Americans are people that should be “watched more intently” for potential domestic terrorism. Now I watch video of police setting up a roadblock around a curve and murdering a unarmed guy walking through the snow.. I read of cops executing a no knock warrant on a kids birthday party because someone lived there 4 years ago. I watch video of a cop murdering a unarmed drunk shirtless guy on his knees after yelling orders a sober person that’s never stared down a barrel couldn’t even follow. I read up on a no knock were cops kill the guy the woman and the dog all based off fabricated evidence. I have lived long enough to see cops take guns with no warrant and no due process. I’ve watched the Brady ban come and go. I’ve kicked doors in. I’ve set up road blocks. I am sad to say I was wearing a uniform while guns were being taken away from Americans in Katrina. I’ve read about cops no knocking and taking kids from parents that have committed no crime.. and then I read comments on here suggesting davidians shoulda sent their kids out? The gov has proven time and time again they can’t be trusted.. the FAMILIES in that compound were under seige. Who in their right mind would hand their kids over to any entity that puts them under seige? So how many innocent kids and/or civilians is it ok to murder to get one guy that comes into town all the time? Why would any rational person think they should send their kids out when the oppressers that have them surrounded take shots at anyone at the door? It really saddens me how many people on here are trying to support the gov or deflect with “oh that one guy was a child molester so let’s kill everyone especially his victims” or “randy turned himself in and won even though he lost his son and wife so why didn’t Dave?”. Some claim that davidians are on recording implying they set the fire.. reminds me of hearing a certain owner say something about tower 7 that comes down even though it wasn’t hit by any plane.. and okc? To many witnesses seeing people with mc scapegoat to believe the gov version.. and that guy with chemicals he thought were explosives in his underwear on a airplane? How did he get on a airplane without ID? And how many people saw him with a “handler” waiting to get on the plane? Are you nieave enough to believe that the gov will let you Leo’s keep your guns after you help the gov take em from Americans? When did America die? Or are we on life support?
Initially the public narrative started as accusations that Koresh was molesting children. In a few days it changed to accusing the cult members of possessing automatic weapons. My impression, then, was that they were searching for the story that would ally the public with the FBI. MSM carried it dutifully. Sound familiar?
I'm also not forgetting the Oklahoma City bombing, with Timothy McVeigh's brand of Forrest Carter's book "Gone to Texas."

But Reno's biggest blunder on the Waco assault ---- imo --- was by staging the attack on a gusty windy day...that fueled the flames like a wildfire on the compound.
When did America die? Or are we on life support?

It certainly took a fatal hit on Nov. 22 1963.
lincoln and fdr started festering cancers also
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Initially the public narrative started as accusations that Koresh was molesting children. In a few days it changed to accusing the cult members of possessing automatic weapons. My impression, then, was that they were searching for the story that would ally the public with the FBI. MSM carried it dutifully. Sound familiar?
Unbelievable the lengths people will go to, to not admit Koresh was a child molestor, because they are pissed about what the government did. The freakin Branch Davidians themselves have stated Koresh took 11 and 12 year old brides. Just because the government screwed the pooch on this, does not make him a saint.
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Unbelievable the lengths people will go to, to not admit Koresh was a child molestor, because they are pissed about what the government did. The freakin Branch Davidians themselves have stated Koresh took 11 and 12 year old brides. Just because the government screwed the pooch on this, does not make him a saint.
No it does not, but nor does being a fucking sledge hammer vs a ice pick either. Hey he's a molester so lets just kill everyone inside because if your in the smoke you must condone what he's doing.
It certainly took a fatal hit on Nov. 22 1963.
lincoln and fdr started festering cancers also

Totally agree and add LBJ but Dont forget Wilson. Im convinced Woodrow was the point of no return. Revenue Act-> Income tax, The Fed, WWI debt, League of Nations, the Anti-Defamation League, etc etc.. Wrong thread for this but if you look up who funded his campaign and even blackmailed him into the ADL it answers a lot of questions.
Because Private Weapons Prohibition – That’s Why. (BPWPTH)
The racket, in simplest terms:

We, the government, have no duty to protect you

Notwithstanding that fact, we insist on removing your ability to lawfully own and use the most efficient tools yet devised for personal protection from all lethal threats

If you fail to comply with our laws, we will kill you

Any questions?

Everyone should, and I believe is, letting this sink in and take root.
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Courtesy of old Billy.

Some play their parts better than others. Some fail, but everyone plays a part.
Some eat the bear, some the bear eats.
D.O.B ----- D.O.D , The blank dash says it all. What's yours gonna say.....
If they read the words you write here over you as a farewell, is it what you want said, and your final tribute ?
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Unbelievable the lengths people will go to, to not admit Koresh was a child molestor, because they are pissed about what the government did. The freakin Branch Davidians themselves have stated Koresh took 11 and 12 year old brides. Just because the government screwed the pooch on this, does not make him a saint.
What does it matter? If one innocent till PROVEN guilty man that has already been shot at on his property, his home, refuses to come out of his home... how many people is it ok to kill to get that one big bad ACCUSED man. How often do you violate someone’s RIGHT of innocent till proven guilty? Are you current Leo or retired Leo? Were will your kids be when your accused?
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The same people alleging him a child molestor just finished a two yer attempt at a coup, thinking or pretending to think Donald Trump is a Russian spy... sorry, if I dont see the credible evidence in a court of law you should stop using statist accusations to justify statist thuggery and murder of children.

What’s really unbelievable is the lengths and mental gymnastics an otherwise smart fella will go through to make himself feel better about a murderous government agency, that he might or might not feel some affiliation with.

Unbelievable the lengths people will go to, to not admit Koresh was a child molestor, because they are pissed about what the government did. The freakin Branch Davidians themselves have stated Koresh took 11 and 12 year old brides. Just because the government screwed the pooch on this, does not make him a saint.
Unbelievable the lengths people will go to, to not admit Koresh was a child molestor, because they are pissed about what the government did. The freakin Branch Davidians themselves have stated Koresh took 11 and 12 year old brides. Just because the government screwed the pooch on this, does not make him a saint.
Unbelievable how many people won’t acknowledge the gov murders citizens on a routine basis..
What does it matter? If one innocent till PROVEN guilty man that has already been shot at on his property, his home, refuses to come out of his home... how many people is it ok to kill to get that one big bad ACCUSED man. How often do you violate someone’s RIGHT of innocent till proven guilty? Are you current Leo or retired Leo? Were will your kids be when your accused?
Straw man argument.... I've already said multiple times the government was wrong here. My point is, that doesn't make Koresh right. Seems to be a concept some have a hard time grasping.
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The same people alleging him a child molestor just finished a two yer attempt at a coup, thinking or pretending to think Donald Trump is a Russian spy... sorry, if I dont see the credible evidence in a court of law you should stop using statist accusations to justify statist thuggery and murder of children.

What’s really unbelievable is the lengths and mental gymnastics an otherwise smart fella will go through to make himself feel better about a murderous government agency, that he might or might not feel some affiliation with.
The surviving Branch Davidians just engaged in a coup attempt??? And again.... and I'll type this slower this time..... "I'm not absolving the government of any of their wrongdoing".... It is a little surprising that a child rapist would be so heavily defended on a site like this. Maybe it's not what I thought it was....
It appears to me that ultimately, our way of life is doomed. The higher ups like Pelosi know all they have to do is be patient and wait.


Demographic change in the US. See the charts in the link below.

Even in 1991 some 5-10% of the population was involved in agriculture, vow its about 2%. The farm/ranch, and rural population is shrinking and the urban/city population is growing. Thats not conjecture, its fact. See the chart.

As the population shifts to city, they voluntarily give up more freedoms and self government. There is less immediate need or justification for firearms with a "Call the police mentality." Less able to feed and fend for themselves they turn more and more to the gub'mint for everything.

Thank big companies like Monsanto and the politicians they can afford.

Employment in Agriculture - Our World in Data https://ourworldindata.org/employment-in-agriculture
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What does it matter? If one innocent till PROVEN guilty man that has already been shot at on his property, his home, refuses to come out of his home... how many people is it ok to kill to get that one big bad ACCUSED man. How often do you violate someone’s RIGHT of innocent till proven guilty? Are you current Leo or retired Leo? Were will your kids be when your accused?
Retired almost 20 years. Policed 3 decades, all of it on the street and not in some office, without ever a sniff of a lawsuit for violating anyone's rights. And if I were accused of something and was going to stand off with some 3 letter agency, you can bet my kids would not be in the same house. But that's just me...

Vernon Howell was a man obsessed. Obsessed with a book of words that said the end would be fire, but he wanted to push his own obsessed version of the end. He got what the book promised, fire and ignonomy, not the messianic end he wanted. Karma is a bitch....

Vernon had a vision.... took a wrong turn.... he perverted the very word he professed to be, failed one of that words commands, render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasars...

Now, there was a man, Nelson Mandela. He had a vision. He rendered himself to Ceasar, went to prison, all which helped destroy the Ceasar that put him in prison, and Mandela was then Ceasar, until he chose to step down.

If Vernon had a scintilla of the sense Nelson had, things could and would have been different. Vernon pissed away an opportunity to hold .gov to constitutional standards, instead, died by .gov excess.

Nobody is carrying on Vernons ideas or ideals. Kinda funny though, Vernons fiery end made him a torch to light up .gov evil, so, he did serve one useful purpose.
Even funnier, .gov shined light on themselves, fucked themself.. their play sucked on the stage. Old Billy was a sage.

Vernon and Janet were idiots.


Win a battle, lose the war.

Lose a battle, win the war.

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Retired almost 20 years. Policed 3 decades, all of it on the street and not in some office, without ever a sniff of a lawsuit for violating anyone's rights. And if I were accused of something and was going to stand off with some 3 letter agency, you can bet my kids would not be in the same house. But that's just me...
Thank you for your service. Thanks for not getting too defensive. I kicked in doors for my service. All so we would still have the right of innocent till proven guilty. I see enough to assume he is a child molester, however rapist is a pretty big jump. If they would have assasinnated him instead of attacking a compound would you still have had okc bombing?
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So what you are saying is 2% of the population who are pretty conservative can starve 98% of the population to death if they start any shit...

FUCK NO!!!!!

The 2% family/people owned farms dont mean shit, compared to the big business farms that produce 99% of the food sold to .public.

That isnt his point.
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Thank you for your service. Thanks for not getting too defensive. I kicked in doors for my service. All so we would still have the right of innocent till proven guilty. I see enough to assume he is a child molester, however rapist is a pretty big jump. If they would have assasinnated him instead of attacking a compound would you still have had okc bombing?
I don't get defensive and don't take differing opinions personally. It's all just academic discussion, and that's how we learn. Rapist is just a term... children cannot give consent. If child molestor is a preferred term, I'm good with that. The whole innocent until proven guilty concept is not really in play here. No one is proven guilty before they are arrested for something. Koresh had his shot at a trial, and declined. All he had to do is call up his local Sheriff, who by all accounts he was friendly with, and say I want to give up to you in front of cameras. As for the Oklahoma City bombing, who can say. Someone that wants to be pissed off about something will always find a reason.
"Someone that wants to be pissed off about something will always find a reason" .

This is worth repeating, and the underlying principle of many a downfall.
Those the gods intend to destroy, they first make angry.
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Now, there was a man, Nelson Mandela. He had a vision. He rendered himself to Ceasar, went to prison, all which helped destroy the Ceasar that put him in prison, and Mandela was then Ceasar, until he chose to step down.

Nelson Mandela didn't "render unto Caesar" he was a murdering terrorist who was arrested and sent to jail for his crimes.
His wife and friends continued their "peace loving" string of murders, robberies & thuggery.
He got released for political reasons once the government surrendered the fight to the enemy thanks to external pressure & stupidity.
Thank you for your service. Thanks for not getting too defensive. I kicked in doors for my service. All so we would still have the right of innocent till proven guilty. I see enough to assume he is a child molester, however rapist is a pretty big jump. If they would have assasinnated him instead of attacking a compound would you still have had okc bombing?

If you fuck a 12 year its rape. Unless of course, you are part of the Moab sect....
Nelson Mandela didn't "render unto Caesar" he was a murdering terrorist who was arrested and sent to jail for his crimes.
His wife and friends continued their "peace loving" string of murders, robberies & thuggery.
He got released for political reasons once the government surrendered the fight to the enemy thanks to external pressure & stupidity.

He is one fuck who is most certainly in a high temperature area now.

He and his wife should have been executed with extreme prejudice before one of the greatest whitewashes of facts was committed.
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FUCK NO!!!!!

The 2% family/people owned farms dont mean shit, compared to the big business farms that produce 99% of the food sold to .public.

That isnt his point.

Of that 2% maybe 00.05% is actually family farms. They just cant compete against the multi national corporations who can buy 1,000,000 pounds of seed or fertilizer for a fraction of what Farmer Brown can get it for.
If you fuck a 12 year its rape. Unless of course, you are part of the Moab sect....

Or unless youre a member of a primitive tribe that lives by "Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed." Maybe they breed young because the life expectancy is only 30? Some times its in morays and customs.

Im not justifying rape, especially of a 12 year old.
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FUCK NO!!!!!

The 2% family/people owned farms dont mean shit, compared to the big business farms that produce 99% of the food sold to .public.

That isnt his point.
If you fuck a 12 year its rape. Unless of course, you are part of the Moab sect....
in that case it makes total sense to kill all the victims with the accused... better yet just pull back and drop a bomb. It probably woulda been cheaper and definitely more humane.
You have claims of child molestation,,, after the event,,,,, on a scale of justice, that should have been what the warrant should have been written for not some shaky ATF charge..

The accusation (without actual evidence),, is irrelevant and is being used as a red herring by you to equivocate the burning murder of 80 innocent Americans in their own home by a government agency... you can say you dont like this agency or that agency all you want but your words tell a different story here, you are trying to equivocate what the ATF/FBI did to those people by saying the nut job was a molester... plain and simple you are arguing on behalf of the people that burned 80 people to death.

Now you are saying Koresh had his shot at a trial,,, but he didn't go to court or whatever you do,,, yet he met with the sheriff and walked about town regularly,,, I would say the Law had their shot at arresting him without incident many many times. but chose a path of murderous destruction more than once in this horrific sequence of events. I know Waco pretty well, I gotta say if the sheriff had info on molestation charges its likely Koresh would have never made it to jail in these days, he would have disappeared. The people in Waco dont fuck around, neither do the cops, or Sheriffs, even today.

I don't get defensive and don't take differing opinions personally. It's all just academic discussion, and that's how we learn. Rapist is just a term... children cannot give consent. If child molestor is a preferred term, I'm good with that. The whole innocent until proven guilty concept is not really in play here. No one is proven guilty before they are arrested for something. Koresh had his shot at a trial, and declined. All he had to do is call up his local Sheriff, who by all accounts he was friendly with, and say I want to give up to you in front of cameras. As for the Oklahoma City bombing, who can say. Someone that wants to be pissed off about something will always find a reason.

If you fuck a 12 year its rape. Unless of course, you are part of the Moab sect....
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in that case it makes total sense to kill all the victims with the accused... better yet just pull back and drop a bomb. It probably woulda been cheaper and definitely more humane.

1) ? No it doesn't make sense. It was wrong what .gov did at Waco.

2) Koresh was a psycho piece of shit. Should have been a man, walked outside and took his medicine.
Youre wrong, Im correct, because it was just a random number to illustrate a point. Could have been a million tons.

Try to buy it near OKC.
Most of the people that are raising crops are family farms. And by most I mean nearly all.

Most livestock are raised by family farms. A lot of poultry and pigs are owned by big processors.

And yeah you can't buy ammonium nitrate anymore. You can buy liquid nitrogen , potash, dap, map etc all day in as many pounds as you want.
Most of the people that are raising crops are family farms. And by most I mean nearly all.

Most livestock are raised by family farms. A lot of poultry and pigs are owned by big processors.

And yeah you can't buy ammonium nitrate anymore. You can buy liquid nitrogen , potash, dap, map etc all day in as many pounds as you want.

Perhaps where you are they are family farms but much of the agriculture is done my huge corps.

Around here theyre using recycled human waste. It smells awful and I cant imagine what all the poisons and pharmaceuticals that get dumped into the sewers are doing to the crops.
its that way on Europe and most of the rest of the world,,, its a sign we are becoming poorer and dumber,,,

Perhaps where you are they are family farms but much of the agriculture is done my huge corps.

Around here theyre using recycled human waste. It smells awful and I cant imagine what all the poisons and pharmaceuticals that get dumped into the sewers are doing to the crops.
Perhaps where you are they are family farms but much of the agriculture is done my huge corps.

Around here theyre using recycled human waste. It smells awful and I cant imagine what all the poisons and pharmaceuticals that get dumped into the sewers are doing to the crops.
I'd like to see these huge corp farms. I'm sure there is a family that started and runs it.

And what do you want to do with human waste? It's fertilizer.
And where do you think the "city water" comes from.

While we are talking about it search for "sewage spills". Every time we get a half inch of rain or more waste treatment plants from sea to sea in North America dump billions of gallons of raw sewage into the water ways
I'll bet those singing .gov praises, or the Branch leadership should have done XXX to prevent YYY would be singing a different tune if that were their children or grandchildren. LE at all levels should be smarter than what happened,.....but when your only a sledge hammer in military rags, or with or operating military gear, the blinders are on,....