Lets see how this goes.
I think a little personal background on how I came to read her is in order, and will explain the thread a bit.
I had see memes with her quotes here and there over the years, spent the 10sec to read them and thought, yup. Then I joined here a bit ago. Originally wanted to do the long range thing, but a standby generator took that money and now I am thinking I am really too old for any real game. At one time I did quite a few games, but I just can't move like I once did, I tried bowling pins but that was just a bore, so now just shoot out back, and the odd starling here and there. So I have come to skim new posts and really hang out in the pit.
Down there more then a few threads had memes with her quotes and such.....ok darn it I will just read her. What to read, well "the" book is Atlas Shrugged.....good night that is a big'en. But I did it, sometimes it could have moved faster, other times I re read a section 3-4 times, it was that interesting.
If you count books finished this year I have read:
Atlas Shrugged
The virtue of selfishness
Philosophy who needs it
All of those Rand. I did also read it was a gift after someone found out I was on this kick.
Amusing Ourselves to death.
I have found I enjoy talking about her views on about everything. I think I might find some here that might enjoy it as well. Perhaps this thread will make someone do what I did, pick up one of her books. I knew nothing of her book, no plot no underlying anything, nothing about Atlas. I was blind going in, and that might have been a good thing, zero clue what it was about.
Just hit Chap 18 on Philosophy one thing said in that book, a book that is speeches and papers written by here mainly in the 70's.
There is something that is interesting in that book that I just read this morning.
Words to the effect:
People sense something has gone wrong, they don't know what. This is the price they pay for being the silent and deaf majority. Americans are anti-intellectual, and with the current examples no wonder why. The do however place great value on education and that is now being shaken.
This was written IIRC in 1972. I would love to know what she would say about the world today.
There is another part in this book where a person wrights her a letter asking just what can one man do?
She says talk, don't preach just talk. Even if that is saying I don't agree. There is value in talking there is no value in keeping quiet. If you are silent you agree.
Perhaps that is what I am doing in todays digital world, talking. The folk I hang out with work and home generally have the same mindset as I. There are a few lefties around, yes even in a cop shop, and we have our little discussions back and forth. However they are not as much fun anymore, he is starting to see the light, just like most lefties that can actually think.
Lets see how this goes.
I think a little personal background on how I came to read her is in order, and will explain the thread a bit.
I had see memes with her quotes here and there over the years, spent the 10sec to read them and thought, yup. Then I joined here a bit ago. Originally wanted to do the long range thing, but a standby generator took that money and now I am thinking I am really too old for any real game. At one time I did quite a few games, but I just can't move like I once did, I tried bowling pins but that was just a bore, so now just shoot out back, and the odd starling here and there. So I have come to skim new posts and really hang out in the pit.
Down there more then a few threads had memes with her quotes and such.....ok darn it I will just read her. What to read, well "the" book is Atlas Shrugged.....good night that is a big'en. But I did it, sometimes it could have moved faster, other times I re read a section 3-4 times, it was that interesting.
If you count books finished this year I have read:
Atlas Shrugged
The virtue of selfishness
Philosophy who needs it
All of those Rand. I did also read it was a gift after someone found out I was on this kick.
Amusing Ourselves to death.
I have found I enjoy talking about her views on about everything. I think I might find some here that might enjoy it as well. Perhaps this thread will make someone do what I did, pick up one of her books. I knew nothing of her book, no plot no underlying anything, nothing about Atlas. I was blind going in, and that might have been a good thing, zero clue what it was about.
Just hit Chap 18 on Philosophy one thing said in that book, a book that is speeches and papers written by here mainly in the 70's.
There is something that is interesting in that book that I just read this morning.
Words to the effect:
People sense something has gone wrong, they don't know what. This is the price they pay for being the silent and deaf majority. Americans are anti-intellectual, and with the current examples no wonder why. The do however place great value on education and that is now being shaken.
This was written IIRC in 1972. I would love to know what she would say about the world today.
There is another part in this book where a person wrights her a letter asking just what can one man do?
She says talk, don't preach just talk. Even if that is saying I don't agree. There is value in talking there is no value in keeping quiet. If you are silent you agree.
Perhaps that is what I am doing in todays digital world, talking. The folk I hang out with work and home generally have the same mindset as I. There are a few lefties around, yes even in a cop shop, and we have our little discussions back and forth. However they are not as much fun anymore, he is starting to see the light, just like most lefties that can actually think.
Lets see how this goes.