Ballistic solution long range

one shot ST

Full Member
Nov 12, 2007
I've tried a lot of range finder and ballistic software... and finally a I've put my order.

range finder PLRF 10 C
Field firing solution FFS version IV

with a cable you can connect the PLRF 10 C ( compass and inclinometer ) to the sofware and you can have with a simple click a complete solution for every things... included moving target

I've ordered also a new kestrel 4500 with a blutooh connection

as soon as I'll get all this items I'll let you know.

I'm using FFS and for me is the best software, nothing to say about PLR10....

Re: Ballistic solution long range

PLRF 10C with cable 5500 euro's
NOMAD L800 about 1400 euro's......
FFS version IV 350 US $......

it's very expensive, but you can laser the target without problem,

it's accurate... very accurate...

thanks for signature..
Re: Ballistic solution long range

How are people supposed to read your posts with that Avatar. It makes it hard to concentrate

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: davide</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I've tried a lot of range finder and ballistic software... and finally a I've put my order.

range finder PLRF 10 C
Field firing solution FFS version IV

with a cable you can connect the PLRF 10 C ( compass and inclinometer ) to the sofware and you can have with a simple click a complete solution for every things... included moving target

I've ordered also a new kestrel 4500 with a blutooh connection

as soon as I'll get all this items I'll let you know.

I'm using FFS and for me is the best software, nothing to say about PLR10....

Re: Ballistic solution long range

How far are you shooting and what. i use the kestler 4500with atrag and the shooter app. Not the best way but it works ok your set looks much better. I only shoot out to 1400yds or so
Re: Ballistic solution long range

Nice set up davide... Don't know if you this, but you are paving the road for others (me)....LOL Thanks for your useful comment on my other post....

Love your pictures of Italy's mountains....
Re: Ballistic solution long range

Resurrecting this old thread - how does this solution address moving targets? it is my understanding that PLRF does not measure target speed, only distance, azimuth and inclination?

Completely agree on the rest...
Re: Ballistic solution long range

Actually, if you go to the speed page in FFS you can use two readings from the laser to get target speed and angle. Thsi is probably not practical for real world use, but for a fixed speed mover at a comp, if you can ping it before you shoot, you have it wired.

On the multi-winds page there is a function to get wind speed at range from a drift measurement on your reticle. Use the leading edge of a dust puff, hit enter to start the timer and again to stop. With the range and reticle values entered, you get the crosswind value at that point.
Re: Ballistic solution long range

I agree with Cory, if you have the PLRF connected from the speed page you can have the target speed, angle and the lead automatically calculated, if you tap the speed field without the PLRF connected you can do a very good job between shooter and spotter, same function like the multi-wind page.... but you can enter only a full lead of a target, heading 90 or 270, easy to do, the shooter order start to the spotter when the target is in center of the reticle, then order stop when the target reach for example the 5th MIL reference on the reticle, you have target speed and if you hit accept you can read the net hold to maintain considering also the wind.
We have done this on a moving target at a 450 meters in about 10/12 seconds including measure you can do 2 shoot.

Shooter say start, at 5 MIL reference say stop, the spotter hit accept and say hold 4 MIL right....this operation take about 2 second...
Re: Ballistic solution long range

Thank you guys. To say I'm impressed would be a gross understatement.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: davide</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Shooter say start, at 5 MIL reference say stop, the spotter hit accept and say hold 4 MIL right....this operation take about 2 second...</div></div>
And it seems that the same drill can be performed (albeit with difficulty) by the shooter alone, if need be... Correct?

<span style="font-style: italic">P.S. Damn, now in addition to half dozen ballistic programs I'll want a dedicated FFS... Oh my...
Re: Ballistic solution long range

may be..... with some difficulty..may be, if you are an alone shooter is better to have FFS with the PLRF connected, 2 laser measures, hit accept and then you are able to read the net value to use for MIL hold off.

hold and shoot
Re: Ballistic solution long range

2 short videos of FFS automatic and manual speed calculation of a moving target, I do the video inside and in the automatic function I show only the pages, no measures had been taken, but the thing is easy to do, better if you have the PLRF on the tripod and the cable with a button with remote control

Automatic mode video

Manual mode video

Re: Ballistic solution long range

Blaine Field told me that there is an easy way to handle the device also by a single shooter, or by the spotter, without loosing target movement, you can follow the target and when you decide hit the enter key ( without use the pen ) when the target reach the 5th MIL reference, hit again the enter key on the PDA, then hit the key to show the primary page....and you read the net hold to use

short video

Re: Ballistic solution long range

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: davide</div><div class="ubbcode-body">the PLRF 10 C is the way to go.... but I think that Terrapin will be a very good device..also a friend of mine has ordered a terrapin.


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