Big Pet Peeve


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Mar 27, 2022
Does anyone else see red when some asshole parks in the handicap spot just because its closer so they can run inside wherever "just for a second"? I thank God am not handicapped but my 87 year old mom does walk with a walker and then she has to walk the extra distance because of some selfish self centered scumbag.
Sorry about your mom. I wonder why so many Biden voting cocksuckers are doing 53 mph in the left fucking lane or driving 27 in a 35 or fucking with people trying to merge into traffic or use an on ramp or better yet, merging onto a 70mph highway at 43 fucking miles per hour.

Generally speaking this entire country is full of motherfuckers who cannot drive worth a fuck and do not care to learn to drive. Ever watched an American asshole try to use a traffic circle? They had to invent a car that can park itself because we are a nation of cunts who cannot back up and look over their fucking shoulder while turning.

I dream of a world where I can delete people on Facebook, Tictok or Twitter and people fucking disappear from the real world.
Does anyone else see red when some asshole parks in the handicap spot just because its closer so they can run inside wherever "just for a second"? I thank God am not handicapped but my 87 year old mom does walk with a walker and then she has to walk the extra distance because of some selfish self centered scumbag.
I get bent pretty bad with the lazy, entitled MF'ers.

There are usually several empty spots in the actual parking areas only 50 feet away.
I'm likely to get arrested soon for snipping valve stems on tires belonging to total cunts.

Does anyone else see red when some asshole parks in the handicap spot just because its closer so they can run inside wherever "just for a second"? I thank God am not handicapped but my 87 year old mom does walk with a walker and then she has to walk the extra distance because of some selfish self centered scumbag.
Yes, I hear you. Chaps my ass big time; but, the only time I called it out I damn near had to run for my life as they started to try to run over me!!
The worst part of this particular instance was it was a busy restaurant and they even admitted when called out it was "my father's" so when I asked where he was they got PISSED...then the person got in his car and seriously began the "run over game."
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I've had both hips replaced. Each time, I was issued a temporary handicamper parking pass.

Who'd like to guess how often I was ACTUALLY able to use the passes when I went to the store ? :unsure:
(all handicamper stalls were full, every time......:cry:)

Then, after the pass(es) had expired, I'd drive into a parking lot and empty handicamper spots galore ! :rolleyes:
I've had both hips replaced. Each time, I was issued a temporary handicamper parking pass.

Who'd like to guess how often I was ACTUALLY able to use the passes when I went to the store ? :unsure:
(all handicamper stalls were full, every time......:cry:)

Then, after the pass(es) had expired, I'd drive into a parking lot and empty handicamper spots galore ! :rolleyes:
Somewhat related story.
I was doing the build-out for my new office building that had zero tenants and zero customers - and had a big truck backed up to the door of the building - in the handicapped spot - while we carted materials inside. Nobody around, and no reason for anybody else to be there.

I had one old guy stop while he was just driving by apparently, and he was screaming at the top of his lungs about the truck being in that handicap space. He was screaming about calling the cops, and continuing to scream while getting all red faced and hyperventilating. We were trying to be courteous, but get our work done also. We ignored him, but he tried blocking us in the doorway, so we just stood there and waited for him to get tired of screaming at us. LOL I was honestly afraid the guy was going to have a heart attack right there.

Finally the police arrived. The LEO stood back watching for a bit, and listened to the old guy's rant. He pulled the guy aside, and we continued to unload the truck. It was obvious that nobody was doing anything wrong. Then LEO uttered the words that almost always make people lose it. "Sir, please calm down." The old guy was having no part of it! hahaha LEO had to threaten to arrest the guy to get him to leave. Poor old guy.

What happens when he tried to act that way in the wrong place?
I get bent pretty bad with the lazy, entitled MF'ers.

There are usually several empty spots in the actual parking areas only 50 feet away.
I'm likely to get arrested soon for snipping valve stems on tires belonging to total cunts.


I just want a big giant-assed truck that has a built in forklift. Not only could I move the parking asshole's car, but those left lane twats too.

Roll up behind them and give them enough time to read the illuminated sign that says "move the fuck over" and to begin the move.
If they don't comply, pick their shitty car up and move it all the way over to the slow lane.

I bet a bunch of them would shit their pants.
Try this. When somebody illegally parks in a handicap parking spot, and it gets your panties in a wad, just pull up right behind them so they can’t leave. If they give you shit just be a smart ass about how you thought that was a legitimate parking spot

Oh make sure you film the incident too

These types of confrontations are worthless if they’re not on film
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I just want a big giant-assed truck that has a built in forklift. Not only could I move the parking asshole's car, but those left lane twats too.

Roll up behind them and give them enough time to read the illuminated sign that says "move the fuck over" and to begin the move.
If they don't comply, pick their shitty car up and move it all the way over to the slow lane.

I bet a bunch of them would shit their pants.
I want a giant bidirectional plow on the front that just flips them to one side or the other at speed.
Print up a few fake license plates on a peel and stick backing, then report the handicapped parker to the local police.
It helps to know the ordinance for the offense just in case the dispatcher doesn't (has happened).
Oh, and the fake plate?

Bumper stickers,
You don't have the BALLS to ticket this vehicle. Keep in the glove box.
I worked for a while at a place with about 35 employees and the President (who bought in to the existing company) used to drive in, park his Aston Martin in the Handicapped Spot (he was not disabled) and then he'd waltz into the shop, fire someone, and then drive away. Some of the supervisors complained to the police department and they said there was nothing they could do because it was on private property.

Asshole drove in one day, parked in the Handicapped spot, waltzed in and fired the supervisor who has complained. Supervisor walked out the front door and dragged his pocket knife down the entire side of that Aston Martin before The President could leave. No one saw anything.

My Pet Peeve is stupid ass people that give directions in hours and/or minutes. Cocksuckers must not know how far a mile or a kilometer is or how to count blocks in the city scape.
You ask them how to get somewhere as you are obviously not from the area or you wouldn't be asking for directions!
"You go 30 minutes that way," and they point with their finger, as they don't know North from South nor East from West.
"Then you turn left and go 15 minutes and you will be there. It will be on your right."
How far is 30 minutes when you don't know what I am driving and how fast I can go? Am I driving a big rig or a motorsicle? Time on either varies a lot.
What are the road conditions and the weather like when I drive that 30 minutes? Did I go far enough in this snow and slush? but Hey, I went for 30 minutes so I should be there, right?
If I were to invite you out to my farm to shoot my 1 mile target do you want me to say, "Go an hour East on 70 then get off and go another hour and 12.4 minutes and go North for 6 minutes and I will meet you by the grain bins?"
Or, do you want to know how many miles it is and which highways to take and turn left on CR77, go N 7.2 miles and we meet there?
If you choose to do the hours and mnutes thing vs directions in miles you will be The Lost Jew Looking for Jesus, I Garontee.
ditto for the idiot that double parks or blocks traffic or the like to chat with someone or run into a store. i honk and he's like what's your hurry and i'm like if you're not in a hurry then park out in the friggin parking lot and walk to where you need to go.
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oh yeah and idiots that pull out in front of you because they're apparently in such a hurry, and then do 10-15 mph under the limit. i always say each of us should have three pitt passes per year to put those idiots in a ditch.
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My Pet Peeve is stupid ass people that give directions in hours and/or minutes. Cocksuckers must not know how far a mile or a kilometer is or how to count blocks in the city scape.
You ask them how to get somewhere as you are obviously not from the area or you wouldn't be asking for directions!
"You go 30 minutes that way," and they point with their finger, as they don't know North from South nor East from West.
"Then you turn left and go 15 minutes and you will be there. It will be on your right."
How far is 30 minutes when you don't know what I am driving and how fast I can go? Am I driving a big rig or a motorsicle? Time on either varies a lot.
What are the road conditions and the weather like when I drive that 30 minutes? Did I go far enough in this snow and slush? but Hey, I went for 30 minutes so I should be there, right?
If I were to invite you out to my farm to shoot my 1 mile target do you want me to say, "Go an hour East on 70 then get off and go another hour and 12.4 minutes and go North for 6 minutes and I will meet you by the grain bins?"
Or, do you want to know how many miles it is and which highways to take and turn left on CR77, go N 7.2 miles and we meet there?
If you choose to do the hours and mnutes thing vs directions in miles you will be The Lost Jew Looking for Jesus, I Garontee.
WHAT?????????? Never heard of that. That's nuts. Now, I do personally think in terms of shortes time to arrival and not mileage or sometimes maximize miles-per-gallon vs distance; but never have I been given directions in terms of "time" - drive left for 30 minutes, then make another left 30 seconds later, keep driving straight for 40 minutes, the hang a right and drive for 5 minutes, 35.5 seconds and you'll arrive. WHO THE HELL DOES THAT???????????
A large percentage of drivers on US roads are selfish self centered and ignorant cunts that never learned how to properly drive nor do they care
/close thread
Around this area - most of the ignorant cunts on the road are from Mexico or points south and have never been properly taught how to drive, what the rules are, what the signs say, or have any clues about what to do - because they never tried it before they got here and stole the car they are driving right this exact moment in the other lane next to you or your wife and kids.
Just thought of one- Fuckers that ask for directions and then bitch about how you tell them. You asked me- I can tell you in miles- grasshopper dicks or minutes/hours....

It is relevant info- from my location the nearest towns are 45 miles one way and 48 the other- but it takes 40 minutes to drive to the one and around 2 hours for the other- people want to know that.
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Long as you have a good map and compass you know where you are.
Many people don't know how to do that paper map and compass shit anymore as everything is electronic now. and that is Great.
It is really nice for Archeology then do overlays of the old maps to GPS and sometimes they are right on. sometimes off just a bit, but what got you there?
Learn to read a map and a compass in case your batteries run out.
Cartography has changed so much and I think for the good.
I’d bet most people with placards don’t actually need them. Also the amount of people using others placards is insane. Maybe worse are the assholes who park half in the unloading zone in the first non handicapped space so people can’t get out of their ramp vans...Also if you park your motorcycle in the unloading zone you’re a fucking asshole.

I could get one, but I refuse. I’ll park way out just for the exercise.
Long as you have a good map and compass you know where you are.
Many people don't know how to do that paper map and compass shit anymore as everything is electronic now. and that is Great.
It is really nice for Archeology then do overlays of the old maps to GPS and sometimes they are right on. sometimes off just a bit, but what got you there?
Learn to read a map and a compass in case your batteries run out.
Cartography has changed so much and I think for the good.
So now we have to give directions in pace count instead of time?
Long as you have a good map and compass you know where you are.
Many people don't know how to do that paper map and compass shit anymore as everything is electronic now. and that is Great.
It is really nice for Archeology then do overlays of the old maps to GPS and sometimes they are right on. sometimes off just a bit, but what got you there?
Learn to read a map and a compass in case your batteries run out.
Cartography has changed so much and I think for the good.
I’ve had to teach people old enough to be my parents how to read an atlas...give me a fucking break lol
I just want a big giant-assed truck that has a built in forklift. Not only could I move the parking asshole's car, but those left lane twats too.

Roll up behind them and give them enough time to read the illuminated sign that says "move the fuck over" and to begin the move.
If they don't comply, pick their shitty car up and move it all the way over to the slow lane.

I bet a bunch of them would shit their pants.
Nuclear land torpedoes.
Invented in my head
On an Interstate
Years ago.
Used a peck in the windshield (HUD) for targeting.
Racked up many Kills.
Made the long drive less stressful.
Patent Pending......

Long as you have a good map and compass you know where you are.
Many people don't know how to do that paper map and compass shit anymore as everything is electronic now. and that is Great.
It is really nice for Archeology then do overlays of the old maps to GPS and sometimes they are right on. sometimes off just a bit, but what got you there?
Learn to read a map and a compass in case your batteries run out.
Cartography has changed so much and I think for the good.
Keep me a paper map in the heep. Navigation truly is a perishable skill
Thanks guys, appreciate having my back.
I'm the guy with a bonafied handicap plate.
The one that pisses me off ?
The fat ass woman in the electric shopping kart thing in the grocery store.
She definitely needs the exercise.
I honestly need to use the damn things, but won''s a matter of dignity.
I use the regular shopping kart as a walker, leaning on it heavier as the isles go by.
I give them fat bitches hell every time I see one.
"You know, I actually NEED that fucking cart, but I have the decency to not use it and impose upon every one else in the damn grocery store.....get your fat ass up and out of that fucking thing you lazy fat mutha fuck!"
Surprisingly at least 75% will get out of the thing when told the truth like that.
Am I worried someone will take a shot at me ?
Fuck no, do you even know what the civil suit would cost for attacking an honestly handicapped man ?
BTW, I might have to hobble when I walk, but there's not a thing wrong with my fists and upper body, they work just fine.
I'm sitting here reading this with a blistering spinal headache, because I had to crawl around under my house Monday and Tuesday.
Yeah I get it. I didn't have a handicap placard for years because theres folks without legs. I'd get my wife to drop me off at the door when possible, if I was alone, I'd park as close to a cart return as possible.
Most days my knees hurt so bad I find myself perpetually gritting my teeth m I've gritted my teeth in pain long enough that I now have several cracked molars. I have a appointment with an oral surgeon to have them removed in November. They aren't rotten, they are busted. My bone density is high, so I need an oral surgeon. No, I won't take oxy and other narcotics, I've seen to many examples of how that ends. I can't take anti inflammatory drugs anymore because I fucked my guts up taking them for 15 years. Acetominaphen is out due to my liver, and it doesn't work on my pain in safe doses.

After I retired, and moved to where I live now, I met some neighbors who have handicap placards. They inspired me to finally get a placard. Fuck being embarrassed, if people that have no trouble walking have one, fuck it, I should damn sure have one.
I can't walk around a store without a cart to lean on, I've thought serious about getting a walker...I've got too much pride for that. My wife gives me shit about it.

The problem isn't people that have no placard. The problem is people with a placard that have no real reason to have one.
I've had both hips replaced. Each time, I was issued a temporary handicamper parking pass.

Who'd like to guess how often I was ACTUALLY able to use the passes when I went to the store ? :unsure:
(all handicamper stalls were full, every time......:cry:)

Then, after the pass(es) had expired, I'd drive into a parking lot and empty handicamper spots galore ! :rolleyes:
What about the jacka&&s that tie up traffic from all directions while waiting for a shopping center parking spot right in front. Even when another spot is 3 4 spots down the lane. Usually some expensive car or a rotunda pos that needs the walk
You know what really pisses me off? The fucking asshole Thurston Howell III types that park their fucking Mercedes SUV right in front of the fucking store so their fat ass Mrs Howell can run in to "pick up a couple things". They don't give a shit that they're blocking every other car trying to park in the god damn parking lot, or that they could just drop fatass off at the door and then pick the leviathan up after she's carefully selected some new fragrance and the cosmetics counter. The asshole is blocking a lane of traffic and has five or six fucking cars behind his dumb arrogant ass because they have to wait for oncoming parking lot traffic to get around the prick, who can't hear the people cussing at him because he has classical music blasting on his 17 speaker fucking Bose sound system. The ignoramus sits there for 15 fucking minutes checking his nose hairs RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE FUCKING DOORS! Asshole.

No really, I'm fine.
My pet peeve i shopping carts in parking spaces. Some twerp just spent an hour pushing a loaded cart around with probably 40 pounds of stuff. Go to the car and unload.

And cannot push an empty cart another 20 feet to the cart corral.

As for the handicap spaces, Tom Thumb in Dallas, (Texas) on Lovers just pass Greenville would sometimes hire an off-duty police officer and he would write tickets. People with no HC placard parking there and bounding into the store. Come out to a nice, fat ticket.

Delicious and sweet justice.
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I'm sitting here reading this with a blistering spinal headache, because I had to crawl around under my house Monday and Tuesday.
Yeah I get it. I didn't have a handicap placard for years because theres folks without legs. I'd get my wife to drop me off at the door when possible, if I was alone, I'd park as close to a cart return as possible.
Most days my knees hurt so bad I find myself perpetually gritting my teeth m I've gritted my teeth in pain long enough that I now have several cracked molars. I have a appointment with an oral surgeon to have them removed in November. They aren't rotten, they are busted. My bone density is high, so I need an oral surgeon. No, I won't take oxy and other narcotics, I've seen to many examples of how that ends. I can't take anti inflammatory drugs anymore because I fucked my guts up taking them for 15 years. Acetominaphen is out due to my liver, and it doesn't work on my pain in safe doses.

After I retired, and moved to where I live now, I met some neighbors who have handicap placards. They inspired me to finally get a placard. Fuck being embarrassed, if people that have no trouble walking have one, fuck it, I should damn sure have one.
I can't walk around a store without a cart to lean on, I've thought serious about getting a walker...I've got too much pride for that. My wife gives me shit about it.

The problem isn't people that have no placard. The problem is people with a placard that have no real reason to have one.
If anything, push the walker around to be able to use the seat it has.
Don't push yourself and cause a fall.