Big Pet Peeve

Most of the people I see parking in the handicapped spots without being handicapped are fat asses that need to walk. It should be legal to punch these folks in the face with no repercussions.
Then those fat ass people can walk 80-100 feet to come into my clinic, but something magical happens when they reach that check in desk and all of the sudden need a wheelchair to get the next 10' feet to a room in the back......fuck those fat asses.

The same fat slobs are lined up 30 cars deep at the McDs drive through when there is no one inside but they are too fat and lazy to park and walk inside to order. When I watch an old movie on TMC or whatever the ones from the 40's and 50's all the people are lean and nice looking,dressed well AND smoking a cigarette (LOL) What in the fuck happened to us? My opinion is we allowed too many gutter snipes here and they bred.
I see a lot of folks feel very strongly about enforcing the King's rules about who can park where on private property.
Its common courtesy for people who actually need it

I had a cousin her lower extremities didn’t form right, was confined to a wheelchair her whole life... it’s for people like that. When some able bodied piece of shit wants to go park in the handicap spot that “society” has deemed is for people who need it... fuck them

Has nothing to do with the King’s rules, we the people!
Its common courtesy for people who actually need it

I had a cousin her lower extremities didn’t form right, was confined to a wheelchair her whole life... it’s for people like that. When some able bodied piece of shit wants to go park in the handicap spot that “society” has deemed is for people who need it... fuck them

Has nothing to do with the King’s rules, we the people!

So when Karen says you should be wearing your mask because it protects the elderly....
After all "society" has decided that it's the proper thing to do...

I mean how horrible are you of a person not to do a simple thing like wear a face diaper around all the time to protect the poor weak elderly?
So when Karen says you should be wearing your mask because it protects the elderly....
After all "society" has decided that it's the proper thing to do...

I mean how horrible are you of a person not to do a simple thing like wear a face diaper around all the time to protect the poor weak elderly?
most excellent sarcasm

Most of my pet peeves involve driving: not using turn signals, pulling out in front of someone and driving slowly, etc Completely unnecessary to drive like a jackhole yet people still do it.

We gonna start on the fat asses now huh.....yeeeaaahhh....
Weren't any fat people in the 50s....lmao.
If you are fat its a simple matter that you eat too much.....thats what the doctors say aint it?
What else do doctors say?

Yeah....this is why I didn't have a handicap placard for many years.
There's more lazy skinny people than there are lazy fat people.
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So when Karen says you should be wearing your mask because it protects the elderly....
After all "society" has decided that it's the proper thing to do...

I mean how horrible are you of a person not to do a simple thing like wear a face diaper around all the time to protect the poor weak elderly?
How you draw parallel parking space & facemask... lol...
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You know what really pisses me off? The fucking asshole Thurston Howell III types that park their fucking Mercedes SUV right in front of the fucking store so their fat ass Mrs Howell can run in to "pick up a couple things". They don't give a shit that they're blocking every other car trying to park in the god damn parking lot, or that they could just drop fatass off at the door and then pick the leviathan up after she's carefully selected some new fragrance and the cosmetics counter. The asshole is blocking a lane of traffic and has five or six fucking cars behind his dumb arrogant ass because they have to wait for oncoming parking lot traffic to get around the prick, who can't hear the people cussing at him because he has classical music blasting on his 17 speaker fucking Bose sound system. The ignoramus sits there for 15 fucking minutes checking his nose hairs RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE FUCKING DOORS! Asshole.

No really, I'm fine.

Sorry, I didn't mean to block traffic. She said it would only be two minutes.
I see a lot of folks feel very strongly about enforcing the King's rules about who can park where on private property.
Yeah, it is private property but the parking lot at a grocery store is semi-public access because there is no gate or process to gain access. And actually, if it was my private property, I would pay a tow truck driver to tow vehicles. I would have signs saying this space is for handicap only. Which other private property owners already do. They just don't bother to tow the vehicles. Whereas, I will go the extra mile. That is the kind of helpful guy that I am. And the king can have fornication with himself, for all I care.
rtB, exact same scenerio, except a "land Rover"....there were 3 of us shoppers trying to exit, but couldnt due to this asshole loading his groceries while blocking the part was his cart rolled torward the front fender of this beautiful new black rover, dude lunges for the cart and drags the cart down the length of the fender, he jerked the cart so hard it tipped over spilling his groceries all over! I stood there laughing and told him he was a dumb ass...of course he left the cart right there and drove off.
You shouldnt be able to get a handicap sticker for being fat. Those people should have to park as far away as possible. It really pisses me off seeing them drive the scooters through the grocery store towing 3 carts. Idk why lard asses irritate me so much
oh yeah and idiots that pull out in front of you because they're apparently in such a hurry, and then do 10-15 mph under the limit. i always say each of us should have three pitt passes per year to put those idiots in a ditch.
^^^This is my biggest one. You have to slam on brakes to keep from running over them because they’re in too big of a hurry to let you pass, but they’re not in enough of a hurry to drive the speed limit.
you should have given him a piece of your mind . not that it would have helped anything but you would have felt better to get it all out .
so next time you know what you have to do hit up the dollar general well the now 200 general ( a great price on odd items ) like rolls of duct tape , rolls of plastic drop cloths , hack saws , and zip ties . some even have stale pretzels maybe a cheap mallet while your at it and a small shovel so whom ever pisses you off in the future can start digging there own shallow grave . lol
Wife had 2 heart attacks in 6 months a couple years back.( not fat, blood disorder) Has a placard. We usualy only use it when it's super hot out so she dosnt get all worked up in the heat. But see lots of people use them as express parking.