California is a beautiful State what can we do to bring it back into the bosom of liberty?

Go thru life as a quitter, thats your choice, but don't come here whining about your state when you won't even try to do anything to help yourself. Your like most of the others out there you expect someone else to do it for you, because your special. You don't know how special people like you really are, in some circles.
Keep in mind, you all need to be very careful where you send your kids / grand kids to college....

California’s University’s are nothing but liberal propaganda machines. They flip and indoctrinate young minds into brainwashed little handout loving America hating leftists quicker than boot PFC’s flip strippers into wives, and with a hell of lot more success.

Then once graduated, they either stay here in California, building on the already lopsided demography, or they take their leftist bull shit back to your home states one by one until, well....your state turns ends up just like this one......

Between the university propaganda machines, amnesty for illegals, and the media, that’s how it spreads. Hell, this liberal bull shit began back in the 60’s. An awful lot of our university professors are those same POS Jane Fonda loving hippies that were spitting on ourVietnam Vets back then. Now we’re dealing with their children...... and their grand kids...

Why in the hell don you think Killary wanted to do away with the parents right to home school, choose private school etc? It’s because those kids aren’t influenced by the liberal propaganda machine when their not in the public school system.

My girls are both in private school for that exact reason. And I’ll do by best to keep them there through high school and college as well. Costs a ridiculous amount of money,’but worth every penny.

Universities are liberal cesspools
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Shit, me and all my boys rode up to Berkeley a few years back when the City of Berkeley was protesting the Marine Recruiting Station up there. Claiming themselves to the doors of the station. Cops were 100% on the protesters side. Have us all tickets for parking our bikes their, asking if we had permits etc. the dude on the city counsel was a retired Army Officer, and was quoted saying “the Marines are unwanted, uninvited and unwelcome in our city”.....

That the same kind of bull shit going on here now..

I gotta ask you bro, if you saw where that movement was going back then, and what it was gonna do to our country, why didn’t YOU stop it? It would’ve been a hell of a lot easier to nip it in ass then in the very beginning, then now that it’s been allowed to grow and become ingrained our society for the past 50 years......

Keep in mind, it’s kind of a rhetorical question. I know how difficult and damn near impossible that would have been. The point I’m making is that it’s easy to point fingers when you're completely detached from the situation. It’s a whole nother story when you’re in the middle of it.

You have stated in your posts numerous times that “WE” are lazy SERF boot lockers etc, just fucking over our kids and grand kids. Dude, I wasn’t born until 79 which means by your logic, my generation are the kids that got fucked over by your generation. So if this shit started back in your time, nobody did anything to stop it, and now I’m a lazy bootlicking serf because over the past 50-60 years, this shit has turned into an absolute fucking monster thats destroying our country?

We can point fingers all we want, but Pointing fingers isn’t the answer.

Im Not saying flipping California is impossible, but it’s pretty freakin close

@stello1001 a firestorm would Definitely be the easiest way...
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Blah blah blah i havent had a chance to whine as ive been busy trying to explain to you knuckle dragging meat heads this aint hazard county, you dont just march on down to the local politicians office and give him a good old fashioned talking to.

You havemt answered my question from the last thread.

You say were not doing anything. What the fuck do you consider " doing something"???
Just go hang you hat up, you have proved what you are already via you own mouth when you started spouting you leadership names an, whats the use?

Your words from above,

"What you are failing to comprehend is that things dont work like your neck of the woods. A million gun owners could call and write letter but its going to people like Diane Feinstein, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi. Who have an agenda and won't be swayed. "
Anybody ever notice that everything west of the San Andreas fault is a shithole? Wouldn't bother me a bit if utter destruction occurred to the western part of that state. All the beautiful terrain is from the Western foothills of the Sierra, Eastward.
When I was a small kid, living at Edwards AFB, the San Juaquin Valley was the fruit and vegetable basket of America, even exporting. The leftist drove the oil wells off of the beaches, and the teachers in elementary school and up became socialists. The economy began to spiral downward from that time (late 50's Early 60's) .
Entire schools worth of teachers manned phone banks promoting elections of Democrat candidates, and poured millions of Teacher's Unions funds into Dem coffers. The Unions in Ca are the backbone of Democrat elections. Their Union Journals promote STRONGLY (read the Operating Engineers Journal), voting for Democrat candidates, regardless of that democrat's record.
The left is firmly ensconced in the politics of the state. Infrastructure work (highways,etc) always goes to Union companies, The state is full of people who never think for themselves, but simply spout the slogans of the leftists.
It's a mess out there. I love the mountains of CA, from Forks of the Kern, to the slopes of Diamond Peak, I have walked it all, many times. I will never go back.

I understand bro, I’m not accusing or pointing fingers. Everybody here should be accepting some fault for what’s going on in our country and the point we’re at now, both at the state level and the federal level.

I was born in 79, couldn’t vote until 97, shipped out of California for 8 years and returned in 2006. Been doing what I can here ever since.Using your logic, the ball was actually in your generations court for damn near 30 years, from the very beginning of this whole liberal movement, before our generation could even partake in the fight. It didn’t get squashed, it grew, and now we’re left holding the bag to deal with it.

It is what it is, but you need to to take a step back and self evaluate before making assumptions of what we’re trying to get done here. We’re all on the same team, regardless of the state we’re in. Some states require more attention and different more drastic measures than others.
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Yeah look at the voting rules and ballot rules in ca and in the cities, all the candidates are liberals there are none on the ballots. CA allows the top popular candidates to move forward, muting any chance of an alternate view.

The frog has been boiled, if change is to occur it will come from the agricultural Central valley with support from the rest of the country financially, politically, and on the ground.
Laughing , you were told long ago where to start, but your to busy enjoying the good life, reading the net waiting for other to do your work. I've never had to hang up my hat an never will. It's all right here for everyone to see. Hat Hanger should be you logon, as in this thread alone you have proved what you are. Plus you can't delete what you have typed so far, as many have copied an pasted it just in case. Keep trying to deflect that seems to be the theme from your state,...

Yep.. If you look @ what Berkley created in the early 60's that spilled over to SF State University to create Hate Ashbury in 67-70 and the anti-war protests, you might see the geniuses of the issue..

Was it Native Californian's Starting that revolution or the professors and students flocking to Berkeley?

Was it a native California who started the (FSM) Free Speech Movement and protests? No, Jack Weinberg of NY & Mario Savio of NY while attending Berkeley..

Was it a native Californian who started the social anit-war revolution? No, Rubin born in Ohio, attended the University of California, Berkeley in 1964 but dropped out to focus on social activism and co-founded the Youth International Party with Abbot Hoffman from MA educated at Berkely. Those guys @ Berkeley, created one of the largest socialists movements ever with the 100,000 socialist march on the Lincoln Memorial. They also traveled to campus after campus to gather support and spread their socialist agenda.

These speeches and protests spread and in a large part created the Hippie movement.

Maybe if we look closely, we might go so far as to say, it was parents in other states who let their children grow into extreme leftist and socialist and move to Berkeley and SF and create everything from the Hippies to what the population centers in California are today.

Take it a step further and see how generations of Californians actually felt as the effects of your states sending it's liberal people, displaced us, raising our home prices, long before we started moving out of California and fucking your states...

Were your parents, grandparents, others in your state just to happy in the 60's "to busy enjoying the good life" to do something about the disaster that was to come?

There is enough blame to go around.. The political eco-system in CA didn't hatch from us alone..

PS there are a lot of good people here that do come from other states.. don't want to lump them in with the socialists.

Thats what I thought still nothing. Got a link? I dont recall you ever doing so?

Frame what I wrote and put it on the wall IDGAF. I stand by what I said and I'll say it again. Maybe you should re-read it for bettsr comprehension.

For the education...

The school looked for the very best and brightest professors, brightest minds and they came from across the US at the time it was formed.. but ran out of money.

You can easily find the History of Berkeley and the rival Stanford- Berkeley was not started for it's Social engineering that it is know for today. It basically was saved by the California State College that focused on Agricultural, Mining, and Mechanical Arts.. but Kept the Berkeley management and professors. That of course changed and splintered into UC Davis becoming the school to attend for those looking to for what the California State College was originally formed. Meanwhile, Berkeley continued to morph into the the school it was by the 60's.

Today, Stanford gets the most credit for spawning Silicon Valley, while Berkeley the most for it's Social impact in the US..

Edited to ADD Berkeley is only about 31 miles From Stanford, Sandwiched in between and near are a bunch of other colleges, most noted for this discussion SFSU and USF. Both nearly in the middle. 10 miles From Berkeley about 15 from Stanford forming a near perfect triangle.
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Dude, Alabama has the same population as Los Angeles lol.... around 4-4.5 million and is 70% White...

Lol, California’s population is close to 40 million... and only 37% white.

Yes, the fact that we have a huge influx of Hispanics makes a major difference In the elections. The vast majority of them being democrats. That has played an enormous role in the outcome of the elections since 1988. Why do you think the liberals don’t want a wall, demand amnesty, and loose border security? Yeah, no way in the world their gonna give up California and the millions of potential democrat voters coming across the border. The Far Left Feds could care less about little ol Alabama. The full force of the liberal federal government is gunning for California and keeping it the way it is, so don’t sit back in your rocking chair acting like you have all the answers and your struggle was something epic. You want an epic struggle? Come on over man. I’d like to see you put your $$$ where your mouth is.....

Fact is, numbers mattter, maybe not to you, but in the real world they do, and what works in Alabama doesn’t work out here.

I’ll applaud you for your actions over there. It’s the equivalent of little more than a city election here..... and with a lot less opposition.

Flood the streets with 10’s of millions of illegal immigrants, give them whatever they want, and they’ll be Democrat’s for life. Don’t worry bro, they’ll be heading your way soon, and when the demographics of Alabama and the rest of the country change change in favor of Hispanics / minorities, we’ll see if all your chest pounding Internet talk actually works.
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Aaaaaand still nothing but hot air from you...

And for the record im not the one bitching and whinning about my state or its people, thats all you and the likes of.

Woopty fuckin doo if you rolled through here in the 80's all you know is what google and fox news tells you. Im born and raised in this shit and im here now dealing with it.
You can thank the RHINO Arnold and the sham of 2 party rule creating fringe candidates on the left and right. His reforms ensured only fringe candidates on the left.

Nothing will work when everybody is waiting on others to do it for them. It matters little about color as just as many blacks were on board here as white's Then when we pushed the unborn have rights bill the blacks were fully on board an in some areas took lead.
It's not color at all it's people being willing to step up an forego "The Good Life" for what needs to be done, simple as that.
Call our actions what you want, but we get an have gotten results an that is fact.
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Came here 5 years ago, I am here milking the high tech money and trying to change the futility while here. I know I will not retire here, just know folks are trying, the machine is massive and needs to eat, is coming for you too. Don't think that state borders even matter to them when they need to eat.
Yea wish I still had the article my buddy kept when to taugh Ca. "experts" having to come here to learn how microwave worked, so they could install into they're schools in the late 60 an 70's. Sadly he passed away few years ago, one of the best electronics & Mw techs I ever knew. He started with Ma Bell an came to bama to set up what is now called Cell phones long ago. RIP Eddie Homes,
And all the growing homeless camps everywhere, including here in San Jose, just let places to hide it in SF, the bike trails and walking trails are getting unsafe, or are already nogo zones.

Real talk man. Once you get out of The liberal run areas of California, and start visiting some of the conservative areas and especially other states, the attitude of people is completely different. Good people who don’t mind saying hello, waving as you drive down the road. All together really good people. I’ve always had good experiences visiting other states. Particularly the southern ones...
Oh,... we have liberial shit holes don't get me wrong. There is a belt of shit heads that runs across the lower part part of this state we have/need, to keep in check. Gladly we are shrinking it slow but sure. You may have heard the SPLC is having a few issues, an they are the heart of that shit belt.

And we can thank then Governor Ronald Reagan for banning open carry. All because some black panthers marched on the Capitol with guns and were pateoling their own neighborhoods.

Rome wasnt built in a day.