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Can I hit the white Buffalo at 1124 yards with 243 Winchester ?


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Jul 25, 2018
I am a new member but an old guy and need to hit the White Buffalo at the NRA Whittington shooting facility in Raton NM this August. The biggest rifle I own is a Savage Model 12 VLP with heavy 26" bbl in caliber 243 Winchester. I do not reload. I have lots of 90gr PPU ammo and 200 rds of Hornady's 95gr superformance sst. Longest distance I have shot is 900 yds. Can I shoot this rifle and Hornday 95gr bullets to 1124 yds with at least a 50 percent chance of success? All input is welcomed. I forgot to mention the following info: barrel rate of twist 1 in 9.25, 20moa rail and a SWFA SS 12x42 MILQuad tacticle scope. I know this just mediocre equipment but I live mostly on social security and a very small pension. In addition, my physical limitations do not warrant better shooting equipment. I think the relatively slow rate of twist will preclude using any bullets larger than 95gr. I am 77, losing eyesight and hand/finger control fast and hitting that white buffalo is on my bucket list. I apologize for not including this information on my original post. My elevation turret on my scope is set at 30.3 MILS to hit a target at 900 yards. I have and additional 16.1 MILS before the scope tops out. I also have 10 MILS on the reticle.
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What do you have for a scope on it? You will likely need in the neighborhood of 50moa up with a 100 yard zero. I crunched some rough numbers on my new Hornady ballistic app (just downloaded today, so just learning how to use it) and it looks like the SST load would probably be subsonic at that range, which would make it harder. I'm not familiar with whatever the "White Buffalo" is, but if its buffalo sized, I'd bet there is a good chance for hit.
I've seen several 243s at 1000 yard matches. They always held their own. Now they make heavier match grade bullets if your twist will take them.

Use to be the 300s mags were the go to rifle at 1000 yard matches, but you see more and more 6mms. I wouldnt hesitate to use a 243 at 1000 yards.

Heck I shoot my White Oak Service rifle at 1000 yards and its 223.

If the proper rifle you wont be handy capped with a 243 except in the most servere wind, then the 308 wont cut it either.
The fuck is a white buffalo? And why do you need to shoot it?


Because shooting the black buffalo would be racist???


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If you have an 8 twist barrel and run 105 hybrids or something similar, it will be easy. I've only been out to 1280 with my 6 creedmoor but it done a great job.
I shoot 6XC, which is very similiar. Mine's an 8-twist, and loves the 105's. If your rifle is factory Savage, it likely has 1:9.25" twist. Where I live in Wisconsin, that isn't enough for 105 berger hybrids, BUT.....I think you will be fine at Raton. 6500' of elevation and high heat will likely make that work for you. See if you can find factory ammo shooting 105's or similiar close to 3000fps, and you should be on the high-side of marginally stable according to Berger's stability calculator at their website. And I'm guessing you will also be just barely supersonic yet with the 105's at that range, as I think my 6XC is if I remember right. Don't get to shoot that far often around here.
What do you have for a scope on it? You will likely need in the neighborhood of 50moa up with a 100 yard zero. I crunched some rough numbers on my new Hornady ballistic app (just downloaded today, so just learning how to use it) and it looks like the SST load would probably be subsonic at that range, which would make it harder. I'm not familiar with whatever the "White Buffalo" is, but if its buffalo sized, I'd bet there is a good chance for hit.
SWFA SS12x42 MIL QUAD AND 20moa rail. It takes 30.3 MILS to hit target at 900 yds. I have 16.1 MILS more before turret tops out plus 10 MILS on the reticle.
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I shoot 6XC, which is very similiar. Mine's an 8-twist, and loves the 105's. If your rifle is factory Savage, it likely has 1:9.25" twist. Where I live in Wisconsin, that isn't enough for 105 berger hybrids, BUT.....I think you will be fine at Raton. 6500' of elevation and high heat will likely make that work for you. See if you can find factory ammo shooting 105's or similiar close to 3000fps, and you should be on the high-side of marginally stable according to Berger's stability calculator at their website. And I'm guessing you will also be just barely supersonic yet with the 105's at that range, as I think my 6XC is if I remember right. Don't get to shoot that far often around here.
Thank you so much for your expertise. You are right on the money with my rate of twist. I will look for 105 bergers.
I've seen several 243s at 1000 yard matches. They always held their own. Now they make heavier match grade bullets if your twist will take them.

Use to be the 300s mags were the go to rifle at 1000 yard matches, but you see more and more 6mms. I wouldnt hesitate to use a 243 at 1000 yards.

Heck I shoot my White Oak Service rifle at 1000 yards and its 223.

If the proper rifle you wont be handy capped with a 243 except in the most servere wind, then the 308 wont cut it either.
Thank you for the reply.
Wish I did as my rifle is factory stock at 1 in 9.25.
You can hit that with any 87, 90, 95 or 100 gr. Boat tail bullet that you can buy off the shelf. I hit it with all of those at normal .243 speeds.

If you want to look around for premium ammo, you can stabilize a 95 gr. Berger but not a 95 gr. SMK (different CG points) The 105's and 107's might be out of reach to stabilize.

The other big factor you have going for you is it's 6500' ASL there and that thin air helps bullets by not destabilizing them. Stumpy bullets do well there.

Try what you've got for now, especially in this heat. If that doesn't work then look for the premium. But as an aside, the easiest buy might be the 87 gr. Hornady's for "off the shelf".
That is a giant target! I’d like to take some pokes at it with an AR through a micro T-1. If your fundamentals are legit and it’s not crazy windy, I’d have to think you’re going to hit it without much trouble.
Twist Rate matters...

Of course LL is absolutely correct here because bullet weight and BC matter. That said I have a 243 win hunting rifle and have shot steel out past 900 with the 75gr VMax factory load. The wind made it a bit challenging (20-30mph) and using a hunting scope wasn’t great either but it was repeatable once I got the wind figured out.
I’ve also got a RPR with a factory twist of 7.7. It excels with the 105 gr bullets and I have made hits as far as 1500 yards. The cartridge is certainly capable and even with the less than ideal bullets 1100 yards should be doable.
Good luck I’m sure you will get this figured out, if you get a spotter to help dial you in you will do fine.
Of course LL is absolutely correct here because bullet weight and BC matter. That said I have a 243 win hunting rifle and have shot steel out past 900 with the 75gr VMax factory load. The wind made it a bit challenging (20-30mph) and using a hunting scope wasn’t great either but it was repeatable once I got the wind figured out.
I’ve also got a RPR with a factory twist of 7.7. It excels with the 105 gr bullets and I have made hits as far as 1500 yards. The cartridge is certainly capable and even with the less than ideal bullets 1100 yards should be doable.
Good luck I’m sure you will get this figured out, if you get a spotter to help dial you in you will do fine.
Mine were from the older 1-10" twist. Elevation and good (not great) ballistics out of the .243 will get you there. That said, if you want to win a contest, you ain't doin' it with my old 1-10" twist.