.308 Springfield rcv'r built w/standard mil-spec kit. trimmed to 2.005 initially & only 4 full loadings with CCI#34's to avoid slamfire gremlins. used WLRP also. even w/clean chamber could/would an out of battery blow-up occur with following steps? I notice that the chambered rounds either surplus,FGMM,or my reloads will slam back the shoulder about a thousanth. If i only push the the shoulder back on FLS only a thou could i load the round up & let the chambering do the other thou on the shoulder giving a 2 thousanth total. I realize the generous chamber dimensions does not pretend to be of bolt linage. could this help accuracy measurably or help measure it for a box, as in early death wish. if a out of battery firing occurs it wouldn't be helped by the CCI#34's thicker cup. the touchier Federals have other assignments. Views please. keep your powder dry.