I've been following this thread since day one, and in May I ordered a short action w/.308 bolt head, and in June a long action w/.308 bolt head (16" 308 and long boi 30-06 are the plans, respectively)...the short action was delivered this week! I ordered barrels from PVA (30-06 back during the July 4 sale, and a 308 just last week as well)...as I gather all the bits and bobs, one thing I don't recall seeing or maybe missed in the thread -
Are there any folding stock chassis that fit the CDG, where the stock folds to the right/over the bolt handle? I found
this with some digging and was actively considering the Magpul until I found it; price was right, I liked the stock/chassis, Magpul is generally good...but if it doesn't fit over the bolt handle, then that's that, dead in the water. Is there anything else out there that'll work the way I hope it will? Hopefully for a grand or less?