Couldn’t agree more! I get it with the Archimedes, as the CDG took its unique feature and built upon it. I’m disappointed with the Nuke’s demise though.
I bought our first ARC action on last year’s BF sale for my wife’s custom 6 Creed build - the Nucleus G2 SA with the new integrated recoil lug (can’t believe they took that step only to discontinue them). She loves it! I was so impressed I was planning to buy another on this year’s BF sale for a build of my own. Well THAT didn’t work out as planned!

Just not sure I’m that into the CDG. I won’t say never, but for now it’s not really what I’m looking for. Guess I’ll keep my eye out for a secondhand Nuke or consider the other actions I’ve been pondering. One thing’s for certain…there are PLENTY of custom action options this day and age, for all likes and dislikes, preferences and requirements!