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I paid off 77% of my debt and the rest will be gone in 3 months. It's a good feeling for sure!
Congratulations... I can only imagine what unregulated (credit) interest will do when hyperinflation kicks in. The sky will be the limit.
It will have nothing to do with the FED Reserve nor the US Government's COLA figures.
No one is coming.
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Another brilliant idea that will trickle down on to the backs of the working class.

Senate Democrats call for higher taxes on Wall Street profits to address federal budget deficit​

As Congress wrestles with a looming decision over trillions in expiring tax breaks, lawmakers and experts in a Senate Budget Committee hearing debated several Democratic proposals for higher taxes on corporations and wealthy Americans.

Proponents said the plans aim to address income inequality and the federal budget deficit.

Another brilliant idea that will trickle down on to the backs of the working class.

Senate Democrats call for higher taxes on Wall Street profits to address federal budget deficit​

As Congress wrestles with a looming decision over trillions in expiring tax breaks, lawmakers and experts in a Senate Budget Committee hearing debated several Democratic proposals for higher taxes on corporations and wealthy Americans.

Proponents said the plans aim to address income inequality and the federal budget deficit.

They aren't going to do anything and if they do it'll be full of loopholes and those same rich folks and corporations will just keep getting richer.

Our inflationary boom-bust economy greatly benefits wealthy people at the expense of everyone else.

I don't understand why so many "free market conservatives" wanna fight to the death over taxes on the rich either. These rich folks all hate you, these corporations put rainbow flags and satanic tranny shit on everything they sell to you and these investment groups pour three to five times as much money into the Demoncrat party vs the Republican party.
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Yup. I’m a big fan of middle and small-size companies who stay true to local and American values, not corporatist kleptocrats with no souls who look at trends and sell-out as part of a constant cycle.

We need an American Middlestadt revival of sorts, though we do really have a lot of small and mid-sized companies. It drives my purchasing habits relative to firearms.
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What we need is for many to understand the consumer pays all the freight. All company's derive their incomes from products or services. Their products & services income, pay all their taxes. When they get hit with a higher tax they just up their product & service cost to the consumer. Anyone with a brain knows this but the tax increase is sold to the stupid, for votes.
The only people who pay a tax they can't pass on, is the consumer. All taxing authority's have the ability to fuck you over on a whim, as they are never held to any type of competency or efficiency standard. The amount of waste in all facets of the tax system in general, is beyond criminal.
Just remember all taxes are nothing but legalized theft, to support fucking you over, at will.
I don't understand why so many "free market conservatives" wanna fight to the death over taxes on the rich either.

Because those with a brain have always known that from the very start of "taxes" when the government talks about "Tax the rich" they are actually talking about taxing the middle class and the upper poor class.

Remember "the rich" are the ones that run the government and tell the politicians what to do.
"tax the rich" is how they get you to pass takes that actually take from the middle class and the working folks and give to the biggest corporations and bankers.
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TLDR. Pinch pennies or be in debt. I manage to do both as a resident making a whopping 56k a year while working 100+ hours a week (falsifying work hours FTW ayooo) and blame all of you for my debt due to an addiction in firearms that happened some odd 15 years ago which I refuse to take responsibility for :ROFLMAO:

In reality it's a mess but dental school also cost me 330K and that is one of the cheapest in the nation lmao. Idk how i would afford a home in todays market if I didn't have the wife. I don't think there is really a correct answer. Don't get me wrong people are more stupid this day in age, as mentioned iphones, coffee, all this mess. But i mean we meal prep and have our ramen days and I'm still spending well over 50% of my monthly earnings on mortgage, insurance, internet, groceries, etc. Everything is just at astronomical prices from top to bottom right now. Housing market is stupid right now.
I hope you are a dedicated reader of a blog, The White Coat Investor.

If not, then you should be.
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Funny, some see it as a problem while other's see it as the golden egg...... Debt is always debt.

Why buy now, pay later debt could become a problem for the U.S. economy​

Wages haven't kept pace with inflation at all. The only way our "buy buy buy" economy can continue to exist is by printing money and handing out credit cards.
The only way our "buy buy buy" economy can continue to exist is by printing money and handing out credit cards.
People have always tried to impress others with look at me shit, or a address they can't afford. Many would even allow their kids to go hungry or not provide for their safety, just to buy that new toy.
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Another brilliant idea that will trickle down on to the backs of the working class.

Senate Democrats call for higher taxes on Wall Street profits to address federal budget deficit​

As Congress wrestles with a looming decision over trillions in expiring tax breaks, lawmakers and experts in a Senate Budget Committee hearing debated several Democratic proposals for higher taxes on corporations and wealthy Americans.

Proponents said the plans aim to address income inequality and the federal budget deficit.

Lets get a flat tax for EVERYONE not just the middle class - maybe do away with all income taxes completely and just have a flat consumption tax so EVERYONE pays.
Lets get a flat tax for EVERYONE not just the middle class - maybe do away with all income taxes completely and just have a flat consumption tax so EVERYONE pays.
that would be just. or a consumption tax maybe better? problem,here at least is,setting it up and the amount. you can bet our gov would fuck that up and set some way to keep 1000s of useless dorks employed. i think hungary is going to that. heard 27%. sounds high but if you think about it and do the math,not really. would certainly curtail the huge income of CPAs. as a paranoid with a rather low income i use them as protection from IRS. wouldn't be needed with consumption tax. SS & MC taxes figure into the problem as well. property tax should also be eliminated but a separate issue there. the progs will say "but how can essential gov services be funded"? there is no such thing. maybe military and LE in the context of defense only and rational law-LOL. guess we can dream about living in real freedom. not happening at least til our current abomination ends. it will but gonna be ugly.
Lets get a flat tax for EVERYONE not just the middle class - maybe do away with all income taxes completely and just have a flat consumption tax so EVERYONE pays.

It won't happen because the government gets almost ALL it's power since the start of everything by pitting one group against another.

That being said, a country can't function without money and money has to be taken from the people somehow.

The only probably decent way to do it is to have NO taxes/fees/levies/for the children B.S. at ALL, except a flat rate sales tax that applies to all goods and services bought and sold equally and to everyone equally.

You don't even need any import tax, because the moment anything foreign comes into the country it's taxed as a sale the same way.
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I say let the politicians keep raising taxes and deficit-spending!!!

Who are we as mere peasants to stop them anyway?

Just with one caveat.......

The debt and deficit spending will only be borne by the Congressional Districts whose House Reps vote in-favor of these spending bills, while those Districts who don’t won’t have to finance them and will have lower taxes on a CBO-adjusted balanced budget.

Pin that mandate on every spending bill from the growing Freedom Caucus, otherwise don’t even think about getting any legislation out of committee.
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