did you work out today?

Re: did you work out today?

no time to do Olifts just did a MetCon
As Many Rounds As Possible in 3mins x 3rounds 1min rest between rounds
6-10yd Shuttle Runs
5-155# Cleans

Rounds/partials completed

Clean & Jerk singles up to 225# missed it 5 times got under it just problem with jerk technique

rested 5 mins

Snatch singles up to 195# missed it only had 1 attempt had to do some coaching.

Didnt get to do PM MetCon which was

5-Rounds for time
15-135# Hang Power Cleans
50-Double Unders
Re: did you work out today?

Only PM session
Push press 5,5,3,1,1,1 up to 205#

planche work on paralette bars press to handstand lowered back down
then some freestanding handstand pushups goofing off with the class.

Snatch singles up to 195#

rest as needed

3-Rounds for time
10-135# Overhead Squats
50-Double Unders

Power Cleans singles up to 220# not a good day
205x5x1 drop down set of 5reps

rest as needed

For time
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of
225# Deadlift
Chest Slap Pushups (almost like clapping but instead slap chest)
Toes to Bar
End with 800m-Run
complete all reps first then do the run

Re: did you work out today?

Only 1 session today
Power Snatch singles up to 170# missed it 4 times

rest as needed

3-Rounds for time
15-135# Power Snatch

I didnt get to to the PM workout which was Clean & Jerks,
3x1mile runs with 7 minute rest between efforts

Re: did you work out today?

"The Bear" complex

7-sets of the sequence:

Power Clean
Front Squats
Push Press
Back Squats
Push Press

*Rest as needed between rounds

*Increase load each round

*This is done to max load in final round
You may not put the barbell down to regrip but you may rest
the barbell anywhere ie.. front rack back rack or in crease of hips.
Power Cleans are "touch and go"

If you put the barbell down the workout is over

Went up to 150# failed in the 5th sequence
Still a PR though

Re: did you work out today?

Snatch doubles up to 185#

rest as needed

3-Rounds for time
30-Kettlebell Swings 2pood (70#)
30-Double Unders

Snatch singles up to 195# missed it 4 times

rest as needed

Clean & Jerks up to 225# F&^%king Crap kept missing the jerk

Power Snatch singles up to 170# missed it 3 times

rest as needed

3-Rounds for time
15-135# Power Snatch

Snatch singles up to 200# missed 5 times

rest as needed

Power Clean doubles up to 220#

Re: did you work out today?

7/27 rest and food lots of food

No time for Olympic Lifts today just a couple metcons

3-Rounds for time
15-155# Hang Cleans
25-Ring Dips

5-Rounds for time
10-250# Deadlifts
20-Toes to Bar
30-Double Unders

Re: did you work out today?

Power Snatch doubles up to 160#

rest as needed

As Many Reps As Possible in 4mins x 3 rounds
2min rest between rounds

5-155# Power Clean & Jerks
5-30" Box Jumps
1st-3 rounds complete
2nd-2 rounds complete +5 Pwr Cln & Jerks + 5 Box Jumps
3rd-1 round complete + 5pwr Cl& Jerks + 3 Box Jumps

Snatch singles up to 200# missed it 6 times kept looping it and
catching it in the hole just a bit out front.

Sprint Work
rest 2min
4x100m (rest 30 sec between efforts)
rest 2min
rest 2min
4x100m (rest 30 sec betwenn efforts)

Only concerned with the 400m times (100's were :14's-:17's)
1st 1:10 2nd 1:19
Wish it was a track but we run in an alley with turns

It was Hot today down here
I dont run the AC in the gym

Re: did you work out today?

2-person (m/f) team workout
I decided to do it alone

For time
200m-135# Barbell Carry
175-Walking Lunges (trailing knee must touch)
150-Box Jumps 20"
300-Squats (air squats)
200m-135# Barbell Carry
175-Double Unders
150-Pullups (I had to sub Ring Dips cause my left arm is still healing up)
125-Push Press w/45# Barbell
200m-135# Barbell Carry
Time: 80:27
temp inside gym 96*+FL humidity

Re: did you work out today?

14' 45" total time today, you guys are working way toooooo harrrrdddd

Neck Extension - Nautilus plate-loaded machine - 35#'s 2' TCF
Chest Press - Nautilus Nitro - 125#'s - 2' TCF, + positive assist and 10" negative
Leg Press - Hammer Strength leg press machine - each leg !00# - 90" TCF
PullDown - MedX - 300#s - 97" TCF
Rotary Torso - MedX - 70#s each direction - 90" TCF
Ab Flexion - MedX - 76#s - 93" TCF
Lumbar Extension - SS modified MedX - 140#'s 2'05" TCF
7' ROM reset lower extremities (not counted in workout time)

In evaluating my effort, I always keep in mind that the "weight is NOT the resistance." Each rep features very slow turnarounds, controlled motion, slow speed w/o charging out of the bottom or falling out of the top.

Next workout, same protocol next Sunday.
Re: did you work out today?

Yesterday I did:

6 sets of pause rep bench press.
145 x 10 rep
200 x 8 reps
225x 6 reps
250 x 6 reps
275 x 4 reps
300 x 3 reps

Then I went to failure with 200 pounds

Did some dumbell curls to shoulder press to stay wam

Rope pull downs
mechanical shrugs of 275 pounds for 15 reps. Pausing at the peak.

Im soar and I love it.
Re: did you work out today?

Power Snatch singles up to 165#

rest as needed

For time
21-15-9 reps of
135# Power Snatch
End with 200m-Sprint

Clean doubles up to 245# missed second rep

rest as needed

For time
21-15-9 reps of
135# Power Clean
Ring Dips
end with 200m-Sprint

Re: did you work out today?

Only PM session on Wed

Push Press 5,5,3,1,1,1 up to 200#

1-arm kb shoulder press
45x5x1 55x5x3

Sotts press (for fun)
65x5x1 75x5x1 85x5x1

Ring work
L-sit to press handstand
Muscle Up to press handstand

Handstand walks goofing off with everyone
best was 30ft then turned around and went another 3ft
Wed are fun

Re: did you work out today?

Back Squats doubles up to 285#

rest as needed

Power Snatch singles up to 160# not a good day for lifts

rest as needed

As Many Reps/Rounds As Possible in 5mins x 2 (2mins rest in between)
10-135# Power Cleans

1st-3rnds + 10 pwr cleans
2nd-2rnds + 10 pwr cleans + 3 mu's

Cleans sigles up to 245# missed it 3 times

rest as needed

As Many Reps/Rounds as Possible in 4min x 3 (2min rest in between)
5-155# Cleans
5-Box Jumps 24"

1st-3rnds + 5 cleans
3rd-2rnds + 4 cleans

Re: did you work out today?

Back Squat doubles up to 285# then 285x2x4

Snatch singles up to 185#

As Many Rounds As Possible in 3mins x 3(1min rest in between)
10-70# Kettlebell Swings
10-Toes to Bar

1st 3rnds+10 kb swings
2nd 2rnds+ 10 kb swings
3rd 2rnds+ 5 kb swings

Front Squat doubles up to 265# then flusing sets 245x2x3

Didnt get to power cleans had some first timers come in.

Re: did you work out today?

Shorter than normal workout last night due to time constraints, but at least I got some upper body stuff in. That and core are what I really focus on, I naturally have very muscular legs so I don't really hit them more than once a week.

*cable pressdowns
*pull ups
*lat pulldowns
* forward & reversed grips on alot of those, reversed really makes some of them challenging

I'll be hitting the weights again tonight, for different groups of course.
Re: did you work out today?

Only PM session today

Push press 5,5,3,2,1,1,1 up to 200# missed 205 twice

Shoulder press 135x3x3

Then ring work
L-sit to press handstands
Muscle ups
Free standing Handstand Pushups

Wed are fun

Re: did you work out today?

Snatch singles up to 195# on the way up double at 185#

Cleans singles up to 245# drop down double at 225#

3-Rounds for time
10-250# Deadlifts
10-30" Box Jumps
Time: 3:38

Back Squats singles up to 285# on the way up 265x2x2

Snatch singles up to 185# then did a drop down at 175# + 2-Overhead Squats

For time
10-Handstand Pushups
20-Wallball 20# to a 10' target
30-Toes to Bar
40-135# Power Cleans
60-75# Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
Time: 14:57

Re: did you work out today?

Beach WOD

3-Rounds for time
222m-Swim (ocean)

I suck at swimming in the ocean.
After the workout all of my athletes and I had a cookout at the beach. Good way to end a tough week of training.

Re: did you work out today?

3sec Pause Back Squats triples up to 265#

Snatch single/doubles up to 195#

Clean & Jerk singles up to 225#

On the minute 135# Power Snatch
1st minute 1 Rep
2nd minute 2 Reps
3rd minite 3 Reps etc.....until you cannot finish the required number of reps in 60sec
Completed 7 minutes + 3 reps

Front Squats triples up to 225# single at 245# then 2 doubles at 225#

10-Rounds for time
15-135# Deadlifts
15-Pushups (release hands at bottom)

Re: did you work out today?

16 mile dawn run, 6:41 pace.
6 miles in the afternoon, 6:58 pace.
Hope to hit 92 miles this week.

Half an hour doing upper body with the bow.
Re: did you work out today?

Snatch doubles up to 185#

Power Clean singles up to 225#

Back Squats 255x3x5 (85%1rm x reps x sets)

2-Rounds for time
25-Kettlebell Swings 1.5pood
(rest 3mins)
5-185# Cleans
5-Muscle Ups
1st time:8:34
2nd time:9:18
total time w/3min rest 20:52

Deadlifts triples up to 355# then singles up to 410#(5# PR)
drop downs 245x3x3

On the minute
275# Deadlifts

Perform 5-pushups 5-Squats and 1-DL the first minute
5-Pushups 5-Squats and 2-DL's the second minute
5-Pushups 5-Squats and 3-DL's the 3rd minute etc.......
The workout is over when you cannot complete the required number of reps in 60secs

10rnds completed + 8-DL's

Re: did you work out today?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ATH</div><div class="ubbcode-body">16 mile dawn run, 6:41 pace.
6 miles in the afternoon, 6:58 pace.
Hope to hit 92 miles this week.

Half an hour doing upper body with the bow. </div></div>

Damn! 16 miles @ 6:41?!?!?!?! >bows<

I swam a mile and a half yesterday, does that count?
Re: did you work out today?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JRose</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ATH</div><div class="ubbcode-body">16 mile dawn run, 6:41 pace.
6 miles in the afternoon, 6:58 pace.
Hope to hit 92 miles this week.

Half an hour doing upper body with the bow. </div></div>

Damn! 16 miles @ 6:41?!?!?!?! >bows<

I swam a mile and a half yesterday, does that count? </div></div>

Sure, I'd drown before I covered a mile and a half....that's why I never did an ironman

I finished that week off with 92 miles and am on track for doing that again.
Re: did you work out today?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ATH</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JRose</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ATH</div><div class="ubbcode-body">16 mile dawn run, 6:41 pace.
6 miles in the afternoon, 6:58 pace.
Hope to hit 92 miles this week.

Half an hour doing upper body with the bow. </div></div>

Damn! 16 miles @ 6:41?!?!?!?! >bows<

I swam a mile and a half yesterday, does that count? </div></div>

Sure, I'd drown before I covered a mile and a half....that's why I never did an ironman

I finished that week off with 92 miles and am on track for doing that again. </div></div>

You'd be surprised how fast swimming can be learned... I've only been at it for a couple of months, and the first time in the pool I couldn't do 200y without feeling like I was about to drown. I seriously thought that maybe triathlon wasn't for me, just because the swim looked like such a daunting task.

Now I got it whipped. I still have a ways to go to be faster and better, but I can swim my 1/2 Iron distance now, and my 70.3 isn't until May. If I train hard through the off season, maybe I can even be ready for a full this season.

Running is kinda weak for me... a 7:30 pace for me is fast, and I normally do good just to keep in the high 7's during a race. I really wish I could get a little faster with my running.
Re: did you work out today?

For time
21-15-9 reps of
135# Shoulder to Overhead
30" Box Jumps

*Shoulder to Overhead you can use any method Shoulder Press,Push Press or Jerks

3-Rounds for time
20-155# Front Squats

PM only
For time
50-40-30-20-10 reps of
Double Unders
1st attempt 5:16
2nd attmept 4:48 PR by 4sec

did it twice wasnt happy with my performance since my last time was 4:52

Snatch singles up to 195#

Split Jerks (behind the neck) triples up to 215#

For time
21-15-9 reps of
135# Power Clean
Toes to Bar

For time
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of
135# Hang Power Cleans (start below knees)
Handstand Pushups
Ring Dips

Re: did you work out today?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: JRose</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

You'd be surprised how fast swimming can be learned... I've only been at it for a couple of months, and the first time in the pool I couldn't do 200y without feeling like I was about to drown. I seriously thought that maybe triathlon wasn't for me, just because the swim looked like such a daunting task.

Now I got it whipped. I still have a ways to go to be faster and better, but I can swim my 1/2 Iron distance now, and my 70.3 isn't until May. If I train hard through the off season, maybe I can even be ready for a full this season.

Running is kinda weak for me... a 7:30 pace for me is fast, and I normally do good just to keep in the high 7's during a race. I really wish I could get a little faster with my running. </div></div>

Yeah, it's all technique, I considered ironman triathlons after finishing college but could not afford the lessons so thought I'd perfect the marathon leg first since it was the cheapest and got hooked. Spent ~4 years eyeing the olympic marathon trials. Ended up going from a back-of-the-pack 34:18 college 10K runner to 30:57 before real life caught up with me. Now I'm just trying to chase down my weak marathon PR (2:28). What was easy to fit in as a grad student is not so easy with a house, wife, kids and career.
Re: did you work out today?

AM only today
Snatch doubles up to 190#

Back Squats 90%x2x6 (sets x reps)

for time
12-135# Power Snatch
9-135# Power Snatch
6-135# Power Snatch
3-135# Power Snatch