did you work out today?

Re: did you work out today?

Good thread. Do me a favor all, i know i am a new guy, but if i do not workout please get on my ass.

My normal workout schedule when i do it anyways is Mon, Wed, Fri.
Re: did you work out today?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jcfd2201</div><div class="ubbcode-body">P90X rest day but I still did X-Stretch....no rest for the fat guy! </div></div>

I do stretch about 3 times a week. a very underrated area of fitness for men in general. especially the macho variety.
Re: did you work out today?

I had a half a bottle of wine tonight with the wife....so I followed that up with some 12 oz. curls.

Seriously though, I 'slow-swim' for 30 minutes today and every other day. It's not going fast it's more like treading water but you move to each length of the pool. You do a lot of stroking for not going much of anywhere. Head remains above water at all times. If possible sink to cover the mouth and breathe through the nose.

When I work out on weights, I do a stomach, back/bicep, lat/bicep, chest/tricep chest fly. For legs I do 10 laps kicking only with a glideboard or short presses and low weight ham-curls. I do as many reps as I can in one full minute or a minimum of 50 reps in one set. For the stomach I do 100 reps.

Someone told me once, it's not how much you push at one time but rather how much you push total that determines what shape you are in.
That only makes sense to me now as I think the best shape I was ever in was when I bucked bales for my dad or when I was logging.
Re: did you work out today?

Did upper body workout today. Got some new equipment in our gym, and enjoyed the 'new' stuff to do.

Down 30lbs in 3 months. Feeling a helluva lot better, and will hopefully hit my goal weight this summer of 185 (currently at 205lbs).
Re: did you work out today?

Not too much today I guess.... just a short 5k followed by 8 sets of squats, 4 sets of leg extensions, 4 sets of hammie curls, and 5 sets of calf raises.
Re: did you work out today?

Good thread...I am just finishing the first month of the Insanity workout. I now have some abs showing and I have gained about 2 inched in my chest. I have not really lost a lot of weight but it has moved into muscle. I am 44 years old and I am pushing pretty hard. Right now I am about 6' tall and weight 203 pounds. I feel pretty good but I still need to loose some fat around my belly. Now for the bad news:(

Started having pain in my right knee so I went to the doctor to have it checked. He sent me to have a MRI and it seems I have some damage that needs to be surgically repaired. Torn meniscus (spelling?) and some other very long term. I am still currently doing the work out until surgery next week but I have stopped the high impact portion of the jumping. These workout programs are addictive and once you start seeing the changes...no matter how small...you realize you can still do it even at my age. I still have a few beers with the wife but I do eat simple compared to what I use to. Anyone that thinks you can't get in shape is kidding themselves. What I did learn quickly is to do the work out at your pace...not the video pace with the fittness trainers. Just posting my experience. I hope my knee doesn't take long to heal:(
Re: did you work out today?

Last night light cleans and heavy deads. 12 miles this morning. Ran with the 50 pound vest on a few days ago again. Gotta do that in intervals,it's tough.
Re: did you work out today?

Cardio day. Ran a mile for time, 10 min on the elliptical, followed by 20 min on the stationary bike.

Been super busy the last couple of weeks & haven't been to the gym. Ive got to get myself motivated again.
Re: did you work out today?

15 miles yesterday,5 this morning before work. Insanity interval with the company just now. Heavy dead lifts tonight pending calls probably some cleans too.
Re: did you work out today?

8 sets of pushups 25 reps each. 200 total, in 18 minutes. Planing on re-doing this process later tonight as I feel pretty normal right now.

Just posting because I felt proud of my acomplishment
Re: did you work out today?

Train 5-6 days a week twice a day only PM on Wed and only once on Saturdays
Olympic Lifts every single day and we always train them to max load.
I am a Glenn Pendlay recommended Olympic Lifting Coach
a USAW coach and owner of CF Triumph in Tarpon Springs,FL
but a beginner at sniping...so Im posting in a section I know a little something about...

6/30/11 only 1 workout today PM only
snatch singles up to 195# missed it 8 times not happy

rest as needed

As Many Rounds As Possible in 20mins
10-155# Front Squats
15-Pushups (release hands @ bottom)
Completed 5 rnds + 10fs + 15hand release pushups

Power snatch singles up to 160#

rest as needed

For time
12-9-6-3 reps of
135# Power Snatch
6:54 (missed 2 psn during the workout not happy)

Clean & Jerk singles up to 230# missed it 2 times not happy

rest as needed

4x800m Sprints
5min rest between efforts

7/2/11 only 1 workout on Saturdays
For time
10-Handstand pushups
15-155# Power Cleans
25-30" Box Jumps
100-Wallballs 20#medball to a 10' target
200-Double Unders
400m-Run with 45# plate

Re: did you work out today?

Rest days 7/3-7/4

Back Squats singles up to 285#
had to stop and train some members

More Back Squats singles up to 295#
once again had to stop and do some coaching.
Got to the box late didnt have much time for myself.

Left arm bothering me and my trigger point person is out for
3 months because of surgery and its too difficult to work on myself so thats why 2 sessions of back squats.
Though I luvs me some squats.
Ill do more Wed night.
Re: did you work out today?

Only 1 session today in the pm

Back Squats singles up to 300#

rest as needed

Power Cleans sinlges up to 230# missed it 4 times dropped into the whole with it all 4 times so Im happy Im getting under it just cant keep the power catch postion.

rest as needed

For time
21-15-9 reps of
225# Deadlifts
Handstand Pushups
Time: 2:49 *PR by 3sec

Re: did you work out today?

Back Squats are always Olympic Style-high bar ass to grass

Back Squats singles up to 285#

rest as needed

Snatch singles up to 195# missed 3 times

rest as needed

3-Rounds for time
15-135# Hang Power Cleans (from postion 2)
time: 7:04 *PR by 1:28

Back Squats singles up to 305#

Did not get a chance to finish my PM session power cleans and metcon had some first timers show up right at 5pm then was just to busy the rest of the night.

Back Squats are always Olympic Style-high bar ass to grass
Re: did you work out today?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: alnkal</div><div class="ubbcode-body">7/7
Back Squats are always Olympic Style-high bar ass to grass

Back Squats singles up to 285#

rest as needed

Snatch singles up to 195# missed 3 times

rest as needed

3-Rounds for time
15-135# Hang Power Cleans (from postion 2)
time: 7:04 *PR by 1:28

Back Squats singles up to 305#

Did not get a chance to finish my PM session power cleans and metcon had some first timers show up right at 5pm then was just to busy the rest of the night.

Back Squats are always Olympic Style-high bar ass to grass </div></div>

Re: did you work out today?

My Back Squats are always Olympic Style-high bar ass to grass

Back Squats singles up to 295#

rest as needed

For time
50-Double Unders
12-135# Power Snatch
40-Double Unders
9-135# Power Snatch
30-Double Unders
6-135# Power Snatch
20-Double Unders
3-135# Power Snatch
10-Double Unders

Back Squats singles up to 305# I missed it Damnit I let my air
out in the hole and my lower back went limp got stuck dumped it. Oh well sometimes your the bug sometimes your the windshield

rest as needed

Clean & Jerks singles up to 225# missed it 3 times technique issues not getting under the jerk.

rest as needed

for time
30-135# Power Clean & Shoulder to Overhead
Time-2:42 PR by 16sec

The PR made the missed lifts not seem so bad...Turned out to be a good day after all

Re: did you work out today?

bench worked up to 90% of 1RM x 4
alternating dumb bell bench, 2x12
vogelpohl pulldowns 4x12
shoulder tri set, front plate raises, side laterals, seated cleans into shoulder press x 3 sets
shrugs 3x10

dumb bell complex
Re: did you work out today?

7/9-7/10-7/11 rested

Power Snatch singles upt to 165# missed 3 times

rest as needed

5-rounds for time
6-10yd Shuttle Sprints (touch & go)
15-Kettlebell Swings 2 pood (70#)
50-Double Unders

Clean & Jerk singles up to 230# missed the jerk 4 times

didnt get to PM metcon had some first timers come in and
the classes were crowded tonight

The metcon was
Double Alternating Tabata 20:10x8rnds
Box Jump (24"m/20"w) must jump no step ups

Score= lowest rep performed of each movement
basically a sandbag proof workout
Re: did you work out today?

you could say "yes he did"
Legs, chest, arms, back, that was this early AM on my BodySolid.
Then, oh yeah forgot to take my mirror to see myself, run through 1.5 gals. of mixed gas in 2 chain saws, knocked down, limbed out, and bucked up 23 maples about 14" to 18" at the butt, loaded by hand in 80" sections in my trailer, hauled up with the wheeler and stacked, about 95* out. Drank a small pond full of water, changed my shirt 3 times, and last Thursday was my 65th birthday. Fuck them weights.
Re: did you work out today?

Only 1 session

Push Press 5,5,3,1,1,1 up to 200#

rest as needed

Worked on paralette bar stradle planche into press handstands then back down

Then worked it from the ground
Muscle ups to ring handstand pushups/front & back lever work

Snatch singles up to 195# missed 4 times

rest as needed

for time
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of
225# Deadlift
Ring Dips
Toes to Bar
End with 800m-Run

Power Cleans singles up to 225# missed it 3 times kept falling into the hole with it.

rest as needed

On the minute for 10 minutes
2-Back Squats @ 55% of 1RM (used 175#)
20-Walking Lunges
60secs to complete then start again at the top of the next minute
Re: did you work out today?

Only 1 session today was a little busy in the AM

Didnt get a chance to do my C&J's

Sprint work
rest 90sec
rest 60sec
4x100m (60sec rest between efforts)
rest 60sec
rest 90sec

times 2:42 :40 :16 :16 :16 :15 :36 3:23

Technique got a little sloppy in the last 800m sprint
I actually had to stop in the middle of the piece and restart
to get my technique back.
It became all quad domminant and I couldnt fix it so I just stopped shook out my legs and restarted.
Im not very good at running/sprinting I practice alot so its gotten better
Re: did you work out today?

Only 1 session on Saturdays.

For time
15-10-5 rep of

135# Power Snatch
Handstand Pushups
24" Box Jumps
135# Thrusters (front squat to overhead press)
Pullups (had to sub burpees left arm still bothering me just a bit)
135# Power Cleans

End with a 800m-Run

After the round of 5 reps do an 800m run.

Time: 31:26

Not a good day for me I didnt do the workout until 3.5hrs
after eating breakfast I had nothing for it.
I usually hit it within a 1.5 of eating. What a huge difference

Plus doing double the amount of burpees (30,20,10 reps) really sucked the life out of me.

Oh well I was the bug on this day.
Re: did you work out today?

Snatch singles up to 205# missed only 1 attempt had to do some coaching
I did make 200# which is a 5# PR for me

rest as needed

For time
21-15-9 reps of
135# Power Snatch
30" Box Jumps
End with 400m Run

Back Squats 5,5,3,1,1,1 up to 305# missed it twice
Olympic Style high bar ass to grass

rest as needed

Power Cleans singles up to 225#