Re: did you work out today?
Floor Press every :60sec increasing load + 10-Diamond Pushups + 3-bar Muscle Ups
Worked up to 205# then 1 more set @ heaviest load
5-1 Arm Kettlebell Snatch every :30sec
Alternate 5-L first :30sec then 5-R next :30sec for 5mins 30sec
Power Snatch Singles up to 160# then 1 more set @ heaviest load
Push Jerks Singles up to 220# then 1 more set @ heaviest load
2-Jerks every :30sec for 3mins using 65% of tadays jerks = 145#
Must keep the bar in the front rack positon for the full 3mins
*Rest 60sec
As Many Reps As Possible In 4mins
Bar Muscle Ups
*Rest 60sec
2 x Max Rep Unbroken Strict Handstand Pushups + Kipping Handstand Pushups
*Rest 60sec then repeat
*Do Strict HSPU's utill you can no longer do them then use a kip
145# for Jerks (dropped the bar twice in the last minute)
25-Bar Muscle Ups
15,13 hspu's
Floor Press every :60sec increasing load + 10-Diamond Pushups + 3-bar Muscle Ups
Worked up to 205# then 1 more set @ heaviest load
5-1 Arm Kettlebell Snatch every :30sec
Alternate 5-L first :30sec then 5-R next :30sec for 5mins 30sec
Power Snatch Singles up to 160# then 1 more set @ heaviest load
Push Jerks Singles up to 220# then 1 more set @ heaviest load
2-Jerks every :30sec for 3mins using 65% of tadays jerks = 145#
Must keep the bar in the front rack positon for the full 3mins
*Rest 60sec
As Many Reps As Possible In 4mins
Bar Muscle Ups
*Rest 60sec
2 x Max Rep Unbroken Strict Handstand Pushups + Kipping Handstand Pushups
*Rest 60sec then repeat
*Do Strict HSPU's utill you can no longer do them then use a kip
145# for Jerks (dropped the bar twice in the last minute)
25-Bar Muscle Ups
15,13 hspu's