ELR Light gun definition update

Sandow the Heretic

Full Member
Aug 8, 2017
There was a meeting of most of the ELR match directors in the country at Clark's Knob and the topic of discussion was mostly defining "light gun" for ELR matches. There had been some previous agreement based upon 25 pounds and a bolt face limit but this arbitrarily included 33 XC and excluded the 338 enabler despite essentially identical performance. The discussion ranged all over for possible revisions but for the sake of having a simple and enforceable rule the definition was revised to simply be 25 pounds with no other limits. Agreeing parties are Clarks Knob (if they have light again), Unholy Alliance, Spear Point and ELRSO matches. Randy of thunder 1.5 was the sole descenting opinion and he wants to either not define it or wants it higher (it wasn't particularly clear). We (Ko2M)had pushed the previous definition as the international standard and will update them on the more permissive definition. This essentially means that going forward, you can build a gun for light class with confidence that as long as it makes the 25 pound weight it will essentially be acceptable in any ELR match in the world (where legal).

25lbs and not 26, like it was supposed to be this year? When did they say this would take affect since they already released this seasons previously agreed on rules?
25lbs and not 26, like it was supposed to be this year? When did they say this would take affect since they already released this seasons previously agreed on rules?
There was only one person that wanted 26 and it was because they were having a hard time getting their existing gun under 25 pounds. Everyone else called bullshit and voted to stick with 25. Goes into effect on the first of next year. Some match directors may choose to implement it sooner though.

Some would think i would be happy with the new rules. Truth is i think its a better move in some ways. The only fear i have is the death of the sport . No new blood will kill the sport within 5 years .
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Some would think i would be happy with the new rules. Truth is i think its a better move in some ways. The only fear i have is the death of the sport . No new blood will kill the sport within 5 years .
So growth was discussed both in the meeting and after. The real answer for growth is short range matches and not a caliber restriction. We started the Unholy Alliance light gun at 800 yards and worked them out to 1900ish. In doing so we gave people with guns from other disciplines a chance to get hits on target and not be outclassed since the advantages of something like the XC are really going to start standing out at further ranges. I think we had about 30 people show up that had never shot an ELR match before. Part of that was it being a match in a new region but part of it was that were were running it as an appropriate distance set for new shooters.

There are matches that are intro appropriate and matches that are for seasoned shooters only. What we really need is to get people to run light gun matches that are closer ranges and advertise them as new shooter appropriate. I have some ideas on how to make that happen and I'm working towards them. In the mean time, I'd suggest that anyone that is interested in running a match at any distance set reach out to me or other match directors for help. Everyone that runs these matches will try to help out anyone else willing to step up and do the same.
