Rifle Scopes EOTech problem w/ pics

Andrew Blubaugh

Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Dec 4, 2003
There has been a bit more of a buzz concerning EOtech vs_____ optic lately. There are a lot of people posting about the problems of EOtech but a picture tells a lot. As posted earlier I have owned two EOTechs, both of which failed early on in their service life. If I were to guess, they failed with less than 2,500 rounds on each. The warning signs were obvious, the reticle would flicker on and off during shooting. Often times it would just turn off. After a while the AA batteries would leak and corrode the internals, on the CR123A battery model the batteries would heat up and corrode contacts or melt the buffer causing the electrical contacts to be blocked. This was the result of the batteries running in line with the weapon system and jarring back and forth in the battery compartment during live fire. In one unit it became so bad the EOTech would turn off and on during dry practice.

My 556.A65 was returned to L3 and I was refunded. My 552.A65 was considered to be "normal wear and tear" and L3 said they repaired it and it was returned but I continued to have the same problems.

I keep it for a teaching aid for those who have a EOTech and they can see what will happen.

Here is the unit, notice the gray material in the lower right corner. That is battery acid that leaked out. Note that this is not right outside of the battery compartment.


Remove the battery compartment and you will see this buffer with the contacts. Notice the color of the contacts from corrosion. Also notice the creases in the buffer from the batteries slamming into it during live fire.

When the batteries are removed it is common for the inside contacts to come out... This is not by design but it happens.

Yup, the battery is upside down and the contact/buffer is stuck.

This is a close up of the inside buffer once I peel it from the battery. Notice the creases and severe dimple. Serious wear and tear for such little use.

This is just one of many problems the EOtech is plagued with. EOTech will not directly acknowledge the design as being a flaw. With the newer models they advertise it as being a shorter base so it uses less rail space. That is great but not 100 % true.

The EXPS series does look like an improvement but it still has poor battery life, square HUD, difficult controls. I am sure that sooner or later I will pick up a EXPS just so that I can be versed in it for instructional purposes but at the end of the day the Aimpoint line has a much better product for the same or less than what EOTech offers.

Re: EOTech problem w/ pics

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: toyotatacomasr5</div><div class="ubbcode-body">and that is why i have one! lol i love my eotech. i have beat it around and thought i brokeit so many times..... but nope it still keeps on ticking.</div></div>

You have 19 posts today, all consisting of a few sentences. How about trying to post something of substance otherwise you are bound to be labeled a "Troll" and banned.
Re: EOTech problem w/ pics

Glad you got pics of your problems, because I never did. You try to explain this stuff to people and they choose to ignore it because they are fan boys.

I guess if your life doesn't depend on the optic it doesn't matter, but to others it does. Thanks for the post C_B.
Re: EOTech problem w/ pics

Wish I had seen this before I pulled the trigger on a 557 w/ magnifier. Is there any user mods that can prevent this from happening? Were you running the units that failed on something that has more recoil than a 5.56? I only ask because I plan on running mine on a 300 Whisper.

I love the EOtech aiming system but I gotta say the magnifier is a bit of a disappointment, there is less than 2in of eye relief.
Re: EOTech problem w/ pics

I have one that will no longer turn on. For some reason I can't sell it even though I was told it can be fixed for only about $60. I run my aim point. It is never turned off. I will replace my batteries about every 5 years if I have to or not. I better mark the date on it really good in case I forget.
Re: EOTech problem w/ pics

I've had nothing but bad Duracell batterys. I only ever see duracells doing that so my money would be on your battery choice and not your EOTech. I could be way off but I wont even buy Duracell batterys because I've had so many leak on me.
Re: EOTech problem w/ pics

I've rocked my EO-tech 552 on a 15 month deployment and through a year of range shooting and about 4 months of this trip. It's been rained on, knocked around, mounted to a M249 for a while and is still going strong. It even went swimming in a ditch with me and all I did was wipe it down as I climbed out and still does not have any malfunctions. While mine may be the exception it has never failed at any time. I've seen aimpoints do the same so I'm not going to say that EO-tech is the best thing since sliced bread but I think it has it's place. IMHO
Re: EOTech problem w/ pics

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Shot In The Dark</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I've had nothing but bad Duracell batterys. I only ever see duracells doing that so my money would be on your battery choice and not your EOTech. I could be way off but I wont even buy Duracell batterys because I've had so many leak on me.</div></div>

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bazan</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I've rocked my EO-tech 552 on a 15 month deployment and through a year of range shooting and about 4 months of this trip. It's been rained on, knocked around, mounted to a M249 for a while and is still going strong. It even went swimming in a ditch with me and all I did was wipe it down as I climbed out and still does not have any malfunctions. While mine may be the exception it has never failed at any time. I've seen aimpoints do the same so I'm not going to say that EO-tech is the best thing since sliced bread but I think it has it's place. IMHO</div></div>

On a personal level I train with approximately 100 Mil or LE shooters a year. Of those it is mostly cops who have the EOTechs. In the past 5 or so years I have come across atleast a dozen EOTechs that failed during training. Almost all of them with the same issue.

Shot in the dark, it isn't just a leaking battery issue. It is a battery compartment issue. Read my post, the batteries are being beat to hell. My other EOTech used CR123A batteries (surefire brand) and they over heated. Of all those instances I know for a fact Duracell's were not always used. This EOTech shown in the pictiures was damaged several years ago and has been to L3 for repair. If it were batteries they would have used than scap goat.

Bazan, I am glad your EOTech works fine. The point I am making is the likelihood of an EOTech failing is far too great. I own several Aimpoints and they continue to work flawlessly. Of all the training I am involved with I have yet to see one Aimpoint fail. Pat Rogers of EAG Tactical is in contact with dozens of students on a monthly basis, he has noted in numerous AAR about the shortcomings and failures of EOTechs and though he may have observed an Aimpoint failure I am not aware of it. Google search Aimpoint Failure and then search EOTech Failure... Huge difference in the amount of information on the two searches.

In cases like this it seems like people are personally offended that EOTech is having a finger pointed at them. So many jump to say, "Well mine is fine". Basically what you are saying is, "I gambled and won". If I want to gamble I will go to Vegas or play the lottery.
Re: EOTech problem w/ pics

We have 14 EO Techs that are 4 years old. I've sent three back this year because of problems. 1 had a battery leak like yours, 2 the reticle would not get bright. The customer service was great, and they were fixed and returned within two weeks. But again our lives depend on our equipment working.

"There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and once you've hunted man nothing else will do"
Re: EOTech problem w/ pics

I had never had any issue with my multiple Eotechs until my most recent. A model 516 that eats battery's even when turned off in about a day, I have heard of a bud with similar problem with the same model.

Other then this recent issue I have been really happy with the Eotechs. I always swap out batteries after extended shooting just because and have not yet had a leaking issue?

Re: EOTech problem w/ pics

I had an early version of the same model and experienced the exact same problems. I sent it back to Eotech (beyond the warranty period) and they replaced it free of charge with a the newer and improved Rev. F at no cost. Eotech cs was awesome with a 6 day turn around time (shipping included) right before Christmas. The first thing I noticed was a more robust battery compartment. So far, so good. Battery life is as advertised. Yes, it does not have the life of an Aimpoint or the new XPS but I still prefer it for the 2 moa dot and the fact that you don't have the tube sight picture that you get with an Aimpoint.

Note: In the instructions from Eotech "alkaline batteries from different manufacturers are not all constructed the same way. Tests show some brands are more susceptible to degredation by shock of recoil. we recommend the use of Eveready Energizer batteries with the HWS."
Re: EOTech problem w/ pics

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: cowboy_bravo</div><div class="ubbcode-body">...it is mostly cops who have the EOTechs. In the past 5 or so years I have come across atleast a dozen EOTechs that failed during training. Almost all of them with the same issue... It is a battery compartment issue... the likelihood of an EOTech failing is far too great... I own several Aimpoints and they continue to work flawlessly. Of all the training I am involved with I have yet to see one Aimpoint fail.</div></div>I agree. My experience; exactly.
Re: EOTech problem w/ pics

I currently own 5 or 6 Eotech 552 or 512 models. I have not experienced the same issues. I have seen failures of the "N" battery models but this has been attributed to the climate that they were being used in(sub freezing temps). I am by no means hard on my gear but through regular training classes and over 10K rounds down range, my original 552 still keeps getting it done. I have used the Aimpoints but I prefer the Eotechs. I understand that battery life is not any where near as good but they keep working. When they stop then it will be time to find something else.
Re: EOTech problem w/ pics

I have stated the same thing on so many post where people want to compare Eotech vs. Aimpoint. I work with the Mesa Police Dept and I am always working with guys at the range. We have never had an aimpoint fail, not saying it wont happen someday, but it hasnt yet. We have had many Eotechs fail (almost one during every quarterly qual) for a myriad of different problems.

I onwed one of the first eotechs that came out. It was great, but it failed. FOr the money that Eotech charges for their product now, my opinion is that money is better served with Aimpoint.

Edgewater, just a heads up on your comment about the 2moa dot, there is a 4moa dot for those who prefer a bigger reticle and we suggest shooters use the 4moa dot for faster target acquistion for CQB situations.

Also reference another comment about a barrel effect of the aimpoints sight picture, the Aimpoint is designed to shoot with both eyes open so you dont get a scope or barreled sight when looking at your targets. What you see with both eyes is your field of view. It should be just like looking without a gun in front of you. Your dominant eye will pick up the dot and wherever the dot it, thats where your gonna shoot. Pretty slick really.

To me, and this is based off of years of training with both optics, Aimpoint is a much better product for the money. Our SWAT team will only use Aimpoints because of their dependability. This is my opinion based on practical experience and both products take it for what its worth.

Good Luck and have fun shooting,

Re: EOTech problem w/ pics

For the Corrosion: Use Electrical grease(spark plug boot grease)
This will stop the corrosion issue.

Battery(idea, conceptual, as I have only Trijicon, no EOtech):
Make a very thin rubber shim(donut) to go in front and in back of the battery to buffer it a little more, but still allow contact with the contacts

I know these may not be solid fixes or solutions, but these are the first steps I would try. They may work, trhey may work well, or they may not work at all, but since it is an electrical item, and power applied by battery is the simplest electric stuff these appear to be good solutions to the issues you are having.
If you try them, and they work, shoot me a PM CB, I'll be curious to see if it all works
Re: EOTech problem w/ pics

sorry,. i was meaning to ask the OP if his sight is a rev.F

the one i have is a rev.F and has not given me any trouble on my AR or FAL,. but i also remove the Energizer batteries when i know the sight will sit longer than a week.
Re: EOTech problem w/ pics

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: cruzie27</div><div class="ubbcode-body">sorry,. i was meaning to ask the OP if his sight is a rev.F

the one i have is a rev.F and has not given me any trouble on my AR or FAL,. but i also remove the Energizer batteries when i know the sight will sit longer than a week.</div></div>

Yes it is.
Re: EOTech problem w/ pics

I had my company take eotechs for all our 249s and on our gunners m4s. When we returned off 16 mos. in Iraq, we had and still have 75 broken out of 115 eotechs. I contacted L3 to see if they would take them and do a trade, even 10 broken ones for one good one and of course they said no. All the mirrors inside of them broke off, or the reticle would wash out and be a fuzzy blur. We had cqt's, acogs and aimpoints, and we never had a problem with a single one of them.

Further, L3 is a war profitting corporate monger and I refuse to help them profit. They controlled the up-armoring process, the translators, and 20 something other necessary functions in Iraq. But the moment I asked for help with our sights because we needed them, and PR&Cs took f'ing forever, they said no. F! L3.