That would kill most anything at 100y. If you can hit a clay pigeon at 100y consistently you're good to go for anything from feral cats and woodchucks on up to coyotes.
That grid target was from my testing rig off a bench.
Offhand my results at 100 yards are laughable.
Center of critter out to 75 yards is about the limits at which I'm confident.
Beyond that it'd be a gamble. Not going to take a chance on a wounded critter.
I won't try if I'm not sure I can put 'em down with the first shot.
Practice man, practice, you don't get better shooting off hand by shooting from a bench. It takes a little time and a bunch of ammo. (I know it's tough at this time)
I hear ya' Mike. Only one problem, it doesn't help.
Without something to brace on, just not stable enough to control my aim.
I wander around in the brush sneaking up on squirrels and rabbits,
always find something to lean on to make the shot.
Tree, fence post or my shooting stick to stabilize the rifle.
With a pistol it's even worse. Too much body movement.
I accept the fact that I'm stability challenged and deal with it.