Expected and realistic 22 magnum accuracy

Will we ever get better 22wmr?
It's sold as hunting ammunition, not precision competition ammo.
If you want precision ammo, you hand load centerfire.
The problem is caused by folks believing the "all day long" posts by keyboard kommandos.
It's easy enough to determine the truth for y'erself.
Do a visual inspection of the cartridges.
Measure the dimensions.
Shoot across a chronograph.
5 shots does not determine ammo quality.
50 is my minimum, 100 satisfies my OCD.
Test for y'erself, spend the 20 bucks and watch the fliers happen. :(

Maybe we need a 100 yard 22wmr contest? o_O
All 50 shots on a single target.
Not groups...one shot per bull...hit what you aim at...just like hunting.
Then lets see those claims of all day long, eh? ;)

I can miss all day long doesn't count. :D
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Anybody have an insider speculation on the future of the 17 WSM?
The 17WSM is the current king of rimfire performance as it pertains to varminting. There is simply no question about it. Soon we will finally be able to offer quality rifles that can demonstrate the fact. I wouldn't hesitate to try out a volquartsen summit in 17WSM. Yet, I'm likely going to be much happier with a RimX. With any luck, by the end of summer, TS Customs will be turning out RimX 17WSM's and I'll get to share with a lot of customers, what I already know about the 17WSM. It's a fantastic cartridge, with unrivaled rimfire performance. I'll be demonstrating that for all to see, live, just as I have with the RimX 22lr launch. No black magic. Nothing hidden. Our customers can know anything they want to know about our rifles.
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Glad we have a cease fire, so let's get this thread somewhat back on track.

@RAVAGE88 and anyone else for that matter - do you think we will ever see better quality 22 mag ammo?

An accurate 22 mag would be nice, but based on the headaches and experiences shared in this thread if I buy another one (sold the Ruger American) I'm just joining the frustrated headache club if I expect 1" at 100.

So, for now I am going to hold off on purchase. It's not like I HAVE to have a 22 mag right now. It would be nice to have it sitting in the bedroom corner waiting on those yotes to come back to my yard to steal my animals. I have a Win 70 lightweight in 223 that I can give that job to for now - and it is shooting Sierra 50 gr Blitzkings really well.

Anybody have an insider speculation on the future of the 17 WSM?

I would love to build a rifle for this purpose. Seems like a 17 hornet would be perfect, but I have read how they are finicky to load for along with other problems - seems .20 caliber is where the sweet spot starts.

Better ammo? Not likely. Although we saw the ammo companies respond when the direction of the rimfire market was changed by Vudoo, the popularity of the 22WMR pales in comparison to the 22LR. I don't think we'll see this kind of resurgence where the 22WMR is concerned, but, never say never. However, there are improvements to be made that positively affect the inconsistencies we see in the ammo. As if things with the ammo aren't bad enough, OEM manufacturers open things up for the sake of "production." One manufacturer took a long sporting chamber for the 22LR, the Chipmunk, and added length to it and deemed it the Chipmunk Plus. This was done purely for function, they don't care what the target looks like. It's the same for 22WMR.

Again, if we discuss variables, and change what those variables look like, there are significant improvements in the 22WMR. Now, will the change of the variables be done by others? Highly unlikely. Will you see match level performance out of the 22WMR? No, you won't, but again, it's not intended to shoot matches. What you gain is predictability and confidence in your rifle/ammo combination, which is what is needed with WMR and it's what @justin amateur is speaking to in the 50 shot at 100 yards. Without changing variables, does it make sense to continue to burn up ammo just to see the same results? Or burn up a "good box" of ammo for the sake of the "test?" No, makes no sense at all.

So, what are the variables? Since Vudoo isn't in the business of making and selling just actions for others to put barrels on, there's info we don't share. We sell complete rifle packages that are engineered as a system to perform at a level we advertise, rifle after rifle after rifle. This IS NOT an easy thing to do. To be able to do it means I'm in charge of ALL the variables. In the beginning, it required a very specific chamber, very specific bore and groove designs, in some cases I've changed twist rates (which we'll get into more later) and this evolution never changes. Since the beginning, the two lug action has been improved, a three lug has been developed, a lot of work has been put into chambers and performance standards of the other rimfire cartridges. So, when I say I can (and have) improved the performance of the 22WMR in our rifles, that's exactly what we'll deliver. Will I share what I've worked incredibly hard to assemble? No, I don't share my chamber specs nor do I offer the chamber to just anyone through JGS because again, the "system" belongs to Vudoo to do what we say we're going to do. Obviously it's worked so well that others would choose to mimic something a lot of people said would never work.

I'm really intrigued by the newly found possibilities of the 17WSM. Based on experience, I have reason to be skeptical, but, I also have reason to be confident that @orkan can positively affect the landscape. If everything can happen at-the-rifle that needs to happen with a 17WSM, the chances are really good. From a performance standpoint, the 17WSM outshines the HMR in a huge way but is it currently any more predictable and consistent than the WMR? Maybe by a small margin, depends on the box of ammo, but if things can happen at-the-rifle, this is likely to improve as well. When it comes to the WSM, I have reason to not be a fan, but, this can change.

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Just got off the phone with Jake @ Cooper Firearms. Super nice guy. Cordial and very forthcoming with information. Here's the summary of the info I received:

All 57M's test targets are shot at 50yds, at their facility, and has been so for the last 10yrs. Prior to that, 57's and 57tac's, were shot at 25yds. Essentially if there's an "M" in the model number on the 57, it's test target was fired at 50yds. With the 57M's they guarantee 1/4" CTC @ 50yds. I asked of their "delta" for that level of performance, and essentially they are wanting each rifle to put two consecutive 5-shot groups at or under the guarantee. If for some reason it won't do that in my hands, they'll take it back, and if it won't do it in their hands, they'll fix it until it can.

The impression I received was that they care, a lot, and don't want unhappy customers. So cooper is definitely still on my obscure object of desire list. Jake had me pretty attracted to their western classic with octogonal barrel. I'm going to keep watching auction sites for one to add to my collection. :)

After you shipped me the incomplete CPS unit, took two weeks to return my call, wanted to sell me the missing parts, refused to ship them until paid for even though I was set up on a coyote call and did not have my wallet, then had your flunky kid call me, put me on hold for you to tell me to fuck off, no I won't be calling. I simply made the parts.

You can tell a lot about a person by how they do business.
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Well, now that the whole 25 yard thing has been put to bed, let's be respectful to the OP and get the thread back on track.

What can be expected of me in the future is more details on the progress to improve what we've all experienced, in some fashion or another, with 22WMR accuracy. I don't believe performance is necessarily in question, but maybe we open it up to some number of desired results.

In addition, there may be more to come from @orkan on the 17WSM if we want to do a comparison here, or start another thread for that....not up to me, just throwing it out there.

Thanks guys,
I thought the 17hmr was capable on a regular basis out of pretty much any brand of rifle really good accuracy at 100 yds. Not the case for you?

Too bad about the 17wsm. It appears to be the perfect mid point between 22 LR and 223.

So, If a 22 mag isn’t enough and a person doesn’t want to use a 223 the only other choices are 17 hornet, 22 hornet. and 204 Ruger -if choosing an off the shelf rifle.

The .19 Calhoon is the perfect middle ground. It's a hornet necked down to .19 and it's an awesome 300 yard varmint killer with the 32grn hp.
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Chevy Man,

I have looked at that as well as the 20 cal version. The issue that comes up is we are still stuck with the rimmed case and QC on the brass. Still looking for the correct small case. I am thinking of basically a short .204 at about half length. and 20 cal.

After you shipped me the incomplete CPS unit, took two weeks to return my call, wanted to sell me the missing parts, refused to ship them until paid for even though I was set up on a coyote call and did not have my wallet, then had your flunky kid call me, put me on hold for you to tell me to fuck off, no I won't be calling. I simply made the parts.

You can tell a lot about a person by how they do business.

Email from @rth1800 on Monday December 30th, 2019 - 9:42AM


I purchased a CPS in the last year. I used it exclusively with small primers. When I changed to the large primer set up I could not locate a large primer rod. I may have misplaced it or it may not have been shipped. I really have no idea. At any rate I would like to purchase one ASAP.
I tried to call but did not reach you so I am emailing rather than try to expaine on a recorded message.

Thank you and feel free to call or send and I will pay off invoice.


Reply from my staff on Monday December 30th, 2019 - 1:45PM

Hey (name redacted)!

My apologies for missing your call. I can get one sent to you when the weather clears for the cost of shipping. I will return your call ASAP.

Thank you!


We attempted contact several other times, but could not reach @rth1800


Reply from @rth1800 on Monday January 1st, 2020 - 9:42AM

Sounds great, thank you!
(his address and name, redacted)


We attempted contact several more times, but could not reach @rth1800

January 2nd, when my staff finally contacted him, they identified themselves and asked if now was a good time to talk, just as I've instructed, and just as they ALWAYS DO. @rth1800 responded in the affirmative. When asked for payment information, and informed that we can not ship products without first being paid,(in this case ONLY for shipping) in the nicest possible tone, @rth1800 screamed the most vile and profane insults at my employee that I've ever heard in 20 years of business relations. I'd post the call here for you all to listen to, but it is simply too profane.

@rth1800 It is nice to have an internet handle to put with your real name.
We never shipped you a CPS, for starters. Not sure where you got it, but it wasn't from us as far as we could tell. Never in the history of my business, has a customer screamed obscenities at one of my employees as you did. My staff routinely gets compliments of the highest praise. You didn't order the CPS from us, so I'm not sure who lost the parts for you, but I can assure you all CPS's ship with correct parts, and we've sent out replacements at no charge on many occasions, when others accidentally threw them away or they got thrown away by a cleaning lady. You said you lost the parts, and wanted to order replacements... to which my staff offered you free parts, and that you only pay shipping. When my staff informed you that we needed payment information before we could ship said items, which you said you lost... you went absolutely berserk on the phone. You know what you did and you know what you said. It's not my staff's fault you are deciding to take a telephone call from a coyote set.

I probably would have just sent you the parts for nothing. However, my staff follows procedure, and any time a customer wants to talk to me about it... they are welcome. I've sent priming pins to others that lost them. Some insist on paying for them, but has never been an issue.

I was never involved in any of it, until my staff member came to me so flustered he couldn't even talk right. It took him at least a week to get back to normal after being brutalized by you. I told my staff you were never to do business with us again, and your request for parts was to be flat out ignored. When you called back looking for parts after a couple weeks, I told you that no one will ever be allowed to treat my employees that way, and you're banned from doing business with us forever. The fact that you're proud of this behavior, and post it, and lie about it... well that is... amazing.

Quite literally, you are one of two people, in the history of my business... that I will never do business with in any capacity. No one will ever be allowed to treat my employees as you did that day. You even lied about not having your wallet on you. My staff remembers you shuffling for it and providing it while screaming at him.

You should be ASHAMED of yourself.
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Chevy Man,

I have looked at that as well as the 20 cal version. The issue that comes up is we are still stuck with the rimmed case and QC on the brass. Still looking for the correct small case. I am thinking of basically a short .204 at about half length. and 20 cal.

Wouldn't a 6.5 Grendel necked down to 20 or 22 caliber fill the bill? Or would that basically be a 22 PPC?
Chevy Man,

I have looked at that as well as the 20 cal version. The issue that comes up is we are still stuck with the rimmed case and QC on the brass. Still looking for the correct small case. I am thinking of basically a short .204 at about half length. and 20 cal.

Ah. I guess since I've only shot it out of a single feed Cooper the rims and magazines were of no thought.

20 practical maybe?
What you post is partially true, partially untrue and much exaggrated. You post no time frames. Your claims of "attempts to contact" are lame as I only received one call with excuses at from 1-3 weeks after sending the emails. I don't recall what the exact excuses were. Weather, internet connection etc. The item was purchased new from you or a dealer if you had one. I really do not recall but It was not second hand and was not complete. If I had known it was you involved I would not have purchased it.

You or your employee is much exaggerating the conversation. You should both toughen up a bit. I see far worse said about you all over the internet. You were far more rude to me when you called back to pitch your fit. I simply said OK and hung up.

You are the worse representative of your company than I could ever be. You are a small person with a small attitude. I will in no way apologize. You are truly enough of a loser to sue me so do so. Bring it. If you find a good lawyer he will laugh at you like everyone else does. If you find a bad one he will pat you on the shoulder and take your money.

This is the internet. You should know that. Look at the treatment you get on 6 BR.com. Look at what happens here. You cry, go home and start your own site that has what, 9 disciples, or are you in the double digits now?

One more legal tip. To get a settlement, you must prove damages. You have personally irreparably damaged you business by constantly antagonizing folks on numerous shooting sites. The damage was done by you long ago.

Not going to fight this out on the 'net. Tee it up.. :)
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The 20 Practical is similar to 20 Tactical. Just an improved shoulder to 30 deg. I have one and it is great. Just a lot more cartridge than I want for this project. I actually get very similar ballistics to the .204 with the 20 TAC and the tough Lapua cases.

After you shipped me the incomplete CPS unit, took two weeks to return my call, wanted to sell me the missing parts, refused to ship them until paid for even though I was set up on a coyote call and did not have my wallet, then had your flunky kid call me, put me on hold for you to tell me to fuck off, no I won't be calling. I simply made the parts.

You can tell a lot about a person by how they do business.

This is not the Orkan I have dealt with.

Interesting enough that your emails revealed that the above quote is not the truth. they and obviously show that the above quote is at minimum an extreme exaggeration and in more reality an out right lie.

I have done business with orkan for several years now on many different projects. He has always gone over the top to make sure I was taken care of. I have trouble believing that he would treat me (and other of my friends who have also dealt with him) so well and single you out to treat as you have said he did. Matter of fact, I don’t see any other accusations floating around about how orkan took advantage of them in any sort of business dealing. It is quite the opposite.
Let’s not further hijack the thread.

Due to threat of lawsuit I will not further comment at this time beyond this.

Once you sue someone every bit of your personal, legal, financial, military, mental health and domestic history becomes discoverable.
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Wouldn't a 6.5 Grendel necked down to 20 or 22 caliber fill the bill? Or would that basically be a 22 PPC?

A 22 PPC has more powder capacity than a 223 Rem.
The 19 calhoon has the least powder capacity being based off the 22 Hornet case. The problem is the big rim.
19 Badger is based off 30 carbine and would work for reduced loads but is still over bore. He did/does?? offer formed brass.

The sweet spot in powder capacity is around 9-10 grains IMO.
I really like the idea of a 20 Vartag. 32gr at about 3800 with so little powder needed

I was easily hitting a 1' plate at 500Y with my 20-221AI with 32's at 3735fps just an hour ago. 18.8 gr of H4198. The cool thing (pun intended) is I fired 25 rounds within 5 minutes time and the barrel was only warm!!! The only problem is seeing exactly where you miss in the grass. Well and the scope I have on the rifle is a cheap one and mils were correct on 10x so...
The 17’s not only shoot poorly but simply fail to kill beyond 100 yards.
I have properly placed shot after shot from 17HMR on coyotes and badgers at 150+ yards with very poor results. Far less lethal than a 22 mag hollow point.
Once the .17 gets to that 150 yard range the varmint tips migh not expand well , so you get basically a little tiny hole unless you hit bone . I see that with my 22 magnum too. The 30 g vmax only violently expand out to maybe 50 yards , at 100 they don’t expand hardly at all . So hp seem to be the go to for past 50 yards . But , on Coon under 50 yards it’s hard to beat the one shot instant kills using the vmax . My magnum is one of my favorite calibers , revolvers too . The only ammo that’s terrible out of all my guns Is the 50 grain bullets . Too heavy I guess .
I reload 5.7x28 and I'll tell you right now that even it being wider than 22CCM it's a pain to load for. Very little meat between the edges of the primer pocket and the rim which causes the case to deform through the hole in the shellholder when FL sizing. That's why RCBS made the extended shell holder without a hole in it. This adds an extra step in the process because the cases need to be deprimed separately.

I really do think 30 carbine cases head size would be perfect. There's a balance in convenience of loading the round and if the case is too small or too thin it's going to be a hassle to load for.

I've reloaded 17's since I was in my early twenties. I sold my 4th 17R two years ago to a friend. I don't hate the 17's and never will. Had a 17K Hornet that was a fun little round but at the time it was experimental so I sold it.
I find 20 cal easier, and it doesn't foul as quick, and hits it harder, and with the same or a higher BC. If looking at 22 cal compared to 20 cal, the little 20 cal 32gr has the same BC as a 50gr 22 cal, and the 20 cal 40gr has the same BC as 62gr 22 cal. It makes a lot of sense going 20 cal in a tiny case because of this. And it's easier to hold bullets when putting them in the case to seat them vs 17 cal.

I'm using 6.5 grains of 800x in my 20-221AI to get that 32 grainer going 2330 fps in a 21" 11 twist barrel and the case is not quite halfway full. So a small centerfire case only needs to hold 8-10 grains of powder to get 2800 fps or so with a 32 gr bullet. I'm using a 380 case cut short to use as a powder dipper to give everyone an idea how small the volume is on that 6.5gr grains of powder.
You said you reload the 5.7x28. I, like everyone else, am having supply problems. I have plenty .224 in 50 and 55 grain. And plenty hp38 powder but can’t find any data on anything heavier that 40 grain. This is for the f&n 57 pistol. Can you help or point me in the right direction?
ya' know....jbell has been running the 'hides rimfire 6x5 for a few years now,
and looking at the results, there have only been a few of us willing to post targets
using the 17 hmr, 17 wsm and 22wmr. Makes me wonder why that is?
Could it be an indicator of less than stellar ammo quality?


Just thinking...;)

some of us are just gluttons for punishment....

50 yard

69: 0.402” / 0.767 MOA (RETE8- Anschutz 1720 5/24/20) *22 MAG*
70: 0.416” / 0.794 MOA (DRACO- Vudoo V-22 4/18/20)
71: 0.416” / 0.794 MOA (RETE8- Anschutz 1717 7/18/20) *17HMR*

100 Yard

32: 0.578” / 0.552 MOA (RETE8- Anschutz 1717 HB 11/7/20) *17 HMR*
33: 0.620” / 0.543 MOA (Near Miss- Sako Quad 5/12/20) *109 yards
34: 0.620” / 0.592 MOA (RETE8- Anschutz 1720 11/7/20) *22 MAG*
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You said you reload the 5.7x28. I, like everyone else, am having supply problems. I have plenty .224 in 50 and 55 grain. And plenty hp38 powder but can’t find any data on anything heavier that 40 grain. This is for the f&n 57 pistol. Can you help or point me in the right direction?

When I searched this topic back then I found the FN forum and a guy on there posting a lot of loads for the PDW and the pistol with bullets up to 55gr, IIRC.
I backed off .2 grain from his load on my 40gr Vmax load because it was on the hot side for my PS90.

.1 grain makes a difference in the 5.7x28 so start low, and bump the shoulder of the case exactly what factory ammo is.
When I searched this topic back then I found the FN forum and a guy on there posting a lot of loads for the PDW and the pistol with bullets up to 55gr, IIRC.
I backed off .2 grain from his load on my 40gr Vmax load because it was on the hot side for my PS90.

.1 grain makes a difference in the 5.7x28 so start low, and bump the shoulder of the case exactly what factory ammo is.
I can’t seem to find the thread that you referred to.
I like my 22 mag. Handy for critters stalking the chicken coop.
Effective short range hunting/varminting cartridge.
But a precision paper punching round, it is not.
Verify this for y'erselves.
Don't shoot groups, use the round as intended, as a hunting round.
Can you hit what you you aim at?
How often does the shot stray and by how much?
Try it. Draw a grid on a large section of cardboard.
10 lines by 5 lines with a 2 inch spread.
Then see how well you can do at 50 or 100 yards.
Attempt to hit where those grid lines intersect.
Groups mean nothing if they aren't hitting where y'er aiming.
Attempt 50 shots at 50 individual aimpoints and check those results.
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I like my 22 mag. Handy for critters stalking the chicken coop.
Effective short range hunting/varminting cartridge.
But a precision paper punching round, it is not.
Verify this for y'erselves.
Don't shoot groups, use the round as intended, as a hunting round.
Can you hit what you you aim at?
How often does the shot stray and by how much?
Try it. Draw a grid on a large section of cardboard.
10 lines by 5 lines with a 2 inch spread.
Then see how well you can do at 50 or 100 yards.
Attempt to hit where those grid lines intersect.
Groups mean nothing if they aren't hitting where y'er aiming.
Attempt 50 shots at 50 individual aimpoints and check those results.
Mine would end up with 50 dead animals!!! I’ll save the ammo. Love the 22 mag!
The need:

Rifle at the ready for predators (coyotes) in my backyard - probably 70 to 75 yard max shot.

I don't own a surpressor right now, so something not too loud if I need to fire the rifle from my back porch at 7:00 am when everyone is asleep in the house.

What I am thinking:

If I want a quality rifle (which I do) - I'm looking at the CZ 457 Varmint.

I like the accuracy of the 17hmr, but not one person here has said they would pick it over the 22mag for my application.

I am not a fan of Savage, and based on @RAVAGE88 assessment of the rifle = pass.

Am I missing anything?
Maybe I missed something. Why don't you just buy a CZ 22 Hornet? It's pretty quiet, low recoil, accurate round at that distance.
I found my old target shot at grid intersects.
It includes the chronograph numbers for each cartridge fired.
Those strays are ammo caused.


100 yards with a barrel block ammo test rig.
No skill required on my end.

OMG! you should a! Just welded the barrel to the bench 😂 whoops Devon epoxy would have worked better kept the wood from ketchin fire ! That's a beast !
RD, no giggling! ;)

That's not even my most extreme testing platform.
I've built 3 different barrel block rigs for eliminating my minimal skills affecting the results.
I try not to blame the ammunition for the results, without first verifying it ain't me. :(

I call 'em Fuglie's.


The barrels are full length bedded in epoxy,
then clamped in position with leather pads and steel plates.
Barrel harmonics? What barrel harmonics? :D

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RD, no giggling! ;)

That's not even my most extreme testing platform.
I've built 3 different barrel block rigs for eliminating my minimal skills affecting the results.
I try not to blame the ammunition for the results, without first verifying it ain't me. :(

I call 'em Fuglie's.


The barrels are full length bedded in epoxy,
then clamped in position with leather pads and steel plates.
Barrel harmonics? What barrel harmonics? :D
How many guys did it take to drag that out of the truck bed and haul it to the table ?
RD, no giggling! ;)

That's not even my most extreme testing platform.
I've built 3 different barrel block rigs for eliminating my minimal skills affecting the results.
I try not to blame the ammunition for the results, without first verifying it ain't me. :(

I call 'em Fuglie's.


The barrels are full length bedded in epoxy,
then clamped in position with leather pads and steel plates.
Barrel harmonics? What barrel harmonics? :D

Justin’s future accuracy test sled progression:




Late stage accuracy test addiction (same gun)



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