Suppressors Form 4 wait time

Purchase 10/9/18

Form 4 individual on tbac paper submission.

Never called to see what check cash date was since dealer takes care of payment as part of purchase and never checked on progress to see when it went pending.

Stamp at dealer 7/31/19

295 days purchased to stamp at dealer
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<chuckle> A secret clearance is a joke (hell, a Bn C.O. can grant one on a verbal). It's nothing more than a quick background scan...but I get what you're saying.
Check your voicemails my dudes. I stumbled across a message left by my LGS last thursday (07-25-2019) that i missed. I picked up my second thunder beast suppressor yesterday.

Form 4 individual
TBAC 22 take down
Pending: 08-22-2018
Approved: 07-18-2018
Form 4 Individual on Silencer Shop kiosk.
8/21/18 - Filled out Form 4/fingerprints
8/29/18 - submitted
9/4/18 - Check cashed
7/30/19 - approved (329 days)
8/3/19 - dealer received tax stamp

4th can (others done in 2011, 2012, 2015). Longest one previously was 177 days in 2015.
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We have had a couple approvals come back last week on forms mailed in October.

Today I called about my personal form 4.
Mailed 9/5/18
Payment charged 9/13/18
Approved 8/4/19
That’s what the lady said. I called her yesterday and she said, “well I’ve got some good news. Your form 4 was approved yesterday 8/4/19.”
Then proceeded to tell me the form should arrive in about 10 days but could take up to 30.
I have 2 can stamps coming.
Ordered on 9/4/18
Cashed 9/22/18 according to my bank (9/24/18)
As of 7/23/19 - “still processing” and the lady said about 1 year from check cashing to receiving a stamp is typical right now.
Hopefully any day now.
I called today and learned that 2 of my cans (Dead Air Mask and Ghost) were just approved 11Aug, these were purchased at my dealer last year 6Sept.

So now to wait for the stamps to arrive.

My Sandman from October 2018 is still pending though.
Filled out Form 4 and paid for stamp one year ago today, check cached 8/27/18, still no stamp. My CCW was renewed in the past month so I think I'm still not a felon.
I have no idea. They even ventured to tell me “I should be close” to being assigned. I asked why some have received stamps who submitted form 4 trust after me. She said they go to different groups and some work faster than others. So basically it’s a total shit show and there is little organization going on. You just get lucky or you don’t. Seems legit for a 1+ year wait.
I spoke to a local suppressor shop owner, who is one of the largest suppressor dealers in the midwest, a couple of moths back and he told me the government shutdown screwed up the ATF review teams.

He said the teams were mainly comprised of non-government contract employees, and that they transferred to “essential departments”during the shutdown because the fed was going to have to pay their contracts whether they worked or not.

I guess most of these contract employees did not come back to the review teams, so they had to train in a bunch of new people.

That in addition to the additional forms submitted during the shutdown have created a significant backup.