Fox Kamala interview

Actual picture of Chuck Schumer, watching Kamala‘s video that she sent to the Al Smith dinner. One of the biggest campaign whistle stops for any candidate. And she blew it off as the first candidate since Walter Mondale to do so.

Her video was so cringe worthy That even the Democrats were shaking their heads.


It’s getting harder to steal….

Heard yesterday that some on my old job think I need to "give it a rest".

They have been seeing that on any social media post they make, if appropriate, I will drop in a video of our getting fired or something about their prosecuting the mandates.

I do feel at times the whiny bitch but the alternative is that these guys hide what they did and continue to beat their chests on how great they are. It's an unhealthy obsession to me but it's all I got right now. "With Bitterness" is not a good way to live.

Because we let them.....the abuse will continue and get worse.
I think you're brave and right on the money.
Keep up the good work
And I can point numerous passages where God told them to go and kill everyone and everything because they were evil.
Yes, God told the Israelites to kill every living thing in the land of Canaan.
but you are taking it out of context in the attempt to use it to support your own unbiblical views and opinions in the present day and age.
What God said in those passages only applies to the nation of Israel, at that particular time and in the land of Canaan.
Heard yesterday that some on my old job think I need to "give it a rest".

They have been seeing that on any social media post they make, if appropriate, I will drop in a video of our getting fired or something about their prosecuting the mandates.

I do feel at times the whiny bitch but the alternative is that these guys hide what they did and continue to beat their chests on how great they are. It's an unhealthy obsession to me but it's all I got right now. "With Bitterness" is not a good way to live.

Because we let them.....the abuse will continue and get worse.

Never forget
Never let them forget
Never let anyone else forget

Make their actions a millstone around their necks and a scarlet letter that they will always be reminded of and never be able to hide.
At this point shaming them forever is about the only justice you are likely to get unless society is rebuilt from scratch.
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In your opinion, was the American revolution a violation of Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:13 ?
Are there times when we should not obey the Government? We should never allow the government to force us to disobey God. Jesus and his apostles never disobeyed the Government for personal reason, when they disobeyed it was in order to follow God's higher law. Their disobedience was not cheap. They were threatened, beaten, thrown in jail, tortured, and executed for their convictions. Like them if we are ready to disobey we must accept the consequences.

Wittingly or unwittingly, peoprle in authority are God's servants. They are allowed their position in order to do good. When authorities are unjust however, up right people are afraid. When authorities are just , people who are doing what is right have nothing to fear. This provides our principle motivation to pray for our leaders. Praying for those in authority over us will also mean that we will watch them closely. If we pray diligently for our leaders, we will be functioning as God's sentinels.

The above is lifted directly out of my study bible on Romans 13 in an attempt to lay out what would make it just.

While things like the Boston Massacre, protest of un fair and unconstituional acts resulted in the Brits killing a few protestors, I think this qualifies as unjust authority and would argue that the British Crown broke Gods law and trust in being a fair governing body. Along with other actions.

You can not eat partake in the blood and body in an unworthy manner.
Yeah, and they didn't do it and are still dealing with the results today
They need to knock off the vulgarity, faggotry, trying to control the world from behind a curtain and hating me because I'm not one of them and maybe we'll talk.

Until then, Howard Stern, Chuck Shumer and all the other 'Steins that have taken over the Dem. Party that'd like to see me and my kind in the same death camps we rescued them from can fuck right off.
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Are there times when we should not obey the Government? We should never allow the government to force us to disobey God. Jesus and his apostles never disobeyed the Government for personal reason, when they disobeyed it was in order to follow God's higher law. Their disobedience was not cheap. They were threatened, beaten, thrown in jail, tortured, and executed for their convictions. Like them if we are ready to disobey we must accept the consequences.

Wittingly or unwittingly, peoprle in authority are God's servants. They are allowed their position in order to do good. When authorities are unjust however, up right people are afraid. When authorities are just , people who are doing what is right have nothing to fear. This provides our principle motivation to pray for our leaders. Praying for those in authority over us will also mean that we will watch them closely. If we pray diligently for our leaders, we will be functioning as God's sentinels.

The above is lifted directly out of my study bible on Romans 13 in an attempt to lay out what would make it just.

While things like the Boston Massacre, protest of un fair and unconstituional acts resulted in the Brits killing a few protestors, I think this qualifies as unjust authority and would argue that the British Crown broke Gods law and trust in being a fair governing body. Along with other actions.

You can not eat partake in the blood and body in an unworthy manner.
First off, you are absolutely wrong, because both the Jewish leaders and the Romans forbid the apostles to proselytize and spread their faith. Most of the time they were thrown in jail it was not because of some esoteric blasphemy, but simply because they were "causing trouble" preaching their faith. The Romans just didn't want another revolt, so they would enforce or no enforce whatever laws kept the public the calmest. The whole "give unto Cesar" was a clever way to get out of being accused of treason, not a Christ jussive to follow whatever immoral laws were passed. It's a near total fail when either the left or the right tries to claim God is on their side (especially true when trying to put a devine venire on man's laws), which is why Lincoln only claimed that he was trying to be on God's side.

That is just as ridiculous as saying you shouldn't obey the government because of God, as that you should because of God. The above missive is tantamount to claiming to know God's plan and his designs. The American Revolution is rightly spoken of in terms of devine providence, but those revolutionaries were unquestionably treasonous traitors to The Crown, which is supposedly granted the right-to-rule through God Almighty. It is absolutely unclear if the Boston Masacre wasn't just British soldiers defending themselves, and in fact the mob lost in court (if you will recall), so that one is out the window as well.

If I were you, believer or not, I would keep God out of politics as much as possible unless it came to something that is clear like condoning the murder of an innocent legally. Pretending to know God's plan is extremely blasphemous, as is assuming anyone in authority is speaking for God. Christianity is unique in the agency of believers, and this whole line of argument seems to want to undo that. Calvin may have argued against Wesley, but when I look at that dialog I am struck by how in the little things they acknowledge the truth of the other one's argument. In the end Welsey matters more than Calvin, because where we don't know God's plan, we can act with the agency given us.
First off, you are absolutely wrong, because both the Jewish leaders and the Romans forbid the apostles to proselytize and spread their faith. Most of the time they were thrown in jail it was not because of some esoteric blasphemy, but simply because they were "causing trouble" preaching their faith. The Romans just didn't want another revolt, so they would enforce or no enforce whatever laws kept the public the calmest. The whole "give unto Cesar" was a clever way to get out of being accused of treason, not a Christ jussive to follow whatever immoral laws were passed. It's a near total fail when either the left or the right tries to claim God is on their side (especially true when trying to put a devine venire on man's laws), which is why Lincoln only claimed that he was trying to be on God's side.

That is just as ridiculous as saying you shouldn't obey the government because of God, as that you should because of God. The above missive is tantamount to claiming to know God's plan and his designs. The American Revolution is rightly spoken of in terms of devine providence, but those revolutionaries were unquestionably treasonous traitors to The Crown, which is supposedly granted the right-to-rule through God Almighty. It is absolutely unclear if the Boston Masacre wasn't just British soldiers defending themselves, and in fact the mob lost in court (if you will recall), so that one is out the window as well.

If I were you, believer or not, I would keep God out of politics as much as possible unless it came to something that is clear like condoning the murder of an innocent legally. Pretending to know God's plan is extremely blasphemous, as is assuming anyone in authority is speaking for God. Christianity is unique in the agency of believers, and this whole line of argument seems to want to undo that. Calvin may have argued against Wesley, but when I look at that dialog I am struck by how in the little things they acknowledge the truth of the other one's argument. In the end Welsey matters more than Calvin, because where we don't know God's plan, we can act with the agency given us.
You started off by stating I am absolutly wrong, that portion was literally copied straight out of a study Bible. I was not claiming it as my thoughts or work. If you have issue with it I can direct you to who you can take that up with.

Heard yesterday that some on my old job think I need to "give it a rest".

They have been seeing that on any social media post they make, if appropriate, I will drop in a video of our getting fired or something about their prosecuting the mandates.

I do feel at times the whiny bitch but the alternative is that these guys hide what they did and continue to beat their chests on how great they are. It's an unhealthy obsession to me but it's all I got right now. "With Bitterness" is not a good way to live.

Because we let them.....the abuse will continue and get worse.
That internal battle is a rough one. I wrestle with it too. Supposed to forgive but they still want us dead.
It is healthier for your mind to let it go and move on, but I'm a person of bitterness too. Keep reminding those A-holes, remind them everyday what POS humans they are!

I think of all the contractors on some of my projects that had to get vaccinated to continue working there. Most of them did it, to keep their livelihood, and I don't fault them. 3 years later I walk onto those same job sites without ever having a Covid vaccination. FUCKING people!!!!!
Same here.
You started off by stating I am absolutly wrong, that portion was literally copied straight out of a study Bible. I was not claiming it as my thoughts or work. If you have issue with it I can direct you to who you can take that up with.

View attachment 8527106

Just because "it's in a study bible" whatever that is, doesn't actually mean it's the actually part of the Bible.
What you have posted is foot notes and commentary written by someone else (probably recently) explaining their own interpretation of the Bible.

If you actually knew the bible and the scriptures you'd instantly recognize that page as NOT the scriptures but rather an opinion.

So as to your offer to direct people on where to take it up, perhaps name who wrote that study guide and from what book version and such and then we can see what we think of it.

Co-opting religions (including many times "Christianity") to help prop up the legitimacy of the government is pretty much one of the oldest tricks in the game of keeping the peasants and simple minded folks from rebelling against "their betters"...
If you want to know what God actually thought about central government and Kings and these rulers like we have today

Read 1 Samuel 8:5-20

People didn't want to be ruled by God, but wanted some King.
God warned them about how horrible life would be under a King and centralized government
People still stupidly wanted a King
So God said, fine, have one, don't say I didn't tell you you would live to regret it.

Similar things apply to our modern centralized governments.

Almost no government ever has ever not been bad to the citizens.
Almost no government ever has not written evil and oppression and repression into "Law"

Even the great "founding fathers" turned around and viciously oppressed and horribly taxed the poor and rural farmers and such, to an even harsher extent than the British had, it took a second rebellion for them to decide to back off a bit and give the poors these promised "rights" things they didn't really want to do.
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Just because "it's in a study bible" whatever that is, doesn't actually mean it's the actually part of the Bible.
What you have posted is foot notes and commentary written by someone else (probably recently) explaining their own interpretation of the Bible.

If you actually knew the bible and the scriptures you'd instantly recognize that page as NOT the scriptures but rather an opinion.

So as to your offer to direct people on where to take it up, perhaps name who wrote that study guide and from what book version and such and then we can see what we think of it.

Co-opting religions (including many times "Christianity") to help prop up the legitimacy of the government is pretty much one of the oldest tricks in the game of keeping the peasants and simple minded folks from rebelling against "their betters"...
I am aware of that and stated it as such.

Ask and you shall receive.



In my opinion its one of the most informative bibles I have ever seen. If you have never cracked open a study bible I suggest you give it a look.
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No, you can't.

All of the bible references relative to obedience to leaders is premised on the leaders being lawfully in the leadership role.

Given the Constitution is the high law of the land, anyone acting outside of the powers granted in the Constitution are not lawful leaders, and so are not covered by these references.

Your interpretation would by necessity mean Jesus was acting outside of God's command when he opposed the Sanhedrin and the Romans.

But he was not.

I could point to passages, both old and new testament, that disprove your assertion.
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No, you can't.

All of the bible references relative to obedience to leaders is premised on the leaders being lawfully in the leadership role.

Given the Constitution is the high law of the land, anyone acting outside of the powers granted in the Constitution are not lawful leaders, and so are not covered by these references.

Your interpretation would by necessity mean Jesus was acting outside of God's command when he opposed the Sanhedrin and the Romans.

But he was not.
I promise you, I can, and others here have already started.
But just like you, I am glad it happened and I do think God had a hand in it, because as also stated somewhere before, revolutions almost always go to shit. The fact ours didn't just cements in my mind that we had God's blessing.
Just because God uses our sinful nature to his benefit and ours, doesn't make it less sinful.
I love the turn this thread has taken.
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I am aware of that and stated it as such.

Ask and you shall receive.

View attachment 8527158

View attachment 8527165

In my opinion its one of the most informative bibles I have ever seen. If you have never cracked open a study bible I suggest you give it a look.
John MacArthur study Bible for me, but my usual book is just regular kjv. I've spent enough time reading old English to know what those words mean.
Fucking-A right it's disrespectful...

Jar Jar Binks does not deserve that kind of comparison.

For one, I am pretty sure he never sucked a dick to get a job.

And while a completely appalling Star Wars Character... is still head and shoulders above Kameltoe...

But hey... the image is right on!

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