Fuck me school shooting in Texas

Are you serious or are you trolling?

If you ae trolling then I will play...... if not then I will pitty you.
I’ll play

how many cops or first responders have been killed for not going along with “the story”, especially when dead women and children are around and media cameras all over.

Not some radical group of idiots in the woods, not some fictional SF raid in Germany, actual verified “killings”.

Then show the spouse , family and friends just going along with the killing not trying to find out the truth…or are they dead too.

Shoot me a pm so we can verify your info not to mess up the thread anymore…I’ll wait
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“Go in there! Go in there!” nearby women shouted at the officers soon after the attack began,
I'll believe this when cell phone videos leak.

Cell phone videos, school CCTV, audio of shots, audio of police calls, will leak. and fix the true timeline.
Why didn't the parents have their own guns? I'm not trying to be harsh but Texas is very gun-friendly now and after the El Paso shooting there was an increase in firearm purchases by the Hispanic community. So why didn't the parents have guns?
The police would have arrested them on the spot for having a gun in a gun free zone. No doubt in my mind. People need to understand that the government is not here to help you. Government is here to CONTROL you.
The police would have arrested them on the spot for having a gun in a gun free zone. No doubt in my mind. People need to understand that the government is not here to help you. Government is here to CONTROL you.

Good point but what if the armed parents greatly outnumbered the armed police officers?
Good point but what if the armed parents greatly outnumbered the armed police officers?
Apply this logic across the country and we would have the country we want for our children. The only thing standing between the people of the world and freedom is the government’s police. Tyranny and this one world gov’t bullshit couldn’t be possible without them.
So I have a question here; philosphical one anyway.

So, the 4473 form comes to mind here. First of all, filling out the box means nothing. Any found mentally defective person can lie. However, in theory isn't the phone call in for the actual check supposed to flag this?

If I take the stance as Devil's advocate the background checks work as Dumbocrats and RINOs think. We know it doesn't work like that since some doctors/states never get the mentally ill patient info into the system (whatever the system is). So, why is it then, for purchase of firearm are the juvenile records not unsealed to purchase a firearm. I mean, "Little Tommy" could have hacked his sister to death at age 13 and we'd never know - sealed.

If the gubment would do an actual investigation instead of the "just ban guns" bullshit, maybe we could figure out how better to stop these (though, part of the price of true liberty is that these things can happen). What's the saying...one who values security over liberty deserves neither.
I mean, I'm open. Is it the anti-depressants? Anti-psychotics? Video Games? Drug use? Drug use when in womb? Complete lack of value (especially the value of life)? There has got to be a reason this shit has become all too commonplace in the last 20-30 years.
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So I have a question here; philosphical one anyway.

So, the 4473 form comes to mind here. First of all, filling out the box means nothing. Any found mentally defective person can lie. However, in theory isn't the phone call in for the actual check supposed to flag this?

If I take the stance as Devil's advocate the background checks work as Dumbocrats and RINOs think. We know it doesn't work like that since some doctors/states never get the mentally ill patient info into the system (whatever the system is). So, why is it then, for purchase of firearm are the juvenile records not unsealed to purchase a firearm. I mean, "Little Tommy" could have hacked his sister to death at age 13 and we'd never know - sealed.

If the gubment would do an actual investigation instead of the "just ban guns" bullshit, maybe we could figure out how better to stop these (though, part of the price of true liberty is that these things can happen). What's the saying...one who values security over liberty deserves neither.
I mean, I'm open. Is it the anti-depressants? Anti-psychotics? Video Games? Drug use? Drug use when in womb? Complete lack of value (especially the value of life)? There has got to be a reason this shit has become all too commonplace in the last 20-30 years.
What meds was the shooter on?
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Just think of all the kids they saved by trapping the shooter in just one classroom.

Bleed out takes less than an hour. That wait killed a lot of kids.

What happens in the hour after a shooting starts kills or allows more people to live than taking out the shooter.

Standard tactics for two decades are to flood the structure with officers and to flood it behind them with medical responders.

I cant fault individual people losing their nerve when under effective fire. But all the cops and the leadership on the scene is not good.

Losing contact and containment in the original incident on the road is the other story.

BTW, The ignore button cleaned this thread up for me. In my mind's eye I see someone yelling in a padded room.
Why didn't the Officers offer to give their guns to the parents to go in the school to try to save their children . They reported that he was in the school 40-60 minutes before the Border Patrol Agent went in and killed him. I know Officers aren't paid to risk their lives but if a parent wanted to go in they should of gave them the tools.
Gave them the tools? Most small towns have MRAPs and way more shit than they can, or know how to use these days.
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Perhaps...I believe these crazies are groomed and radicalized via social media / online gaming. These events don't occur in a vacuum and the timing is incredibly suspect given the current state of affairs around the country. My tin foil hat is screwed on tight and I don't believe there was anything random about it.

The events leading up to the school entry will never be known. Or I should say the factual events will never be revealed.
Heard. Anything is possible.
What would you do? I'm curious about the commenters on here as to what they would do. How many have any CQB or breaching experience? Practiced room clearing? Know basic trauma skills?
Have experience in multiple of those, and grasp the basics of the other. Nines of that is high speed ninja secrets, the difference is the ninjas can do it mostly right most of the time. Standing around listening to gun shots inside doesn’t help anyone.

Also as someone who dealt with it for a living dealing trauma isn’t rocket science on average. It’s more the mental game of can you slow down and think through it clearly.
Soooo… pic was released of the supposed weapons. $2K DD with an Eotech and what appears to be a S&W as well. Also reported he was wearing body armor as well.

What I want to know is how the fuck an 18 year old with no drivers license living with his grandparents (grandpa a felon) in a poor ass rural border town can afford 4-5K worth of gear a couple days after his 18th birthday. He sure as fuck didn’t have a job that could support that with no drivers license, and he sure as fuck didn’t build his credit enough in 2 days to get a $5K line of credit.

With felon grandpa and mom/dad obviously not in the picture for some reason it makes me question a cartel connection. That would explain the $$ too or the ability to make the money. Would also explain the violent behavior.
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What meds was the shooter on?
I don't know that it was on any. But, the larger point is this should be handled like an aircraft crash investigation; not as a political witch hunt. It may have been on drugs. It's mother when she had him in the womb may have been on drugs. Something drove this creature to do this; what? I know, evil is all we need to know...yes, it was evil; but where did this creatures train go off the tracks? That's the point. In the current atmosphere, we'll never know anything about the background other than what "they" want us to know.
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Soooo… pic was released of the supposed weapons. $2K DD with an Eotech and what appears to be a S&W as well. Also reported he was wearing body armor as well.

What I want to know is how the fuck an 18 year old with no drivers license living with his grandparents (grandpa a felon) in a poor ass rural border town can afford 4-5K worth of gear a couple days after his 18th birthday. He sure as fuck didn’t have a job that could support that with no drivers license, and he sure as fuck didn’t build his credit enough in 2 days to get a $5K line of credit.

With felon grandpa and mom/dad obviously not in the picture for some reason it makes me question a cartel connection. That would explain the $$ too or the ability to make the money. Would also explain the violent behavior.
Birthday money ????
Soooo… pic was released of the supposed weapons. $2K DD with an Eotech and what appears to be a S&W as well. Also reported he was wearing body armor as well.

What I want to know is how the fuck an 18 year old with no drivers license living with his grandparents (grandpa a felon) in a poor ass rural border town can afford 4-5K worth of gear a couple days after his 18th birthday. He sure as fuck didn’t have a job that could support that with no drivers license, and he sure as fuck didn’t build his credit enough in 2 days to get a $5K line of credit.

With felon grandpa and mom/dad obviously not in the picture for some reason it makes me question a cartel connection. That would explain the $$ too or the ability to make the money. Would also explain the violent behavior.
There’s 100 ways he could have gotten the money, why do people act like it’s near impossible for a motivated psychopath to get some money gathered up?
Drug addicts with no job find a way to spend hundreds a day on a fix.
Soooo… pic was released of the supposed weapons. $2K DD with an Eotech and what appears to be a S&W as well. Also reported he was wearing body armor as well.

What I want to know is how the fuck an 18 year old with no drivers license living with his grandparents (grandpa a felon) in a poor ass rural border town can afford 4-5K worth of gear a couple days after his 18th birthday. He sure as fuck didn’t have a job that could support that with no drivers license, and he sure as fuck didn’t build his credit enough in 2 days to get a $5K line of credit.
With felon grandpa and mom/dad obviously not in the picture for some reason it makes me question a cartel connection. That would explain the $$ too or the ability to make the money. Would also explain the violent behavior.
He wasn’t wearing body armor although it was mistakenly reported on purpose.
There’s 100 ways he could have gotten the money, why do people act like it’s near impossible for a motivated psychopath to get some money gathered up?
Drug addicts with no job find a way to spend hundreds a day on a fix.

Drug addicts are robbing/stealing to get it or their families are giving it to them. I looked up the address, that’s like a $50K house. His grandparents aren’t giving him that kind of cash.

I had cash like that when I was his age but I was working a full time job making decent money and had a vehicle to get there.
Drug addicts are robbing/stealing to get it or their families are giving it to them. I looked up the address, that’s like a $50K house. His grandparents aren’t giving him that kind of cash.

I had cash like that when I was his age but I was working a full time job making decent money and had a vehicle to get there.
So drug addicts can do it but he can’t? That makes zero sense.
Did I read correctly that the Border Agent had to find someone to get a key to open the door, the shooter barricaded himself in?

I think most schools today have door that are locked from the outside but may be opened from the inside.

We all have to remember, the school wasn't his target. He shot his grandmother and when confronted by the police he stole a pick up with police chasing him. He crashes the truck and somehow gets out of the truck and runs to the school with a 2 rifles and some type of ammo bag. How the police let him get to the school is another question.
I think most schools today have door that are locked from the outside but may be opened from the inside.

We all have to remember, the school wasn't his target. He shot his grandmother and when confronted by the police he stole a pick up with police chasing him. He crashes the truck and somehow gets out of the truck and runs to the school with a 2 rifles and some type of ammo bag. How the police let him get to the school is another question.

Got a source about the confrontation and chase before entering the school?
I think most schools today have door that are locked from the outside but may be opened from the inside.

We all have to remember, the school wasn't his target. He shot his grandmother and when confronted by the police he stole a pick up with police chasing him. He crashes the truck and somehow gets out of the truck and runs to the school with a 2 rifles and some type of ammo bag. How the police let him get to the school is another question.
They have side/rear entry doors locked from the inside usually just the front are open on most schools, but morons go out and don’t close them all the way so they can come back in later. Also after columbine schools here started locking classroom doors and they only stayed open during class changes.

Not saying this is country wide, just how it is here.
Yeah the secure door can work both ways. Interior Room? Window? Suspended Ceiling? I am just wondering if the clock to kill him could have been sped up.
I feel like if this happened in my town at least a few parents would show up armed and ready to go.
The problem was though he got inside the building, once that happen one mag 30 dead at least. If your one step behind him you could possible stop some of that, maybe. A simple locked door could of made the outcome a lot different.
Do we know if the officers on the scene were told to stand down and wait for tactical to show up? Do we have any idea if they knew how long it would take for tactical to arrive?

I understand it's a tense situation, but I bet most of the responding officers are fathers. I can't believe at least a few of those officers would have rushed the school, that is unless they were given direct orders to stand down.

There's more to this story than meets the eye. Those in charge know how long it takes to bleed out and that they were dealing with a finite time to implement their action plan.

I personally believe it's criminal for the police to just stand down any time there's a school shooting. Time is of the essence in these types of situations. As someone else mentioned, it should have been police clearing hallways and classroom with medical right behind them.

I'm sure this has been practiced in the community for some time now. Sadly, this isn't the first school shooting. Like I said, it should be a crime for those officers to stand down while some of those kids laid there dying a slow and painful death.
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Why didn't the Officers offer to give their guns to the parents to go in the school to try to save their children . They reported that he was in the school 40-60 minutes before the Border Patrol Agent went in and killed him. I know Officers aren't paid to risk their lives but if a parent wanted to go in they should of gave them the tools.
To achieve maximum damage? What if the BP hadn't shown up?

If I recall, this isn't the first time police remained outside a school 'waiting for the go-ahead' while a lunatic murdered kids inside.
Do we know if the officers on the scene were told to stand down and wait for tactical to show up? Do we have any idea if they knew how long it would take for tactical to arrive?

I understand it's a tense situation, but I bet most of the responding officers are fathers. I can't believe at least a few of those officers would have rushed the school, that is unless they were given direct orders to stand down.

There's more to this story than meets the eye. Those in charge know how long it takes to bleed out and that they were dealing with a finite time to implement their action plan.

I personally believe it's criminal for the police to just stand down any time there's a school shooting. Time is of the essence in these types of situations. As someone else mentioned, it should have been police clearing hallways and classroom with medical right behind them.

I'm sure this has been practiced in the community for some time now. Sadly, this isn't the first school shooting. Like I said, it should be a crime for those officers to stand down while some of those kids laid there dying a slow and painful death.
We were taught a femoral bleed can kill you in 2-3 minutes, there isn’t time to stand around waiting.
The AP is reporting that things didn't appear to occur as was reported yesterday. Much has already been talked about here, but here's the report.

The AP is reporting that things didn't appear to occur as was reported yesterday. Much has already been talked about here, but here's the report.

How’s the fuck do the police and fire department not have master keys to the buildings? Pretty sure we did for any major buildings here.
So, back during the time of Columbine I was a police officer. The area where I worked was actually recognized as being one of the first areas to put together training for responding to an active shooter event. The short version was the initial responding officer would start preparing as soon as they got on scene, and as soon as there were four officers present they move in as a team to directly engage the shooter(s). Now, getting four officers on scene would not really take long, but what I took away from one of the instructors, who was a Vietnam vet who had seen real combat, was that if you want it on your consc that you stood outside a school listening to gunshots that’s on you. He told us he wouldn’t ever live with that on his conscience and that he would move in as soon as he got there. This was my thinking as well. If these guys stood around without going in then they are cowards. While I never had to respond to anything like that, I was involved in two other very bad situations and know what gunfights are like. They would either find me dead from trying, or find the bad guy dead at my hands.
How’s the fuck do the police and fire department not have master keys to the buildings? Pretty sure we did for any major buildings here.

In my area, there is a lockbox placed about 10 feet high next to the door. The police and fire department have keys for this lockbox. There should have never been a delay due to no one having a key. This doesn't include the fact that the police could have made entrance towards the back of the school by going through a window. Most schools have the cafeteria towards the back and most also have large windows. There's ways the police could have gotten into that school, unless they were told to stand down.

There's been a crime perpetrated AGAIN by a police department involving a school shooting.
Why didn't the Officers offer to give their guns to the parents to go in the school to try to save their children . They reported that he was in the school 40-60 minutes before the Border Patrol Agent went in and killed him. I know Officers aren't paid to risk their lives but if a parent wanted to go in they should of gave them the tools.
I don't see that ever happening, unless a small, tightknit community; but in that case, I doubt any officer would be lounging around the perimeter anyway, but rather jumping right into the fray, because small town communities are different that way (at least the ones I'm familiar with). I think in many "modern" police forces, if the cops on scene won't engage and a parent shows up, even with their own guns, ready to go, at minimum I'd expect them to arrest any armed parent attempting to enter the school, and worst, shoot at any armed parents approaching the school buildings.

At least that's how most cops around my suburb would likely respond.
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In my area, there is a lockbox placed about 10 feet high next to the door. The police and fire department have keys for this lockbox. There should have never been a delay due to no one having a key. This doesn't include the fact that the police could have made entrance towards the back of the school by going through a window. Most schools have the cafeteria towards the back and most also have large windows. There's ways the police could have gotten into that school, unless they were told to stand down.

There's been a crime perpetrated AGAIN by a police department involving a school shooting.
Who cares about a friggin lockbox, that's for if the janitor lost his keys the night before.

The firetruck has a badass bumper and axes.
Cops have a thing called guns, shoot the fuckin Windows out and get after it sparky.
But the truth is, the only thing they couldn't get past was fear. Doors and windows are easy
What would you do? I'm curious about the commenters on here as to what they would do. How many have any CQB or breaching experience? Practiced room clearing? Know basic trauma skills?

Good question. I was asking my question more out of curiosity and a lot of the conversation on this thread is academic.

Like everyone else, I don't have all the facts. So one never really knows what they will do.
I personally believe it's criminal for the police to just stand down any time there's a school shooting. Time is of the essence in these types of situations. As someone else mentioned, it should have been police clearing hallways and classroom with medical right behind them.
Or make it criminal if he impedes or blocks your attempt to save lives. If you're a cop and you block or otherwise prevent a citizen from acting in an emergency you need to be charged as an accessory.

It's even on my CHL that I have a right use lethal force to prevent imminent injury or death to myself and others.