Fuck me school shooting in Texas

What did he say that would cause you to put him on your ignore list? Just curious.
He's got a long history of anti cop shit on here, I actually took him off ignore when he was demonstrating some ability to discuss things like an adult for a while. Now we're back to the boot licker comments and judging Cops before the story is even known and frankly I'm done arguing with brick walls so 🤷🏼‍♂️
He's got a long history of anti cop shit on here, I actually took him off ignore when he was demonstrating some ability to discuss things like an adult for a while. Now we're back to the boot licker comments and judging Cops before the story is even known and frankly I'm done arguing with brick walls so 🤷🏼‍♂️
Most of what is taken for “anti-cop” is in reality pro America freedom and liberty. A lot of us despise gov’t corruption and tyranny, understanding the role the institution of policing has in supporting both. Neither could be possible without.
As a former LEO it boggles my mind that they didnt make entry. I took several "active shooter" courses and all of them, except in a few rare instances, taught that you make immediate entry if two LEO's are present. I could not sit by and let that sick !@#$ have time to keep blasting away.
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hes just having a tantrum...dont worry, hell be back after he has a good cry about it...
How a grown mans ignore list should look.

Also how’s it wrong to call people out for fucking up? He didn’t say(I don’t think) he hates all cops, he’s saying these particular ones fucked up. Some of y’all can’t see through the haze of your feelings.
Mitch McConnell Urges GOP to Work with Democrats on Gun Control Legislation
Does anyone who has guns still believe that it's Democrats (who want our guns) against Republicans (who will help US keep our guns) in a black and white scenario? The Government wants US disarmed - nobody in their right mind thinks infringing on 2nd Amendment Rights will solve this violence. It's not about guns - it's not really about murdered citizens. It's about Money and Power. Our "Representation" is owned and operated by a Global Oligarchy that is fleecing America - there are literally hundreds of bipartisan bills on Mitch the Bitch's desk and he has never (and will never) move to expedite them. He's been paid to make sure he does and our Senate does what they are bought and paid to do - liquidate America.

But first they need to make sure we are disarmed. I'm not giving up my firearms until someone comes to the door and physically takes them from me by force. I don't care what Pelosi or McConnel or any of them say. I cannot comply - the framework of the Constitution says "shall not be infringed" so the only solution is to re write the Constitution. Not happening - I will not comply with unconstitutional laws.

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The governor who did his part deceiving Texans all during Covid and barred thousands from working is no better and much worse than the mayor or sheriff. He also acknowledges an unconstitutional federal gov’t. He himself needs to go.

Another ignore button hit. Damn trolls are thick around here. Obama has to pay them overtime for sowing doubt and confusion.
I read that while running to the school, he shot at 2 individuals (missing both), so someone saw him run into the school. I'm sure, he went in shooting and killing. It was only after the resource officer returned fire that he dropped his ammo bag and ran to a barricade situation.

I personally don't want to hear any excuses. You flood the building with police with medical right behind. You find the wounded, stabilize them, get them out of the building and transport to the hospitals. Period. Have we not learned from experience? Just because these kids were shot, doesn't mean they all have to die.

I need to ask 1 question. How many students that were shot came out of this as wounded and not DEAD?

He was shooting for twelve minutes outside school. One scoped rifle and he is down.

Stats say at least half would live..
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Does anyone who has guns still believe that it's Democrats (who want our guns) against Republicans (who will help US keep our guns) in a black and white scenario? The Government wants US disarmed - nobody in their right mind thinks infringing on 2nd Amendment Rights will solve this violence. It's not about guns - it's not really about murdered citizens. It's about Money and Power. Our "Representation" is owned and operated by a Global Oligarchy that is fleecing America - there are literally hundreds of bipartisan bills on Mitch the Bitch's desk and he has never (and will never) move to expedite them. He's been paid to make sure he does and our Senate does what they are bought and paid to do - liquidate America.

But first they need to make sure we are disarmed. I'm not giving up my firearms until someone comes to the door and physically takes them from me by force. I don't care what Pelosi or McConnel or any of them say. I cannot comply - the framework of the Constitution says "shall not be infringed" so the only solution is to re write the Constitution. Not happening - I will not comply with unconstitutional laws.

Quote so some of the blind Republican followers can open their eyes.
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Legislatively it seems that this will come down to Manchin, Sinema, Tester, and Romney. As far as votes go the other 56 senators will likely vote along party lines. I hope the pro 2A side is lobbying the shit out of those four senators right now and flooding their phones and inboxes. Especially Mitt Romney, I see him flaking out.
He's got a long history of anti cop shit on here, I actually took him off ignore when he was demonstrating some ability to discuss things like an adult for a while. Now we're back to the boot licker comments and judging Cops before the story is even known and frankly I'm done arguing with brick walls so 🤷🏼‍♂️

Okay then, let me ask you a question. In this instance, do you believe the officers who arrived on the scene did the correct thing? Do you believe that waiting for more than 30 minutes while children were laying on the floor bleeding out was the best thing for the community, much less those kids in the school? Do you believe that more children probably died because of the actions from those officers on scene?

I'm pretty much a police band wagon kinda guy, but every last officer who didn't grab their vest and make entry deserves to never have another peaceful night's sleep.
Hey, hey, hey. You are forgetting that they all went home.
Okay then, let me ask you a question. In this instance, do you believe the officers who arrived on the scene did the correct thing? Do you believe that waiting for more than 30 minutes while children were laying on the floor bleeding out was the best thing for the community, much less those kids in the school? Do you believe that more children probably died because of the actions from those officers on scene?

I'm pretty much a police band wagon kinda guy, but every last officer who didn't grab their vest and make entry deserves to never have another peaceful night's sleep.
So yes to all of your questions.
There are still a lot that's not known. I'll agree that it looks bad. I think Ive seen reports that he had shot before entering the school. But a large looming question still unanswered is if he was actively shooting as a perimeter was being set up outside. This could be a hostage situation where a peaceful solution was being negotiated. Don't know for sure.

I also saw a report that sounds as if some first responders entered for their own kids. That's fucked up 100% if true.

The media is still making changes to timelines and how and what happened. If a lot of what is being rumored, I'll be the first one to say the LEOs screwed up and should turn in their unused equipment. Give things time to figure out exactly what happened.

Anybway things go, I can almost guarantee that ANYONE inside will have trouble sleeping for a very long time.
Okay then, let me ask you a question. In this instance, do you believe the officers who arrived on the scene did the correct thing? Do you believe that waiting for more than 30 minutes while children were laying on the floor bleeding out was the best thing for the community, much less those kids in the school? Do you believe that more children probably died because of the actions from those officers on scene?

I'm pretty much a police band wagon kinda guy, but every last officer who didn't grab their vest and make entry deserves to never have another peaceful night's sleep.
You're asking me questions based on assumptions about information we don't have yet.

But I'll play along anyway since apparently people can't read and because I've made this clear at least three times already;

IF your information is correct, and he entered the school and started shooting kids they should have burnt the building down to get to him and end him before he hurt any more.

Whether that's what happened is as yet unknown. The other thing people seem to have trouble with is the nuance between an active shooter, keyword ACTIVE and a barricaded suspect with hostages.

When searching a building like a school for an active shooter it's fairly straightforward, follow the path of destruction towards the gunfire and screams.

If he stops shooting and holes up in a room full of kids it turns into a barricaded hostage scenario. You have a real issue there because he's already done damage, has the ability to do more, but isn't currently.

If you try to force your way in, you're signaling that you're coming for him and he may start killing more kids. Why did he stop in the first place? Is he out of ammo? Gun jam? Remorse? A lot of these guys give up when confronted but if you give them the impression there's no way out and he shoots four more while you breach the door to kill him is that a good play if he's contemplating giving up?

I'd like to see them all shot into a slushy puddle but not bad enough to risk having to tell some 6yr olds mom I got her kid killed because I tried to force my way in and kill him instead of letting him surrender.

How many internet bad asses have ever kicked a door? It ain't like the movies, especially a solid core school door. You get a half dozen more kids killed because you're such a tough guy you can't stop and reassess when the shooting stops... go ahead and put the gun in your own mouth when it's over because the guilt of that shit will eat you alive.

All the questions about kids bleeding and dying, I guarantee they didn't know at the time. That's no different than him standing there killing more, right? You need to get in and render aid. That's again ASSUMING you know there are dead/dying kids in the room which they almost certainly did not. If they did and didn't go in, I'd call that a major fuckup. You can't standby and allow injured children to slowly die unless there's some HUGE exigent circumstance like a risk of greater loss of life during the attempt for some reason.

But it's another interesting question isn't it, you can't bring anyone back from the dead. Is it worth risking the lives of who's left if he's talking to you and you might be able to get him to surrender? All the faggot billy badass assholes on here talking about what they'd do sound real tough when it's not their kids life in the balance.

Sometimes it's just a shit sandwich no matter what and the goal becomes, "we're fucked he already killed a couple kids how can we get him while keeping him from killing the least amount possible before we do because we can't get him before he kills any..."

There's a saying in LE, time is on our side, that's almost universally true UNLESS people are hurt/dying and who on that shit sandwich of a call knew what and when will determine whether they did the best they could with a shitshow of a situation or if they fucked up royally.

We. Don't. Know. Yet...
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I’ll play

how many cops or first responders have been killed for not going along with “the story”, especially when dead women and children are around and media cameras all over.

Not some radical group of idiots in the woods, not some fictional SF raid in Germany, actual verified “killings”.

Then show the spouse , family and friends just going along with the killing not trying to find out the truth…or are they dead too.

Shoot me a pm so we can verify your info not to mess up the thread anymore…I’ll wait

There is a heavy dose of suicide if you saw Weiners computer and there have been a few Capitol cops suicide.
We were taught a femoral bleed can kill you in 2-3 minutes, there isn’t time to stand around waiting.


You want to realize how long two to three minutes is get on a rowing machine.

Blood will come out like a garden hose from your femoral in a puncture wound.

You'd be better off with an amputation where the muscle retract and become a natural tourniquet.
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You're asking me questions based on assumptions about information we don't have yet.

But I'll play along anyway since apparently people can't read and because I've made this clear at least three times already;

IF your information is correct, and he entered the school and started shooting kids they should have burnt the building down to get to him and end him before he hurt any more.

Whether that's what happened is as yet unknown. The other thing people seem to have trouble with is the nuance between an active shooter, keyword ACTIVE and a barricaded suspect with hostages.

When searching a building like a school for an active shooter it's fairly straightforward, follow the path of destruction towards the gunfire and screams.

If he stops shooting and holes up in a room full of kids it turns into a barricaded hostage scenario. You have a real issue there because he's already done damage, has the ability to do more, but isn't currently.

If you try to force your way in, you're signaling that you're coming for him and he may start killing more kids. Why did he stop in the first place? Is he out of ammo? Gun jam? Remorse? A lot of these guys give up when confronted but if you give them the impression there's no way out and he shoots four more while you breach the door to kill him is that a good play if he's contemplating giving up?

I'd like to see them all shot into a slushy puddle but not bad enough to risk having to tell some 6yr olds mom I got her kid killed because I tried to force my way in and kill him instead of letting him surrender.

How many internet bad asses have ever kicked a door? It ain't like the movies, especially a solid core school door. You get a half dozen more kids killed because you're such a tough guy you can't stop and reassess when the shooting stops... go ahead and put the gun in your own mouth when it's over because the guilt of that shit will eat you alive.

All the questions about kids bleeding and dying, I guarantee they didn't know at the time. That's no different than him standing there killing more, right? You need to get in and render aid. That's again ASSUMING you know there are dead/dying kids in the room which they almost certainly did not. If they did and didn't go in, I'd call that a major fuckup. You can't standby and allow injured children to slowly die unless there's some HUGE exigent circumstance like a risk of greater loss of life during the attempt for some reason.

But it's another interesting question isn't it, you can't bring anyone back from the dead. Is it worth risking the lives of who's left if he's talking to you and you might be able to get him to surrender? All the faggot billy badass assholes on here talking about what they'd do sound real tough when it's not their kids life in the balance.

Sometimes it's just a shit sandwich no matter what and the goal becomes, "we're fucked he already killed a couple kids how can we get him while keeping him from killing the least amount possible before we do because we can't get him before he kills any..."

There's a saying in LE, time is on our side, that's almost universally true UNLESS people are hurt/dying and who on that shit sandwich of a call knew what and when will determine whether they did the best they could with a shitshow of a situation or if they fucked up royally.

We. Don't. Know. Yet...

And. We. Will. Never. Know.

So choose your facts as needed...
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So, back during the time of Columbine I was a police officer. The area where I worked was actually recognized as being one of the first areas to put together training for responding to an active shooter event. The short version was the initial responding officer would start preparing as soon as they got on scene, and as soon as there were four officers present they move in as a team to directly engage the shooter(s). Now, getting four officers on scene would not really take long, but what I took away from one of the instructors, who was a Vietnam vet who had seen real combat, was that if you want it on your consc that you stood outside a school listening to gunshots that’s on you. He told us he wouldn’t ever live with that on his conscience and that he would move in as soon as he got there. This was my thinking as well. If these guys stood around without going in then they are cowards. While I never had to respond to anything like that, I was involved in two other very bad situations and know what gunfights are like. They would either find me dead from trying, or find the bad guy dead at my hands.

That's old doctrine.

Now it's you arrive, you go.

I bought all the gear, plates, Team Wendy (no one was selling Ops Core in the PX at the time) more first aid shit and more ammo. It's a shit sandwich and I wanted the best odds.

This is going to be the final nail in the coffin for LEO. In Texas no less.

If this BS is true Abbot won't be elected dog catcher.
There are already so many conflicting stories, timelines, "eye witness accounts", "official stories", outright trolling and shilling going on that Jesus himself wouldn't be able to change people's minds at this point.

This is just how things are...
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That's old doctrine.

Now it's you arrive, you go.

I bought all the gear, plates, Team Wendy (no one was selling Ops Core in the PX at the time) more first aid shit and more ammo. It's a shit sandwich and I wanted the best odds.

This is going to be the final nail in the coffin for LEO. In Texas no less.

If this BS is true Abbot won't be elected dog catcher.
☝️ knows what he's talking about...

We've transitioned to solo responses if necessary. Statistically, they give up, kill themselves, or die from gunfire by those confronting them.

But until they're confronted, it's scary, you lose one person about every 14 seconds or something in an active shooting. Which apparently, for an hour or so, this wasn't.

I'm looking forward to seeing the debrief and timeline of events on this one because there won't be any middle ground.

They either did great with a shit sandwich or fucked up royally.