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Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

@Gee Kay


driver would need to yell extremely loud for me to hear them :ROFLMAO:
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Seems that way, it was confusing for a while. Started out eliminating the big three like dairy, shellfish, wheat plus beef and symptoms subsided, lost a bunch of weight fairly quickly.

Reintroduced them one at a time, first shellfish no problem then wheat and problems started coming back almost immediately so assumed wheat, cut it back out symptoms subsided, put beef in and no problems. Then dairy and poof, problems back. Started looking at the "wheat" products more closely and it turns out a lot of wheat products have hidden dairy, mostly whey. So I got more particular about the wheat products but things would still flare up occasionally so I started looking at ALL the ingredients and some processed meats like sausage products also have hidden dairy. I'm also a pâté fan and it turns out a lot of pâté, just like breads, have milk as an ingredient.

Avoiding dairy and it's derivatives seems to work but that's impossible if you eat out at all because burger buns, anything breaded like fried chicken, even catfish dredged in cornmeal if milk based wash is used and damn near everything that comes on a plate at a restaurant has butter in it or on it.

A meat diet sound simple but only if you cook it yourself at home dry

Whey is by far the sneakiest of them all since it's often used as a protein booster or a thickener. That shit is in everything ... cereals, crackers, breads and breadcrumbs, vegetarian meat products, deli meats even a lot of "non-dairy" cheeses.

stick to preparing your own food, that way you know whats in there.

from a young age i drilled into my daughter that mcMums (moms for yankies) is far better than mcdonalds. i dont trust whats written in the ingredients of food, thats why meat is simple, its either grain fed or grass fed, we wont know which unless we buy direct from the farmers. fruit and veg also is a question mark, most is sprayed, and those labelled organic, well thats anyones guess. thats another thing ive been talking to the daughter about, fresh out of the garden, not the fridge.
stick to preparing your own food, that way you know whats in there.

from a young age i drilled into my daughter that mcMums (moms for yankies) is far better than mcdonalds. i dont trust whats written in the ingredients of food, thats why meat is simple, its either grain fed or grass fed, we wont know which unless we buy direct from the farmers. fruit and veg also is a question mark, most is sprayed, and those labelled organic, well thats anyones guess. thats another thing ive been talking to the daughter about, fresh out of the garden, not the fridge.

Ingredient list could be 100 percent accurate AND printed on the front of the box in large bold font and about one percent of the population would read it.
Ingredient list could be 100 percent accurate AND printed on the front of the box in large bold font and about one percent of the population would read it.

and those ingredients that they dont know would be too hard to look up on their dumb phone too, just like i said to a lady who told me tim tam coffee was great while i was reading the ingredients, told her loudly "at least the coffee doesnt have bugs as an ingredient unlike the tim tam biscuits"
Most boomers hate entitled pricks in their way….

Just sayin’


Plenty of room on the roads, no reason to be in the middle of a lane just because they're wearing spandex.

Not just cyclists, one place I lived this groups of "ladies" thought it was OK to roller blade down the middle of the lane.
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Plenty of room on the roads, no reason to be in the middle of a lane just because they're wearing spandex.
The way people drive, it is known that being in the middle of the lane is the easiest way to be seen. Lots and lots of crazy drivers, with their heads stuck in their phones and their mind filled with way too much woke shit to be worrying over something so simple as actually paying attention to their driving. Dayglow yellow is the color of the day as well.

but when the road is presenting too many dangers (and folks LOVE to pass around blind curves on hills at speed) I either ease to the very side of the road or just plain go to the ditch. And with today’s drivers, even being 20 feet from the center of the road, past the middle of the ditch is not even safe.

Bikes, cars, motorcycles, Doesn’t matter what you are driving or riding, you are in constant danger……todays drivers don’t give one shit over their or anyone else’s safety.


This set is going to a museum at Ft. Bragg shortly... Caspian parts (they rock!) I did the build. Engraving by John Adams, one of the best engravers alive today... and a neighbor. HFB blade.

A total tribute to the 4POG and marketing guys. Who saved a shit ton of lives.

The .45 shoots bugholes. Yes, I shot it. And re-cleaned it for museum.

But WTF... this all about some really great Psy Ops Guys. None of whom I knew. Hell I was in marketing... of sorts.

Next time you are in Fayettenam... hopefully it will be on display. Working on it now. I have some other stuff 'there.' But nothing related to InfoOps. Or maybe I do? That is the essence of info ops! ;-)
