Holy shit!!!!

We are hoping that Trump can get rid of massive amounts of the doj. No one is under the impression any of this will be easy but with Trump, and the economy improving as a result, it's gonna be easy to elect jd Vance next to continue the clean up. That's the hope. It's not like there's somewhere else for us to run off to, everyone needs to do all they can to help improve things and also prepare for the future no matter what it may be.

We have an excellent chance to expand the house majority as well. We could well end up with full control and WITHOUT THOSE POS LIKE RYAN MCSTAIN AND TURTLE.
Trump or any other president does not have the authority to "go get rid" of any federal employees. Take a look at his last tenure. Even the ones he had authority to relieve of their position were a struggle because of the system of protection set up. The ones he was successful with were moved to another position and it was usually a step up the ladder. Vidman and the ambassador to Ukraine are a few examples.
Hope is fantasy.
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Bwaaaahahaha, then sit on your ass and drink another beer Nov. 5th while the rest of us dumbasses stand in line and vote.

And remember Yesterday is today and tomorrow is today...or is that yesterday.
Trump carried off the stage from an assassin's bullet told people to Fight, Fight, Fight not Sit on Your Ass and Take It, Sit on Your Ass and Take It, Sit on Your Ass and Take it
Fight what? Fight who?
Trump or any other president does not have the authority to "go get rid" of any federal employees. Take a look at his last tenure. Even the ones he had authority to relieve of their position were a struggle because of the system of protection set up. The ones he was successful with were moved to another position and it was usually a step up the ladder. Vidman and the ambassador to Ukraine are a few examples.
Hope is fantasy.
Yes, he does have the authority to do quite a lot at DOJ. It won't be easy but last time he went in not knowing session's would absolutely screw him and he got had by the deep state, AND he had zero allies in congress. This time will be a much different approach hopefully. I mean, I guess it's super easy to just piss all over everything because it will be hard but given that we have no where else to go, we best do all we can to support people who will help Trump in our states. That's what he will need.
Yes, he does have the authority to do quite a lot at DOJ. It won't be easy but last time he went in not knowing session's would absolutely screw him and he got had by the deep state, AND he had zero allies in congress. This time will be a much different approach hopefully. I mean, I guess it's super easy to just piss all over everything because it will be hard but given that we have no where else to go, we best do all we can to support people who will help Trump in our states. That's what he will need.
It's not going to be quick fix but at least Trump can stop the globalist commie train and give people some self-respect back. Thats a start.
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The mayor need to be put on blast nationally with zero chance of ever being elected to anything again. People there should be harassing him 24/7 to the point he's worried about his safety. Then things would change. Unfortunately nobody is willing to be inconvenienced so this will continue.

Always great when i can use this one.
Yes, he does have the authority to do quite a lot at DOJ. It won't be easy but last time he went in not knowing session's would absolutely screw him and he got had by the deep state, AND he had zero allies in congress. This time will be a much different approach hopefully. I mean, I guess it's super easy to just piss all over everything because it will be hard but given that we have no where else to go, we best do all we can to support people who will help Trump in our states. That's what he will need.
800,000 civil service jobs in the alphabet. The lawyers will have it tied up for years.
Allies in Congress? The jokes just keep rolling.
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800,000 civil service jobs in the alphabet. The lawyers will have it tied up for years.
Allies in Congress? The jokes just keep rolling.
View attachment 8491476
It ain't gonna all happen at once, but Trump will reduce the gubment. How much I don't know and it surely won't be enough but it will be better. Honestly, I just want 3 or 4 more years to hord up wealth and land and Trump will give us all another chance to do well for a while so we can get our plans finalized. If he does better than that then great!

Yes, he has some in congress that will help him.
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Bwaaaahahaha. Rest assured there's no CW coming. Something tells me that the "leader" you are referring to is going to usher in something very different than expected.
Please do tell more. Can you elaborate? I’m very curious about this.

Yes, he does have the authority to do quite a lot at DOJ. It won't be easy but last time he went in not knowing session's would absolutely screw him and he got had by the deep state, AND he had zero allies in congress. This time will be a much different approach hopefully. I mean, I guess it's super easy to just piss all over everything because it will be hard but given that we have no where else to go, we best do all we can to support people who will help Trump in our states. That's what he will need.
The fact he came woefully unprepared in his debate with Biden, says all you need to know. He clearly has not learned from his first experience or he would have come in with answers to be hot topic items, explained what he was going to do for the people and not be on stage acting like a 3 year old. Sadly, this screamed to me that this time around will be no different than the first. And if you need further proof he still hasn’t learned anything then all one needs to do is look at his VP pick.

I'd bet it's happening in many places. Maybe this will be what kicks things off and we can just get it over with and reset back to the country we used to be or at least not this shit show
I’m afraid the country will never be what it was ever again.
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The fact he came woefully unprepared in his debate with Biden, says all you need to know. He clearly has not learned from his first experience or he would have come in with answers to be hot topic items, explained what he was going to do for the people and not be on stage acting like a 3 year old. Sadly, this screamed to me that this time around will be no different than the first. And if you need further proof he still hasn’t learned anything then all one needs to do is look at his VP pic

I don't agree with some of that. I don't know what jd will turn out to be but he's smart as hell and he is a fighter. I like that. He will be the next potus nom for pubs should Trump win and can carry the torch. Will he? Who really knows.

Trump does need to prepare better with memorized facts, I admit that. I don't equate that with "his whole admin will be like last time" though given what he faced last time , the man did pretty good and we know he can and will get the economy back on track.
It ain't gonna all happen at once, but Trump will reduce the gubment. How much I don't know and it surely won't be enough but it will be better. Honestly, I just want 3 or 4 more years to hord up wealth and land and Trump will give us all another chance to do well for a while so we can get our plans finalized. If he does better than that then great!

Yes, he has some in congress that will help him.
You don’t have 3 or 4 years. The financial/economic situation that is coming is bigger than anyone in the White House and it will be a causal factor for a lot of what is coming. It’s really not a joke and it damn sure isn’t funny. It has a real potential to bring in serious socialists into power when people start hurting and losing everything they are working for.

Unemployment is rising, prices are still rising, credit cards are maxed out while savings are seriously low and eroding. Even Dollar General came out this week and stated they their customers aren’t buying. This is a condition that has real consequences regardless of who wins the election. This is what I am talking about; Trump can’t fix this. The only way it is fixed is to walk through the valley.

You are aware that the Fed has said that they don’t have the money to bail everyone out and that they will have to go to bail-ins, right? That means the account holders in the banks take the losses the banks realize. This is where we are.
You don’t have 3 or 4 years. The financial/economic situation that is coming is bigger than anyone in the White House and it will be a causal factor for a lot of what is coming. It’s really not a joke and it damn sure isn’t funny. It has a real potential to bring in serious socialists into power when people start hurting and losing everything they are working for.

Unemployment is rising, prices are still rising, credit cards are maxed out while savings are seriously low and eroding. Even Dollar General came out this week and stated they their customers aren’t buying. This is a condition that has real consequences regardless of who wins the election. This is what I am talking about; Trump can’t fix this. The only way it is fixed is to walk through the valley.

You are aware that the Fed has said that they don’t have the money to bail everyone out and that they will have to go to bail-ins, right? That means the account holders in the banks take the losses the banks realize. This is where we are.
Yeah I'm familiar with the economics, very much so. There are many ways to increase productivity very quickly that helps this whole mess out a ton so I'm not so sure utter collapse is imminent, with the right policy and hamdeling. I do think of Kommie gets in it will be very bad and we will see some serious crash.
You don’t have 3 or 4 years. The financial/economic situation that is coming is bigger than anyone in the White House and it will be a causal factor for a lot of what is coming.
People who think their inked fiat will save them, are going to get a rude wake up call,...
Yeah I'm familiar with the economics, very much so. There are many ways to increase productivity very quickly that helps this whole mess out a ton so I'm not so sure utter collapse is imminent, with the right policy and hamdeling. I do think of Kommie gets in it will be very bad and we will see some serious crash.


Worse case if Trump admin can't correct, "at least" gives us a few more years to prepare.

Best case would be road towards correction, obviously..With follow on Vance admin.

Absolute worse case would be Harris administration...
Yeah I'm familiar with the economics, very much so. There are many ways to increase productivity very quickly that helps this whole mess out a ton so I'm not so sure utter collapse is imminent, with the right policy and hamdeling. I do think of Kommie gets in it will be very bad and we will see some serious crash.
What ways are you thinking will increase productivity? It’s not the productivity increase but increased demand that spurs on the need for productivity in a consumer lead economy, which we are. But maybe I’m missing something. The only one I see that does that outside of the citizenry having income greater than expenses is war, but even that has limited impact.

In fact, I'm not even going to waste my time voting now.
Too bad. A vote not for Trump is likely a vote for Harris, the way the Democrats can cheat. Probably the only hope of electing Trump (assuming that's what you would like) is to have the results too lopsided to cheat. The Democrats can easily cheat with a close election. They've proved that.
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Too bad. A vote not for Trump is likely a vote for Harris, the way the Democrats can cheat. Probably the only hope of electing Trump (assuming that's what you would like) is to have the results too lopsided to cheat. The Democrats can easily cheat with a close election. They've proved that.
sarcasm /sär′kăz″əm/


  1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to express contempt or ridicule.
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So how do poor people prepare? There is still good people out there that don’t have 1/8th the resources people here do.
Mama may have, Papa may have But God bless the child that's got his own That's got his own. Yes, the strong gets more While the weak ones fade Empty pockets don't ever make the grade Mama may have, Papa may have But God bless the child that's got his own That's got his own.
Some of you people.
No one is coming to save you....except a dude that is literally posessed by satan.....and he sure as hell aint your buddy, but youll think he is the savior.

Trump cant STOP what is coming, he cant even slow it down.
It will happen, exactly as it is written.

Lemme remind you one more time.
Eceryone who shits on you is not necessarily your enemy, everyone who gets you out of the shit is not necessarily your friend.
Some of you people.
No one is coming to save you....except a dude that is literally posessed by satan.....and he sure as hell aint your buddy, but youll think he is the savior.

Trump cant STOP what is coming, he cant even slow it down.
It will happen, exactly as it is written.

Lemme remind you one more time.
Eceryone who shits on you is not necessarily your enemy, everyone who gets you out of the shit is not necessarily your friend.

Some you nvrTrumpers must have been sent from arfcommies to spread your message that it's futile to resist.

Go ahead and vote for some retarded whore and enjoy your free garbage truck meals.
Too bad. A vote not for Trump is likely a vote for Harris, the way the Democrats can cheat. Probably the only hope of electing Trump (assuming that's what you would like) is to have the results too lopsided to cheat. The Democrats can easily cheat with a close election. They've proved that.
Just one guy’s opinion, but I don’t think a Trump victory with the type of margin to which you refer ( and hope for, I presume ) is in the cards. I’m not at all confident at this point that he’ll win, period.
What ways are you thinking will increase productivity? It’s not the productivity increase but increased demand that spurs on the need for productivity in a consumer lead economy, which we are. But maybe I’m missing something. The only one I see that does that outside of the citizenry having income greater than expenses is war, but even that has limited impact.
It's kind of hard to go all into it via text. The energy and exportation of energy is a huge piece of it. We also need to add REAL jobs. We haven't added hardly any real jobs back from losses via covid, and we've added a ton of supply of money but not in the hands of the people. We need real economic growth in the private sector and we need to stop a bunch of this spending by gubment. Producing wi have a big effect and we can then reduce rates and help produce more and start heading in the right direction.
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I think it’s akin to having a kid, you are never really prepared and never will be, you just work through it.
When you stop & think about all the things people take for granted that requires electrical power or Fuel, and try to prep for the loss, that list gets very long every quick. One of the reasons my project list/s seem to never end. However I feel lucky as at least I can built/source everything needed to negate the loss.
Those who are but one trick pony's are going to have issues,...
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Please do tell more. Can you elaborate? I’m very curious about this.
Ask yourself why did George W Bush win the election against Gore. How do you think the conservative people would have reacted to the Patriot Act if Al Gore was the president? The PA was the largest expansion of the federal government ever and the creation of the department of homeland security. Now, years later we realize that the department of homeland security was not about foreign countries but about conus.
Trump ushered in the covid jab. With an economic collapse he'll be the front man for digital currency. Possibly even the micro chip implant to verify that you are a citizen. Only citizens will be able to get government cheese.
Just look at how many conservative people are currently looking to Trump to right the ship. Look around at how many people don't have cash or use cash. Debit cards and phone taps to pay for everything. It'll be an easy sell to the vast majority of the population.
Work harder/better, look towards combining households, extra job/better job. Garden/hunt/fish.
Thats what my once independent, career oriented, successful business woman g/f has planned, after she lost her six figure business. She blames Obama and is hard right Trump supporter.

Move in together and grow a garden.