Holy shit!!!!

Ask yourself why did George W Bush win the election against Gore. How do you think the conservative people would have reacted to the Patriot Act if Al Gore was the president? The PA was the largest expansion of the federal government ever and the creation of the department of homeland security. Now, years later we realize that the department of homeland security was not about foreign countries but about conus.
Trump ushered in the covid jab. With an economic collapse he'll be the front man for digital currency. Possibly even the micro chip implant to verify that you are a citizen. Only citizens will be able to get government cheese.
Just look at how many conservative people are currently looking to Trump to right the ship. Look around at how many people don't have cash or use cash. Debit cards and phone taps to pay for everything. It'll be an easy sell to the vast majority of the population.
Educating, the simple minded & lock steppers is a long road. Most people never understand the methods that have been used to date, that have brought us to this point in time. Used to be people would game it all to ground before voting,... these days its all sound bites & single issue voters. Front men are called that for a reason,... Slip 10% truth into the big lie, and the hook sets its self on those feeding on the 90%,...
We are hoping that Trump can get rid of massive amounts of the doj. No one is under the impression any of this will be easy but with Trump, and the economy improving as a result, it's gonna be easy to elect jd Vance next to continue the clean up. That's the hope. It's not like there's somewhere else for us to run off to, everyone needs to do all they can to help improve things and also prepare for the future no matter what it may be.

We have an excellent chance to expand the house majority as well. We could well end up with full control and WITHOUT THOSE POS LIKE RYAN MCSTAIN AND TURTLE.
Donald Trump does do one thing well, he loves to FIRE people. He will find a way to remove the scum from the DOJ and the DOD. He’s already hinted at that during recent interviews.
If the honorable governor says it is just everybody's imagination, perhaps the locals should order some cleaning supplies and get to work.

The POS gang members look to be wormy little runts. I'm guessing if they use a high quality bag like these handy dandy 15mil Heavy Duty Body Bags, the locals could probably get two in each bag?

Isn't it harder for the pigs to eat through the plastic and bad for their digestive system?
Donald Trump does do one thing well, he loves to FIRE people. He will find a way to remove the scum from the DOJ and the DOD. He’s already hinted at that during recent interviews.
It’s not only who you fire but also who you hire back into the position. This is where DJT has poor performance.

At every single turn the opposition that is the republican faction of the uniparty will try to put forward a Trojan horse candidate that will support their agenda while publicly supporting Trump. It’s a certainty this will be attempted and he has to be dialed in to prevent this. I already have my doubts about Vance.
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Many have said this.

I originally didn’t really care but as things drag along I wish he would have picked da’swammi.
IMO that dude is even worse. But it goes along with what I am saying. If you flood the system with candidates counter to Trump’s agenda there are few real nominees and these saboteurs are going to get in. This is how politics works.
IMO that dude is even worse. But it goes along with what I am saying. If you flood the system with candidates counter to Trump’s agenda there are few real nominees and these saboteurs are going to get in. This is how politics works.

He isn’t a politician and he wants to reduce government.

Both are pluses with me.
Hard thing will be appointing people that will actually clean house in some of these departments.

But that’s a pipe dream.
Basically he would need to clean house and not use ANY career politicians for anything. Any career politician is going to be cutting their own throat by going along knowing that it'll be back to biz as usual following Trump. Good chance he'll be made the frontman as mentioned above and there will be nothing he can do about it.
Trump has nobody to choose from that isn't corrupt or subject to being corrupted
Romans 3:10-12

10 as it is written:

“None is righteous, no, not one;
11 no one understands;
no one seeks for God.
12 All have turned aside; together they have become worthless;
no one does good,
not even one.”
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Trump has nobody to choose from that isn't corrupt or subject to being corrupted
Romans 3:10-12

10 as it is written:

“None is righteous, no, not one;
11 no one understands;
no one seeks for God.
12 All have turned aside; together they have become worthless;
no one does good,
not even one.”

2 Timothy 3
1But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.
6They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. 8Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.
He didn't say he is taking them seriously. Says he hasn;t seen "real" evidence from "where he is".
Understand, but was responding to those who think this was caused via the leftest policy's, alone. The game being ran on the American people has its brain trust outside of its borders,... Its the old saying in action,... "In confusion there is opportunity" and the American public is gobbling it down like candy,...
Isolate, contain destroy?

Let them group up in cities. Seems it would make the above easier.

You just need the proper state of mind.

Lessons learned from Thegerman.
a good thought. isolation and a siege effort could be helpful. containing their #s would be very problematic. there are many good people in the cities. if they don't leave in the next 6 mos max,i am afraid they will be lost. once the cities are taken over,as i believe they will be,numbers will be in favor of the invaders. any (LOL) police resistance will be quickly over run. they will consume everything and hopefully whittle down their own #s infighting. they will spread out into burbs and rural areas and then the problem gets worse for many of us. taking back cities would be a non starter. stalingrad,berlin,manila,hue,fallugah all reasons why not to try. just have to hope americans left can hold on to some areas and some resources.
Chicken ain’t voting for no whore!
Ive got the cocksucker on ignore.
Whatd he say?

Ah...i see....

See i cant even explain to you what is rrally going on, because you think Trump will save you from what is coming. This is why you are on ignore. This is not the first time you have not understood what i am saying.
I was never, a never Trumper. Ive voted for him twice now, and will a third time if they dont kill him.
Now fuck right off back on ignore.
To put the finest point possible on it.
At Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem they cried hosanna literally ttanslated "pray save us" also "save us now". He did not save them from their worldly troubles, under the boot of the Roman empire, but that was their desire.
What we see now is the first act of the final iteration of that Empire. Simply history repeating again, because the rulers of this world are not His.
We still seek a king. No king of this world, will rule inependent of its prince. And the prince of this world, ain't Jesus. But He is coming back to rule the nations with a rod of iron, and put shackles and chains on the prince of this world. He will also throw the Beast and false prophet into the lake of fire.
He will rule for 1000 years.
“Saving” done by God is different than most humans think of being “saved”. North America can go up in a cloud of debris and feudal pogroms while God “saves” his people.
I understand that, but God works in ways we do not or can not understand. On this rock his hand/s have guided and protected me thru things I never should have lived thru. Plus he has stopped me from getting involved with the wrong crowds all my life. This is the reason I fully believe he has one last mission for me to complete before calling me home.
cooperation is not a common strength for street gangs. somebody always wants to be the boss.
if there was an existing local gang presence, i suspect they would have shown up already.
lots if these gangs are setting up in places without any competition to start.
cooperation is not a common strength for street gangs. somebody always wants to be the boss.
if there was an existing local gang presence, i suspect they would have shown up already.
lots if these gangs are setting up in places without any competition to start.
The Venezuelan gangs are backed by the biggest criminal gang in the world, the globalist communists, of which the Democrats and their Aurora mayor answer to. The local rats aren't going to do anything except drive down the street talking shit.
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