same ive seemed to vary lot to lot quite a bit...some lots were solid start to finish, others, were a pain in the ass
in '13-'15, i started with hornady amax in most everything because they were cheaper...blamed the random "fliers" on me
'16 to when ever the ELDs came out - i shot bergers...instantly noticed a difference down range in consistency without changing anything on my end
when the ELDs came out - switched back to try hornady, they seemed better than the AMAXs i remembered, but still didnt match the bergers...shot plenty well with them a lot of times, but i could still tell i was giving up a few shots here and there
mid '19 - pretty much switched back to berger for good, all the little randomness gone, scores and impact % went up...very, very rarely am i surprised by a miss...usually i know soon as i broke it, and it was my fault