Takedown, Schmakedown...
An AR is a takedown, two pins and it's about as short as your takedown bolt rifle.
Lots to choose from, AR's provide an immediate followup shot, there are some both lighter and less expensive than the Rem CSR, and accuracy is not that hard to find in AR's.
IMHO, most chassis rifles are just trying to do what the AR does, but getting it done slower; they look like a Kluge to me.
Just sayin'...
Fulton, Stag.
An AR is a takedown, two pins and it's about as short as your takedown bolt rifle.
Lots to choose from, AR's provide an immediate followup shot, there are some both lighter and less expensive than the Rem CSR, and accuracy is not that hard to find in AR's.
IMHO, most chassis rifles are just trying to do what the AR does, but getting it done slower; they look like a Kluge to me.
Just sayin'...
Fulton, Stag.
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