agging is of course 'avergare'. and that is perfectly fine for 5-shot groups.
because all goups (3-/5-/10-shot... follow gauss/normal distribution pattern; from very very small (very rare event) to very very large (also very very rare event):
and average is just average of all those groups. and more there are those groups, more confident we can be that this is our REAL AVERAGE 5-shot group. and the smallest and the largest groups are lucky / one time event, which happened very rare.
and if those groups are from matches, it combines the largest and the smallest ones. which is correct.
but hornady is saying that after 50 shots, group does not expand any more. so if we want translate this AVERAGE 5-shot group to hornady 'language', we must multiply 5-shot group by factor. and i am sure that in this case we must look at average group, not the smallest and not the biggest.
and by statistic AVEGARE 3-shot groups will be smaller than AVERAGE 5-shot groups, and those smaller than AVERAGE 10-shot group... till we reach 50-shot group (by hornady), which wont expand anymore.
and funny thing; if average benchrest 5-shot group is 0.25 MOA, translate to hornady 50-shot group by multipliing factor, it gives ~0.57 MOA group (if I am correct).
so statement from hornady, that they didnt see 0.5 MOA gun from their perspective, is CORRECT !