I'm Getting a Surprise Divorce for Christmas! Need Advice, Help.


ain'T goT no how whaTchamacalliT
Full Member
  • Jun 5, 2011
    Pierce County, WA
    So I got served divorce papers out of the blue. Wife said she was going to work and these papers came home instead. She's just ignoring any calls my friends or mother has made inquiring as to what is going on (she doesn't want to talk to me and I'm honoring her wishes) but I'm at a loss as to why she's ending a 15 year marriage like this. I thought this was a "Millennial" move, but she's addicted to a phone and that's been in the way of a constructive marriage for a while. I live in a community property state, WA, and I'm a disabled vet and all alone (literally) and she's the one that can work, has family willing to support, help and pay for her to do this.

    I'd have been totally willing to give her much of what she asked for initially in the documents she sent. I'm fair, not a dick but don't like being taken advantage of, it's been a recurring theme in my life. Just one thing stands in the way, she wants the house and stocks and I can't concede both. I'm willing to take the lesser value, the stocks and let her have the house. But she can't be reached, is deceitfully changing all the passwords and locking me out of my own accounts, and in terms of friend vs. enemy, cessation of talks is a defacto declaration of war, comparatively speaking, so I guess I'll be forced to get the most cutthroat lawyer I can --I'd rather have ended this after 15 years as friends and walk away with what is fair, I know our marriage wasn't out of a romantic fairly tale, movie or dime novel, my disabilities didn't help and I guess I'm not the easiest going person, so I guess she felt let down, but I guess she'd rather end it as enemies and have the lawyers win.

    I don't have any friends, I stayed here for her and only have one army buddy who is going to move in today I think. He got divorced a year ago. So I'm basically on my own, on top of it I lost my wallet and all my ID's and copies of tax stamps and just a lot of shit that's just making all this even harder, and she's going around trying to lock me out of every account we ever had online, which I thought in a community property state she couldn't just do that. I know I need a lawyer, but I'm not rich and can't afford one, and she blindsided me so I had zero preparation, let alone knowledge of it. I'm hurt, let down and shocked.

    This is turning out to be the worst Christmas of my life... I'm growing to hate it more and more, it seems most people who were important to me, who I loved, all died around this time and I was always left to deal with the most life changing, painful and soul sucking life experiences on my own, what family I have is so self centered they won't lift a finger to help one of their own. My army buddy is far more dependable and far more of a family member than even my immediate family anymore. Most of my best friends are all dead. It's hard doing this alone, with no money, and being in the condition that I'm in. I'm really in a rough spot, and you guys have basically been my "community", so when I need to reach out it ended up being you guys I turned to.

    Any advice on this or how I can get a good lawyer being a disabled vet would be great. Just anything would be great, because at this moment my world just came crashing in and it just gets worse day by day. She's got a lawyer, her family and friends (because she's from here) but I'm all on my own. I can't afford one but she's got all the help in the world and just seems like she's out to hurt me as much as she can. I'm already 100% disabled and have hard times getting to appointments at time and now I have to deal with this too. I don't know how I'm going to do it, I really don't.

    I always try to do right by people. I'm running a sale on here cleaning out my gun room and extended killer deals to people, deals I lost out on knowingly because I wanted to be more than fair. I took huge hits in shipping and when I misquoted a guy I honored my misquote. I don't have anything else stashed away because I gave it all to her each month, except for what some of you bought from the sale which I planned on giving her for Christmas but was forced to transfer to a new account because I can't trust her anymore. It's not much, $500 to be honest, but it's all I have to my name and I have 18 days and counting to get a lawyer and provide a response or they just give her everything she asked for.

    Likewise, I gave her all my money every month and paid for what I bought on my own, never saved anything to conceal from her, I was faithful, honest, I shared and I never once laid a hand on her or even threatened to. We would say hurtful things in arguments, but who doesn't? Never threatened her or hinted that I may, never death-wished her or her family, nay, she felt safe enough to get in my nose and scream in my face knowing I wouldn't do anything, not even push her away. Then one day she hit me, it was weak but it was a strike in anger, and after that she promised not to do it again but of course she gradually got comfortable disrespecting me that way. Still, I thought I could trust her right up to literally 2 hours before the papers were served. And one of the things she wants is a restraining order. Likely just to fuck with my 2a rights and for no other reason. I'm at a total loss, she's been more "violent" in arguments as she's crossed a line I never did. Hurt, lost, alone and just don't know what to do. I feel beaten, discarded and feel like I'll fall through the cracks here too.

    Thanks for listening, for reading guys, I had to get it off my chest and tell someone... thanks for being here for me better or worse over the years, and, well, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to the rest of you. I'm just not feeling it anymore.
    Get a divorce attorney right now. If you are still reading this instead of looking for an attorney you are making a mistake.

    While your situation sucks, you have resources to get through one more fight. Just because it was an ambush from your most trusted ally doesn't mean you can just quit. You are probably entitled to much more than you think you are and if you get a good lawyer today you can still win this fight. Just because it is in a court room and fought with words this is no less of a battle than one fought with rifles.

    Once you have an attorney let them guide you. If the attorney tells you to do or not do something then do or do not do it.
    On my way to pick up my daughter from school, hopefully you will have an attorney, or at least better advice than I have given by the time I get back.
    You need to find the meanest sumbitch divorce attorney in your area, like NOW. And I'm talking starved pit bull take no prisoners rip off her face F that B type of mean sumbitch divorce attorney.

    Obviously, being "nice" didn't work so its time for plan B.

    This sucks, I am sorry you are going through it especially during the holidays. But you WILL get through it.
    Yes yes yes. Get a great attorney.
    Just got divorced myself.
    sucked ass to pay fees, woulda gotten fucked if I hadnt.

    Will pray for you brother.

    Lemme know if you need anything.

    Divorce flatass sucks . (been there) . and she is organized, premeditated planned ahead and has the jump on you . plus 'probably' an emotional support group already there with friends she has told of and discussed this with already .
    The game plan 'is' to take advantage of you before you can see straight and get organized .

    you are going to here this a lot but it true . ..." I know it bad now, but it will all turnout better in the end ."
    the biggest thing, obviously, is the differences in state law, but, read books, get free councelling and dont do anything rash, stay in the house and dont budge...
    make no promises, no settlements, you do not know the law there and will screw yourself...
    take your time take your time, it is purely a business from here on out and you will be foolish to consider it otherwise...
    i went through a 4 yearer with children and big assets and big liabilities...
    it is business and it should all be spelled out for you in the law,
    Christ, if there ever was a need for a go fund me page. Anyone know how to do that...? I wish you well. Stay strong and fight back. Keep your head on straight and get a lawyer that's out for blood and takes it personally. I understand being blindsided and caught off guard but if she means to have a battle, make it a good one and one she will regret...
    Start documenting everything that you can remember of her abusive behavior and try to fix it to a location and date inasmuch is possible.
    Get a divorce attorney right now. If you are still reading this instead of looking for an attorney you are making a mistake.

    ^^^This, this, and this. NOT Tuesday, TODAY, and get the best one. He wont be cheap but the satisfaction of fucking her should be worth a lot.

    Ill bet you dollars to donuts ther's another guy involved somewhere. Maybe a PI could catcher her in adultry and surprise YOU WIN!

    Theres certainly something going on because from what your saying shes being totally vindictive. Pray for a car wreck, and remember two things:

    -Your have friends and brothers here who care and will stand by you.

    -Your better off alone than with a '....' like that
    Christ, if there ever was a need for a go fund me page. Anyone know how to do that...? I wish you well. Stay strong and fight back. Keep your head on straight and get a lawyer that's out for blood and takes it personally. I understand being blindsided and caught off guard but if she means to have a battle, make it a good one and one she will regret...

    NO, follow the law to a tee, be a gentleman, it will payoff in dividends...nobody in the system, except your lawers likes any of it, yhe lies the deceite, be known as the one who doesnot do that...
    if it goes to trial the judge is going to follow the law and give it a sprinkle of judgement, who do you think will fair out better, the ass or the gentleman...

    - Give her absolutely NOTHING without a lawyer. Sign nothing. Agree to nothing.
    - Your initial response to her request for everything can simply be 'Fuck off' and it'll go to divorce proceedings
    - Clear out and/or freeze (even scream fraud if you have to) any accounts on anything you are joint on ASAP
    - Get a lawyer that enjoys wrecking people and don't let your feelings get involved
    - Get phone records/text records. I'll bet you anything that there have been a ton of calls and texts coming from a number you don't recognize. Use this as leverage when you find out whats been going on as right now she thinks shes smarter than you with having planned out what is essentially an ambush
    - This was a planned ambush. If she doesn't want to talk/be in contact even over divorce things, don't give her what she wants and constantly be calling/texting her. Instead, have the mindset and motivation to show her that this isn't going to play out the way it did in her head.
    This sucks, sorry you're going through it. You are probably having a hard time seeing the forest right now, but everyone's advice above is spot on. Don't dwell on "what did I do to deserve this ?". It doesn't matter anymore, she betrayed you. You need to do everything you can to protect yourself from her.

    This has likely been in the works for quite some time. My guess is for at least a year, maybe more. She has INTENTIONALLY and with RATIONAL PREMEDITATION, locked you out of all your accounts. I would also bet a lot of money that she has been and continues to be coached and encouraged, probably by family members or close friends of her's. None of them are your friend and you should avoid communicating with them at all costs. Your wife's feelings toward you have probably been poisoned by them. They (including your wife) have most likely determined that "they" are in the right and that you are the bad guy. I would suggest that you make no further effort to communicate with her. She is only looking out for herself and having to communicate with you will only stand in her way (in her mind).

    "You need to find the meanest sumbitch divorce attorney in your area, like NOW. And I'm talking starved pit bull take no prisoners rip off her face F that B type of mean sumbitch divorce attorney". (Thanks Boiler, full agreement).

    Best of luck, keep chill, you will make it through......
    Sorry to hear this. This may not be timely enough for you as you need representation yesterday but some resources available thru the VA. Not sure if you are near Vancouver or Seattle. https://www.va.gov/ogc/docs/LegalServices.pdf

    She has the momentum and is hoping to keep you off balance so you make a stupid mistake. Don't rise to any bait she may throw out there, get representation as soon as possible, and listen to said representative that actually knows the laws of your state. Only so much legal advice we can provide here. Emotional support we can supply in plenty.
    WARNING: Do NOT sell items! Im not up to speed on Washington law but theres a possibility she may have a standing order against you. That being if you sell items at a loss she may be able to recover true value.

    Like others have said (as i have been there before to). GET A LAWYER NOW!

    Some will work with you as they are NOT all bad.
    Secure all of your money accounts, move them if necessary to remove her for now. A judge will make the decision on how it's divided later in the process. Change all passwords and locks on your house.

    We're praying for you brother.......
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    Was your wife aware that you are a member here on the Snipershide? If so she and her advisers will be pouring over every word you say, and making copies of them to use against you. When you get a lawyer ask what if anything you can publicly discuss. Also show him what you have already said. While we might only wish to help you, there could come a time when keeping us in the loop hurts your case. If you gotta cut off this discussion, we will understand. In a war you do not want to let the other side see your plans.
    Start documenting everything that you can remember of her abusive behavior and try to fix it to a location and date inasmuch is possible.

    Document everything else, too.

    Record all your phone calls. If you have an android phone, "Automatic Call Recorder" by appliqato on the play store is the one I use. It records all calls, inbound or outbound, automatically. It's a fucking lifesaver.
    If she has TOLD you not to call or text by voice or by text DO NOT CONTACT HER. - it can start the ball rolling on a harrassing communications charge.

    Yes it sucks... but it does get better. Breathe and keep feelings out of everything.

    DONT move money, DONT close accounts, DONT change locks. If she has done that then she will have to answer for it. If that is the advice she is being given, it is wrong and she will get corrected and it may not be done nicely by the judge.

    The restraining order: what is the wording of it? It could be an order to not transfer assets.... wording is the key. Is it a Standing or Restraining Order - Physical or Asset involved... she by the reading of what you posted may have already violated her papers.

    Time will tell and it will all get sorted. Keep a calm head as said before.

    For God Sake... do NOT meet her anywhere alone! Do not aagree to work anything out, anywhere. Find a lawyer and let them do the work.

    My prayers are out for you. It will in time be much better. Just take one day at a time.
    She wants me to transfer NFA items to a guy that lives in a hotel room. They're currently in a 6 ton safe. I have zero intention of doing her harm nor have I ever. It's a line I won't cross because I saw it happen in my childhood. My mother got beat. So I swore and am proud I never did that. I have said bad and mean things I'm not proud of, but I never crossed the line, words were as far as it ever went and she can be just as mean and cold. I'm fine with the divorce, and I'm honoring her wishes and leaving her alone, I haven't emailed or called her since I got the papers. My mother and friend have but I have no control over what they do, they actually want to see it work out for the both of us. Haven't sold anything or bought anything since then either, not using any of her financial instruments.

    I've been on the phone all day. Yesterday I had to deal with the wallet; I still do, I have no ID's to get anything done. All of the legal help I've found so far isn't available until Jan. 2 --it's like they're all closed. I'm gonna try calling more now that lunch is over.

    Thank you, sincerely, thank you all and you guys have a lot of good advice. I'm trying to take the high road here, but not be a victim.

    Gotta get back to the phone calls. Thanks a lot guys, I appreciate any help and advice and even cheerleading. Sincerely.
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    Stay strong, buddy... and keep cool, calm and collected. Make those calls. You have friends no matter what.

    This should be your outcome:


    If you need someone to transfer NFA items to... temporarily... drop me a PM. I can hook you up with a guy who can hold things. Transfer to him... he doesn't live in a hotel room!!!!

    Keep up the posts in Military Jeopardy, too. The intellectual level of your contributions shows you are a solid citizen!!!! And we enjoy the education.

    Have faith! In your friends and in the outcome.

    The lawyer part has been mentioned, loads of other good advice in here too. I'll just add a couple things I didn't see mentioned, but certainly warrant mention.

    Stay off the sauce, especially stay stone cold sober anytime you have to interact with her. The bottle makes us do stupid things, save the booze for the after party and keep the clear mind for now.

    When you get a chance, get some counseling, professional type. You got done really dirty on this, you will benefit from having someone to vent to and help you move on from it. Buddies give great advice, but it's not always productive to growing in life. More of the "Bitches man, bitches..." type come from bros, helpful for saying fuck it, but not what we really need.

    Absolutely though, lawyer, lawyer, lawyer. She will definitely be going after your disability pay, and unfortunately the law is on her side for it depending on the details. Keep a level head and let the lawyers do the talking for you.
    Brother, help is on the way. A number of us are privately communicating to help you. Both financially as well as professionally. I would like you to PM me your dope if you would. Name, cell, address. I/We are available and willing to do incredible shit to make your life better.

    Elija, thx for taking the lead. Rally time Boys !!
    I think everyone else has covered the divorce stuff.

    I'll cover making sure you also find someone to talk to. A pastor, counselor, or even us jackwangs on here. Talk to someone. You're not alone and Christmas and the holidays can be bad enough let alone your circumstances. Hang in there and follow the advice of your attorney. You'll make it thru this but it'll be one day at a time.

    smoke and prayers.
    Oh, and I did the Christmas divorce too. Ruins it for one year, but they get much better as time draws on. Everything else that happens, still doesn't change the main reason for Christmas. Something to focus on in the future.
    Get a Divorce lawyer this moment, the best one you can afford (and even a better one than you can afford), and have them file an emergency restraining order on your soon to be ex, to bar her from making off with all the marital assets and bank accounts.

    As others have said above, DO NOT try to be the nice guy, they will just use that to rip you off.
    Get a lawyer and tell them to do the best possible job on your behalf and tell them what you want, what you can let go & all about her
    Then let the lawyer go after her following the letter of the law for everything they can to get you the best settlement you can.

    NEVER try to be the nice guy and "work it out" she has obviously planned this in malice for some time & will use everything she can against you, including your own decency.

    There is a reason my lawyer says he is so much happier in criminal law and would rather be doing murder trials every day than dealing with divorces. At least the people involved in murder trials are somewhat decent. Divorce lawyers are a special kind of ... and are best handled by getting even better Divorce lawyers to handle it.

    Just remember that you are up against a stacked deck and a kangaroo court when it comes to men trying to get a fair shake in divorce, so spend every penny you can and can borrow on the best possible lawyer that has the most wins. It will save you a lifetime of grief.
    Well, last call may have panned out and I really appreciate you guys. I sent them the stuff she sent, they'll get the ball rolling. Helps the attorney is also a vet and wants to help. This is the first something has happened, actually talked to me and wanted the documents and willing to help.

    I may be absent from Military Jeopardy for a bit Sirh, but I'd like to get back on it when I can and have some time. I'll need distractions from time to time, I can't be on the phone with lawyers 24/7. I sincerely appreciate what you said and back to you most definitely, you are a true asset to the site and always have been.

    All of you, big thanks, I really needed someone to just listen and have my back.

    Still need to make some more phone calls, and have to check my email incessantly.
    Be civil, but you don't need to be nice. Giving into her demands will likely only bring more demands. Trying to be fair and reasonable with her probably won't help. File for legal separation as soon as possible. Hopefully you'll be able to get an attorney soon. As others have said, document everything.

    Since you live in a community property state, expect to split all assets and all debts 50-50.
    It's hard for most men to accept, but if her income is greater than yours, you'll probably qualify for spousal support. Take it.

    I'm not an attorney but have been down this road before as have many of my friends.

    Hang in there! It won't be easy, but you can do this and will be better off in the long run.
    It's been said 100 times, get the best lawyer you can afford, or not afford, doesn't matter. 15 years ago I got divorced from my first wife on less than amicable terms. We had two small children and for their sake I let her and her lawyer walk all over me. I DID NOT get a lawyer, biggest mistake of my life. Why? Because I thought she would be fair and I felt badly for our small children. I also blamed myself for the situation I was in and felt that I didn't deserve anything. I now know that was total bullshit, and they took advantage of my weakness. So I let her take the house, my gun collection, my personal property, basically everything I couldn't fit in a few suit cases. I ended up losing $250,000+ that rightfully should have been mine had I had a lawyer. At the time I wasn't thinking about the money. I should have been. You can't live on good intentions. Do not let yourself fall into the trap that this is your fault and that you need to just let her take what she wants. You will regret it for the rest of your life if you don't put up a hell of a fight for what is rightly yours.
    DAMN! When I saw the thread title I was planning on sending you some congrats, since I got a Xmas divorce several years ago and it was the best present ever. In your case I am HUGELY sorry you're getting hosed.

    You've been sucker punched, but you've got to decide if you're going to just try not to get hurt too bad in the assbeating or if you're going to nut the fuck up and defend yourself.

    I will 100% guarantee you that there is another dude, and she is hunkered down making plans for their future with YOUR shit. This is a battle worth winning, or at the very least defending till the last inch.

    This isn't a fight you sought, or started, but you're in it now. Fight it to win. You are the storm, motherfucker!
    Document everything else, too.

    Record all your phone calls. If you have an android phone, "Automatic Call Recorder" by appliqato on the play store is the one I use. It records all calls, inbound or outbound, automatically. It's a fucking lifesaver.

    Just make sure before you run that application that you're in a "one party consent" state. PA is not, and you have to inform someone of the recording and get their assent, or at least acquiescence. Otherwise, it's a violation of wiretapping laws, and anything produced is fruit of the poison tree.
    Stupid laws... Well, yeah, be careful with that then. Fucked up part about it is, right before I posted that I was yelling at a customer on behalf of his customer for trying to enable recordings on outbound calls on our platform in a 2 party state (FL) without enabling any kind of disclaimer/periodic beep/etc to comply with the law.

    I'm an idiot =(
    Stupid laws... Well, yeah, be careful with that then. Fucked up part about it is, right before I posted that I was yelling at a customer on behalf of his customer for trying to enable recordings on outbound calls on our platform in a 2 party state (FL) without enabling any kind of disclaimer/periodic beep/etc to comply with the law.

    I'm an idiot =(

    CYA, man. No need to be a party to illegal shit.
    I PM'd Strykervet. I know he's busy as hell. Reached out to just let him know we're here for him and he is "NOT" alone in this. I am not that far away from him and know some Honey Badger Divorce Lawyers. Since he's got someone retained already he should be good there. I'm around this crap for a living as well and can at least get the 411 from my peeps if this person has a pair. If he needs me fine, if not fine. I work with some Stryker guys and will rally the troops and pass the hat.

    Now I gotta bend some wire for Tucker before he gets pissed off. :eek:
    Strykervet, I feel that the timing of this was a vital part of her plan. Everyone knows that law offices will be closed until at least Tuesday and in many cases until the second. I think she wanted you isolated, depressed, and spinning out of control in loneliness. I think she and her helpers thought that this would either cause you to do something stupid and damage your case or at the least make you easier to manipulate. In your first post you said you don't have a lot of friends. I think I see her influence in that statement. Their is a certain type of person (perhaps they are called passive aggressive manipulators) who wants to be the only significant person in their spouses life so that they can more easily control them. I have to wonder if your wife had a hand in causing your friends to attrit over the course of the marriage, and if she did not put herself in the way of your forming new friendships to replace the ones you lost.

    In any event I think she used contempt for your disability to belittle you into accepting things the way she wanted.

    I think she has convinced herself that you are week enough that she can treat you any way she wants too and take anything she wants to.

    I think she is wrong! I think you are already beginning to recover from the years of manipulation. I think you are a smart and strong person. I think you are a great team player. I think you will organize (together with your attorney) and do everything necessary to come out of this ok. I think in five years you will be so happy with your new life that you will be telling your circle of friends how funny it was that at first you thought you did not want a divorce.

    All of that said I understand this Christmas is hard. I wish NY was closer we would make a seat at the table for you.

    Sorry to hear this, I'll guarantee she has been planning this for a while.
    Like said above retain the meanest fucking hateful cocksucker known to man in your area.
    Documentation is going to be critical, you wouldn't believe how so even if I told you.
    I just spent 7 years of my life being drug into/through my parents divorce.
    My Mother stole from everyone in our Family just about anything she could get her hands on.
    If I've learned anything that relying on "justice" and "truth" to make a difference you will be sorely mistaken.
    I learned today at 2;00 cst that the divorce judge could sell our corporation even with out all shareholders being included in his court.
    Same judge forced my Father to sign an "voluntary" resolution to sell.
    Appellate court signed off on this today.
    I have 30 years of my life in that farm.

    I wish you all the luck in the world!

    I PM'd Strykervet. I know he's busy as hell. Reached out to just let him know we're here for him and he is "NOT" alone in this. I am not that far away from him and know some Honey Badger Divorce Lawyers. Since he's got someone retained already he should be good there. I'm around this crap for a living as well and can at least get the 411 from my peeps if this person has a pair. If he needs me fine, if not fine. I work with some Stryker guys and will rally the troops and pass the hat.

    Now I gotta bend some wire for Tucker before he gets pissed off. :eek:

    the man says he knows some honey badger divorce lawyers in your area, i so believe that shit

    Sorry to hear this, I'll guarantee she has been planning this for a while.
    Like said above retain the meanest fucking hateful cocksucker known to man in your area.
    Documentation is going to be critical, you wouldn't believe how so even if I told you.
    I just spent 7 years of my life being drug into/through my parents divorce.
    My Mother stole from everyone in our Family just about anything she could get her hands on.
    If I've learned anything that relying on "justice" and "truth" to make a difference you will be sorely mistaken.
    I learned today at 2;00 cst that the divorce judge could sell our corporation even with out all shareholders being included in his court.
    Same judge forced my Father to sign an "voluntary" resolution to sell.
    Appellate court signed off on this today.
    I have 30 years of my life in that farm.

    I wish you all the luck in the world!



    Man that is some horrible fucking bullshit. I'm sorry bro, sincerely.