I'm Getting a Surprise Divorce for Christmas! Need Advice, Help.

Well, back to square one, that lawyer, who is one I actually wanted, can't do it I guess. Man, it's like the weight was lifted and now it's back... And yeah, I'm running out of time and trying like hell to find someone to represent me. I'll check those PM's. At this point I'll take any help I can get. I'm not giving up, I was infantry and I'll always be infantry. I grew up hard and I've never had it easy. It's just that I have no time and I'm not 24. I'm okay with the divorce too, which I don't think she seems to get. I just couldn't live with her again after this.

You guys are really amazing and this community really comes through when it counts. I didn't think of the gravity of what some of my posts, help, advice, donating a buck or two or even sending a very sick child military patches and awards and stuff that I collected for him at a gunshow, how much that may have meant because at the time I wasn't hurting and I spared nothing that hurt me... It's only hitting me now how much that may have meant to others on here in the past.

I'll think of this community a lot differently from here on out. It feels more like a family that just doesn't usually see each other in person or often, depending. That's rare in whatever goes for real life these days, let alone an internet forum about shooting. Wow.
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Well, back to square one, that lawyer, who is one I actually wanted, can't do it I guess. Man, it's like the weight was lifted and now it's back... And yeah, I'm running out of time and trying like hell to find someone to represent me. I'll check those PM's. At this point I'll take any help I can get. I'm not giving up, I was infantry and I'll always be infantry. I grew up hard and I've never had it easy. I lost my grandmother who was everybody to me, part why I joined the army (and 9/11 happened ON graduation day) so I could start over, and this isn't even close to what that was like, so I think I'll be okay, it's just that I have no time and I'm not 24. I'm okay with the divorce too, which I don't think she seems to get. I just couldn't live with her again after this.

And this is a 2 party consent state regarding recordings and such, which is just as well.

You guys are really amazing and this community really comes through when it counts. I didn't think of the gravity of what some of my posts, help, advice, donating a buck or two or even sending a very sick child military patches and awards and stuff that I collected for him at a gunshow, how much that may have meant because at the time I wasn't hurting and I spared nothing that hurt me... It's only hitting me now how much that may have meant to others on here in the past.

I'll think of this community a lot differently from here on out. It feels more like a family that just doesn't usually see each other in person or often, depending. That's rare in whatever goes for real life these days, let alone an internet forum about shooting. Wow.

I will be forwarding a name or two. I'm guessing you're around Tacoma?
I'll think of this community a lot differently from here on out. It feels more like a family that just doesn't usually see each other in person or often, depending. That's rare in whatever goes for real life these days, let alone an internet forum about shooting. Wow.

Welcome to the internet! I don't know all the shit you've been through, but this thing is obviously pretty unpleasant for you in a lot of ways. I'm extremely fortunate to be in a position where I can help you out a little.

I'm curious, though, why people let their wives have access to all their shit? Everything is in my name including my wife's car and I pay all the fucking bills, and I don't think she even knows what bank I use for a lot of that stuff.

Strykervet , not being able to get that atty sucks, but you're basically on day one of this ordeal. Don't let the timeline totally fuck with your head. If I'm understanding, you have a few weeks before you must reply to the papers you were served? That's just the beginning of this shit, where the court gets notified of your intent to either fight it or let it go uncontested (or however your state law works on that). You should have no problem finding a lawyer, even a legal clinic, that can draft the minimum required response to prevent a default judgement while you prepare your own case and counter petition. Be thinking VERY seriously about proving adultery. Your word that she hit you once ain't going anywhere without a police report (although it likely will if she says it). At the absolute worst case, where you can't get a lawyer in time, still go to court and represent yourself to the degree that you explain to the judge that you're contesting the divorce and why you'd repsectfully request some additional time to retain counsel. But do NOT make ANY material statement regarding the case itself. Not "I love her" ; not "I think we can work this out if we talk", NADA other than to give your intent to challenge.

Put these thoughts of "being okay with the divorce, and her not getting it" out of your head. You're thinking of this as a dialogue, and it isn't. Getting served out of the blue with zero discussion ahead of time and zero idea it was coming, followed by zero contact now, means that you've had your last conversation with her that doesn't involve lawyers in the room. PERIOD! Don't say a motherfucking thing to her; don't reply to a motherfucking text, and do NOT communicate through mutual friends or family.

Every ounce of your emotional effort should now be devoted to protecting yourself and that's going to involve a brutal legal counterattack. In the meantime you're going to need to go to every bank and get printouts of your account balances so you can document what was there before you were locked out. You also REALLY need to consider if your wallet got lost, or if it walked out the door to further hamstring you through the holidays. The timing of that shit is fishy to me.
Strykervet , not being able to get that atty sucks, but you're basically on day one of this ordeal. Don't let the timeline totally fuck with your head. If I'm understanding, you have a few weeks before you must reply to the papers you were served? That's just the beginning of this shit, where the court gets notified of your intent to either fight it or let it go uncontested (or however your state law works on that). You should have no problem finding a lawyer, even a legal clinic, that can draft the minimum required response to prevent a default judgement while you prepare your own case and counter petition. Be thinking VERY seriously about proving adultery. Your word that she hit you once ain't going anywhere without a police report (although it likely will if she says it). At the absolute worst case, where you can't get a lawyer in time, still go to court and represent yourself to the degree that you explain to the judge that you're contesting the divorce and why you'd repsectfully request some additional time to retain counsel. But do NOT make ANY material statement regarding the case itself. Not "I love her" ; not "I think we can work this out if we talk", NADA other than to give your intent to challenge.

Put these thoughts of "being okay with the divorce, and her not getting it" out of your head. You're thinking of this as a dialogue, and it isn't. Getting served out of the blue with zero discussion ahead of time and zero idea it was coming, followed by zero contact now, means that you've had your last conversation with her that doesn't involve lawyers in the room. PERIOD! Don't say a motherfucking thing to her; don't reply to a motherfucking text, and do NOT communicate through mutual friends or family.

Every ounce of your emotional effort should now be devoted to protecting yourself and that's going to involve a brutal legal counterattack. In the meantime you're going to need to go to every bank and get printouts of your account balances so you can document what was there before you were locked out. You also REALLY need to consider if your wallet got lost, or if it walked out the door to further hamstring you through the holidays. The timing of that shit is fishy to me.

Please listen to this wisdom for your own good.

And here's Gary's info again. We know you're busy with shit, but if you'll let us help we will, like a room full of fucking Honey Badgers.
End your visible digital footprint now and make sure it is all locked down. Facebook Instagram, even forums if they know your screen name. Her attorney will capture any and all images and text
DAMN!! Stryker, that sucks!

I didn't read all the posts in depth so if it wasn't mentioned before, I'll mention it now. Your disability money CANNOT be attached in any way. It's not on the table as an asset, either, so it doesn't get counted as part of the 50/50 split. And if it goes into your account, then it can't be touched. If she has been dipping into it post divorce service (as you said she was changing account passwords, etc.) She will have to pay that back. What she took before that, you basically shared.

Tell your lawyer this. He needs to know. Not all professionals understand that.

Once again, sorry to hear this.
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Whenever you're down about this, or its just getting to be too much, just remember; the party we're all going to be having at your place when the divorce is final is going to probably get you a criminal record.
You need to do a lot of reading on divorce http://www.paralegalalternatives.com/washington.html

i went through a hellacious divorce that took three attorneys and three years to get over with, she got away with draining savings accounts and forging checks. Everything I thought I had to make a case on her the cops, insurance companies, lawyer, could care less. My point is document everything. Time and date everything. Take the emotion out of the divorce and really set yourself apart from it , if you dwell on it the stress is a bitch.not productive at all.
stay in the house at all costs, that will get sold 50/50 split or buy out. If she provided more income, get a lawyer to slap her with temporary spousal maintenance for you until the divorce goes through. Never talk to her alone or be in a situation where she could claim anything, like assault or attempted rape.

in the long run this is going to turn out very well for you,but it sucks shit day to day when the hits keep coming. I found most lawyers were buddy buddy and the divorce paradigm is a small world all its own. Hopefully you will get out with 50/50 split or buy out. Make sure you get a time frame to buy out that works in your favor. Ask if you are eligible for half her social security when she is eligible, use that as leverage to get/keep something now.

get a restraining order on her before she gets one on you.good luck. I am a groundpounder too so I know you can dig in and do this like a champ.
WELL CONGRADULATIONS...............not poking fun....... BUT...... that`s the only way to look at it...........
Set your jaw....... keep a stiff upper lip and walk on in life............
YOU CAN DO IT............
Wouldn't be surprised if your wallet, IDs and important documents weren't really "lost". Good luck man, and heed the sage advice from these guys.

Somebody had to say it. That is where the smart money would be bet. Strykervet is smart enough to know not to make an unsubstantiated allegation. If Strykervet said he suspected her but could not prove it that is something she would be able to use (even it only with her friends) to show that he was off the rails. But yeah, she stole Strykervet's wallet. If the guy she is fucking turns out to be a cop you can expect the contents of the wallet to turn up in a week or two when they bust a hooker.
Strykervet and for everyone else. Now that you have a path to go down and have been given good advice I can tell a story.

I to am like you, most of my family is that way. Very giving, willing to get screwed slightly so that the other person involved in a deal doesn't. As a mechanic I give away 300+ hours of labor a year just to make sure no customer can walk away and honestly say "I got screwed". They might say it, but they would be lying. That sets the foundation just a bit.

My cousin was married to a lady who everyone liked. She was welcomed into the family with open arms. She seemed like the nicest most down to earth person. Well let me tell you brother that shit changed and changed fast.

One day she wants a divorce. My cousin thought as most the family did that they just fell apart from each other and shit happens. End it amicably and move on, he didn't get a lawyer. SHE DID!!!

She didn't want the house, they were upside down in it at the time. She arrives at the house one day and has about a 25 page document she want him to sign to finalize everything. Not knowing any better he did. After the shit hit the fan I asked why he did. He said that she had always been civil and never knew the evil that lurked inside her that day. Personally I think her lawyer got in her head and told her to be a fucking werewolf.

Fast forward a few days to the next weekend she never brings his boys over (4 and 6) she won't talk to him. Her lawyer contacts him on monday and informs him that he has lost ALL rights to his children, has assumed all debt from the marriage and must pay $500 a month per child in child support.

The verbal agreement they had for weeks before was joint custody and $250 per child.

It was all in the document he had signed in about 5 places. How he did not go on a murderous rampage I will never know. At this point he is fucked and gets a lawyer, they fight it an loose. Judges words were "don't sign something you don't agree to".

He did not see his kids for almost 5 years. He would take gifts to his ex-mother-in laws place (who would apologize about the situation). His ex-wife would tell her mom to throw them away before she got there so the kids would not see them.

He struggled through, worked his ass of and managed to keep the house. 11ish years later his oldest is close to 17 and lives with him but his EX still requires the $500 child support each month for him. His youngest is a mom's boy and won't do much with him.

The whole ordeal change my cousin and personally changed myself also. Protect yourself!!!

Somebody had to say it. That is where the smart money would be bet. Strykervet is smart enough to know not to make an unsubstantiated allegation. If Strykervet said he suspected her but could not prove it that is something she would be able to use (even it only with her friends) to show that he was off the rails. But yeah, she stole Strykervet's wallet. If the guy she is fucking turns out to be a cop you can expect the contents of the wallet to turn up in a week or two when they bust a hooker.

Just to make the wallet situation understood, I didn't have any sleep and told her I'd go to PO to pick up my mom's Christmas candy she always makes for us on Christmas because she was at "work". She was at that time with the lawyer. I put the wallet like an idiot on the side of the bed while I got the dog in the truck. I even left the keys in the door, had to pull them out to move to start the truck but I reached through the window and forgot about the wallet. It stayed on the side of the truck until I was .5 miles down the road and fell off. I found a few pieces of paper, but not my ID's or anything else, which is why I think someone picked it up, maybe even saw it fall off and stopped to pick up the contents. That's probably more likely since I haven't found it and nobody has turned one into the Sheriff's office. I'm gonna post some lost signs later, offer a small reward and they can keep what was in it and no questions., I didn't have time last couple of days so I'm hoping if someone found it and is holding onto it that they'll reconsider for a reward off. I figured $50-$100 would be okay as if I get it back before I have to get new ID's, it would likely be worth it --time is precious right now.

But yeah, I can't blame her for losing the wallet.
Take some time to just sit down and hug your dog and collect your thoughts.
Right now you are like the butcher that dropped his meat cleaver, You are going off half cocked.
Do some thinking but do not dwell on all that is bad.
There are good things out there and this place is one of them. FM
Take some time to just sit down and hug your dog and collect your thoughts.
Right now you are like the butcher that dropped his meat cleaver, You are going off half cocked.
Do some thinking but do not dwell on all that is bad.
There are good things out there and this place is one of them. FM

That's what I'm doing, I haven't eaten or gotten much rest or sleep at all since, well, probably Monday --I already suffer from bouts of insomnia. So I need rest and some good food. Anyway, it's the weekend and a long holiday and there isn't much I can do between now and then so all I can do is rest. But Tuesday I need to get ID's replaced and get back to work on securing a lawyer if that's possible --it looks like it'll be Jan.2 before I can talk to one it looks like. And I'm sure they'll be busy the first day back... But I'm not giving up, that's not something I do easy at all.

The amazing outpouring of support on the 'Hide has simply staggered me. So it turned out I wasn't nearly as alone as I thought I was, and that the several years I've been on here was actually forging something much stronger. And some of these guys are REALLY helping me, not just morale, but helping me find a good attorney and even helping raise money for the legal fund. I just meant to get this off my chest, maybe get some advice if I could and if anyone knew a lawyer that'd be AWESOME, but I did NOT expect all of this and I see this site and it's members which constitute it in an entirely different light now.

I don't see how I'm going off half cocked... I'm okay with getting the divorce, I can't live with her again, this is the second time she walked out and I tried to get her back and succeeded last time. I won't be doing that again. I could never trust her, she promised not to walk out like this and it's exactly what she did. So it's over. I'm upset, but I'm not bitter or angry, I don't want to bother, stalk, hurt, cause any harm or even really talk to other than getting this over with but I'm honoring her request to be left alone so I'm not contacting her. Since she won't talk to anyone else either, she isn't aware that I don't want her back.

It's just the timing --no time due to the holiday-- and all she's been doing to make this so much harder on me than life was already before this. Glad I was infantry and glad my infantry brother is staying here with me, my best friend, so growing up tough plus that and I can pretty much handle anything, we just don't give up. That's why my body is so trashed. But between that, the help from you guys in all forms and the general support of you guys when I seriously thought I was totally alone has just overwhelmed me. I think I can pull through and the part you guys are playing is a big one. There's no way I'll be able to thank all of you enough when this is over but I'll try. A BBQ for everyone that could make it would awesome, I'd love to do that.

Speaking of a worn out body, just found out I'll probably be needing yet ANOTHER foot surgery (5th one was last May, still fully recovering --takes forever for bones to heal into a new shape) but that's gonna have to wait. At least it's a simple enough procedure I think, I hope, not something VA can screw up (hopefully). Wow, all this shit at once, but they say that's how it happens. But like I said, I don't give up easy and I'm used to fighting uphill, so I'll do my damndest to pull through all of it.

I've said it a million times, but I don't know another way to express my gratitude short of alliterations on "Thank you so much".
2afan, your story sounds a lot like mine actually... Thanks for sharing it. Details are different and it hasn't been decided in my case (what'd Churchill say, "this is perhaps the beginning of the end"?). So I'm not signing anything, I NEED that lawyer.

You know, I'm still hurt, lost and roller coaster emotions but I'm keeping my head and not doing anything stupid or rash. I'm taking the high road here. It's over and I'm okay with that, I have my best friend here and I have several brothers on here who offered their phone numbers so I will always have someone to talk to. Not feeling alone in this and knowing people are willing to help is a big weight lifted, and once I have a lawyer my nerves should settle down some. Hoping, praying, wishing that happens sooner than later.

Veer, Jerry, thanks guys, I really appreciate that.

Funny, vets take care of each other at VA hospital a lot like this and in a lot of ways... It really is a Brotherhood that lasts for life. Even on the interwebz.
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I'll update here real quick and the Fund thread. Was up till 0300 screwing around a bit with this. It's so worth it. Strykervet, thank you for your PM again and your kind words. I'll keep it simple. Help is on the way and you owe us NOTHING. This is on US. Period. I've answered all the PM and handed out my dope for those that can't do paypal. powdahound76 and I are friends and share texts so no problem communicating there at all. He's just another damn good person !!!

I will say you won't believe the support and kind words coming your way Brother. It's amazing and I couldn't be prouder of you all. People are coming outta the woodwork and want me to pass on to you their heartfelt support and regards.

I gotta step out for a bit but will be back on this like white on rice.

Good job guys !!!! Keep it up and pass the word. You don't have to be a Hide Member to support our Brother.
2afan, your story sounds a lot like mine actually... Thanks for sharing it. Details are different and it hasn't been decided in my case (what'd Churchill say, "this is perhaps the beginning of the end"?). So I'm not signing anything, I NEED that lawyer.

You know, I'm still hurt, lost and roller coaster emotions but I'm keeping my head and not doing anything stupid or rash. I'm taking the high road here. It's over and I'm okay with that, I have my best friend here and I have several brothers on here who offered their phone numbers so I will always have someone to talk to. Not feeling alone in this and knowing people are willing to help is a big weight lifted, and once I have a lawyer my nerves should settle down some. Hoping, praying, wishing that happens sooner than later.

Veer, Jerry, thanks guys, I really appreciate that.

Funny, vets take care of each other at VA hospital a lot like this and in a lot of ways... It really is a Brotherhood that lasts for life. Even on the interwebz.

I answered your PM Brother. I am continuing to try and track down Gary's cell so I can talk with him about this before next week. Send that email and give him my info I sent you.
Funny, vets take care of each other at VA hospital a lot like this and in a lot of ways... It really is a Brotherhood that lasts for life. Even on the interwebz.

Never were truer words written. Glad to see your spirits are lifted. Got a feeling you will come thru this just fine. I will be watching this thread for updates. The hide is watching your six.

If you haven't already, take a look at your State DMV website and you can probably get a replacement DL online (WA? - http://www.dol.wa.gov/driverslicense/replacelostlicense.html ). Might be a problem if all your credit cards are gone unless you have a #/exp memorized/written down somewhere. At least it will save having to go to office and you can print a temp license until replacement comes in.
Been there and done that.
Lawyers are paid to negotiate.
Mediaion may be an option
The witch I divorced took what the law allowed- 1/2 of everything I owned..but she could not take my freedom
No woman is worth crawling on the earth..walk like a man my son (Four Seasons)
2afan, your story sounds a lot like mine actually... Thanks for sharing it. Details are different and it hasn't been decided in my case (what'd Churchill say, "this is perhaps the beginning of the end"?). So I'm not signing anything, I NEED that lawyer.

You know, I'm still hurt, lost and roller coaster emotions but I'm keeping my head and not doing anything stupid or rash. I'm taking the high road here. It's over and I'm okay with that, I have my best friend here and I have several brothers on here who offered their phone numbers so I will always have someone to talk to. Not feeling alone in this and knowing people are willing to help is a big weight lifted, and once I have a lawyer my nerves should settle down some. Hoping, praying, wishing that happens sooner than later.

Veer, Jerry, thanks guys, I really appreciate that.

Funny, vets take care of each other at VA hospital a lot like this and in a lot of ways... It really is a Brotherhood that lasts for life. Even on the interwebz.

I never asked... is your injuries able to be corrected with surgery? Cause if so, Ill fuckin buy ya a plane ticket for a seat right next to mine and we'll head on to France before the end of '18 dude. Get us both new identities, some crazy badass French chicks, and our kepi at the same time! From my reading, those with previous .mil experience are all but automatic shoe ins.
I never asked... is your injuries able to be corrected with surgery? Cause if so, Ill fuckin buy ya a plane ticket for a seat right next to mine and we'll head on to France before the end of '18 dude. Get us both new identities, some crazy badass French chicks, and our kepi at the same time! From my reading, those with previous .mil experience are all but automatic shoe ins.

Hey 'Yote, I shot you a PM. Have a great Christmas.
1J04 Tried to send you a PM but it says your box is full, Wanted to help, can you PM me with some contact info?

Merry Christmas everybody!

Hang tough Strykervet, better days are coming!!

Just spent 20 minutes trying to clear some stuff outta there. I'll PM now, or at least try to.
You know, I'm still hurt, lost and roller coaster emotions but I'm keeping my head and not doing anything stupid or rash. I'm taking the high road here. It's over and I'm okay with that, I have my best friend here and I have several brothers on here who offered their phone numbers so I will always have someone to talk to. Not feeling alone in this and knowing people are willing to help is a big weight lifted, and once I have a lawyer my nerves should settle down some. Hoping, praying, wishing that happens sooner than later.

Wish the internet was around when I went through a similar experience, like being ambushed with divorce papers (yeah, it's been a long time ago for me, but it was the worst experience of my life that took place during Christmas holidays). So, I really do understand what you're saying about being "hurt, lost and roller coaster emotions". Though the emotions run deep, very deep, one finds that there is light at the end of the tunnel and there is healing where a new life awaits that can be VERY rewarding. I'm an OLD vet on disability and after my first marriage, I found a new wife and family that's been great going on 31 years. And so, I do feel very lucky and blessed the way things have turned out. Such a future awaits you too. I think many people fail by giving in to despair. Riding this "roller coaster of emotions" is definitely no fun, but this ride DOES end (I know) and from what you've said, it sounds like you're going to get through it and find a life that's better than you thought possible.
It's too bad some females have to be such total bitches. Exactly like my ex is, it's the crazy manipulators and manipulation is likened to witchcraft, plain evil how they lie, deceive, steal, and defame, etc. Mine was a good looker and even manipulated my lawyer. Lied to the kids too and turned them against me. She took most of my life's equity.

Fight her with all you have or she'll try to take everything. She set the stage and deserves whatever comes to her, including her lawyer bills! This isn't an amicable divorce by any means and I also think she's been committing adultery. It's the MO, like with my ex.

Here I am writing this on Christmas all these years later! It's so sad the destruction people like this can cause. God says forgive and so I do, but trust, any respect, or other basis for any kind of relationship is long gone especially in light of my ex's other evil bomb's throughout the years. I tried to be nice and everytime I did she did her best to get over on me in one way or another. That's how people like this are.

Plant your foot on the ground and go to war, that's all evil people understand.

The good thing is I moved on and have the best wife I could have hoped for now, I chose wisely!

Believe me, in time you'll be so much happier without someone so toxic in your life.

Ha, I used to have a really sorry boss at work and an evil wife to come home to, talk about miserable, to the point of affecting my physical health, I used to have constant neck aches as well as headaches. Gone are they now. See, I can laugh about it now, it's surprising how much pain someone will endure and for what.

Good thing though, he can wash his hands of her and be done for ever once he runs the gauntlet, she will always be a bitchcuntwhorepsycho, we need to bring back the scarlet letter or at least make these cunts sign a waiver when they meet a new unsuspecting dude.
It's all part of the plan to destroy society, use the greed of the women to tear apart their families and encourage them to be as evil as possible for quick financial gain.
Use the courts to rip off men and use any children to turn the men into slaves paying for the woman to be whoring around with losers.

As so often happens the guy is being raped over for "child support" in ever increasing amounts that he is barred from making sure go to the benefit of the children, while the godless evil ex is starving the kids and spending all the money on drugs for her and her child beating live in boyfriend.

As I always tell people, you have a better chance of being a Homosexual Hebrew Resistance fighter, captured after killing a whole bunch of storm troopers, explaining to the SS guard at the gate to the concentration camp why he should let you walk out with your friends, than you have being a decent Man trying to get a fair deal in family court.

To understand how quickly this is destroying the fabric of our society, think about this:

How long would there be any industry or companies if anytime some partner, shareholder, employee or manager could decide they didn't like to work and just walk out and then demand to be paid their salary in full for the next 18 to 21 years and also demand a going away present of a huge chunk of the company?
It's all part of the plan to destroy society, use the greed of the women to tear apart their families and encourage them to be as evil as possible for quick financial gain.
Use the courts to rip off men and use any children to turn the men into slaves paying for the woman to be whoring around with losers.

As so often happens the guy is being raped over for "child support" in ever increasing amounts that he is barred from making sure go to the benefit of the children, while the godless evil ex is starving the kids and spending all the money on drugs for her and her child beating live in boyfriend.

As I always tell people, you have a better chance of being a Homosexual Hebrew Resistance fighter, captured after killing a whole bunch of storm troopers, explaining to the SS guard at the gate to the concentration camp why he should let you walk out with your friends, than you have being a decent Man trying to get a fair deal in family court.

To understand how quickly this is destroying the fabric of our society, think about this:

How long would there be any industry or companies if anytime some partner, shareholder, employee or manager could decide they didn't like to work and just walk out and then demand to be paid their salary in full for the next 18 to 21 years and also demand a going away present of a huge chunk of the company?

I dated my wife for 10 years before i married her. Made sure to show her every ugly side and also to reinforce the point that i wasn't gonna change anything because anyone else said so but that things could change in a moment's notice if that's what i thought was best at the time. 4 years now and pretty happy, maybe in a few decades ill write a book or something.

if were successful, that is. Don't see any reason why we wouldn't be, but y'all sure do make the probabilities seem low.

best part so far is how happy my son is. Today, she was making balloon swords and targets to tie to quad copters that I'd fly toward him and he'd smack em with the swords. He was giggling and screaming for about an hour straight.
QuickNDirty Was with my 'mistake' for 6 yrs. The last two are on me. Been with the best person I've ever known for 30 yrs come May 28th. Married for 27 come Jan 18th. Dated for what, 2.8 months? Wise decision. Wasn't in the market. Either of us. Just happened. And it works. The stats look terrible. Always has. But you already get it. It works or it don't. The hard part people have is being honest with each other and just saying when it ain't working and go their separate ways amicably. But no. Drama must ensue, to the detriment of both, and all involved. What a shame.
QuickNDirty Was with my 'mistake' for 6 yrs. The last two are on me. Been with the best person I've ever known for 30 yrs come May 28th. Married for 27 come Jan 18th. Dated for what, 2.8 months? Wise decision. Wasn't in the market. Either of us. Just happened. And it works. The stats look terrible. Always has. But you already get it. It works or it don't. The hard part people have is being honest with each other and just saying when it ain't working and go their separate ways amicably. But no. Drama must ensue, to the detriment of both, and all involved. What a shame.

I've known tons of divorced folks and their kids. I never want to go through that. I'm sorry for the shit you all have gone through, but I'm glad you share your stories.

hell, my dad's ex left him on Christmas day. She bailed with his 3 year old daughter before he got off a shitty patrol shift, packed up the girls room, presents, her shit, and went to stay with her mother. He was pretty fucked from that.
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Nothing more hateful than a self centered deceitful female. When I went through a divorce many years ago, some sage advice from a friend gave me a long view perspective: "In five years you will be back on top of the World. She will be preparing for her second divorce." Truer words were never spoken. She has been through two more and lives a miserable existence.

Use up your bad luck on shit that doesn't count...........the measuring stick, if it doesn't kill you, it doesn't count.

Be strong.
Good thing though, he can wash his hands of her and be done for ever once he runs the gauntlet, she will always be a bitchcuntwhorepsycho, we need to bring back the scarlet letter or at least make these cunts sign a waiver when they meet a new unsuspecting dude.

Agreed on the next unsuspecting dude. Mine left me for what would become her fourth husband because he had more money, then when he got sick and couldn't work at that level anymore she left him and went to A-Stan on an admin contract while I was there. I heard about it while I was over there and shot her a message laughing that she was already hunting husband #5. She feigned outrage and then did in fact latch onto #5. I feel for that poor bastard because from what I've heard he's a successful older guy that has a lot to lose when she goes hunting #6. I was the first of her ex-husbands she was able to get some money out of while she was leaving, and I'm sure she got the taste for that divorce money.

I consider myself very lucky that I only lost 10 years and half the equity in my home to her. It freed me to go live a life I never could have and to meet some phenomenal women who have loved me in various ways. The one I'm with now is worth all the bullshit in getting here.
Rough man. Just read this entire thread and the other one... just curious, what Stryker Brigade/BN were you in? I was stationed out in Lewis from '07-'11.

I was at Lewis '01-'04; we didn't have Strykers yet. We didn't even have a full unit yet. It was 3-21, 25thID. We were 1st Bde. even though we were the technically the second one, 2ID got theirs first and deployed first.

Thank you guys for all the support, it really helped get me through this long weekend and I don't feel so alone in this. It's not gonna be easy, but it's not going to be as hard as it was looking to be going into the weekend. I can't thank all of you enough. I will swear to pay it forward though when I get back on my feet and be a contributing member again.
I was at Lewis '01-'04; we didn't have Strykers yet. We didn't even have a full unit yet. It was 3-21, 25thID. We were 1st Bde. even though we were the technically the second one, 2ID got theirs first and deployed first.

Thank you guys for all the support, it really helped get me through this long weekend and I don't feel so alone in this. It's not gonna be easy, but it's not going to be as hard as it was looking to be going into the weekend. I can't thank all of you enough. I will swear to pay it forward though when I get back on my feet and be a contributing member again.

Hey Buddy, the Attorney Gary Morean is in a meeting at the moment. I left a message for him and expect to hear from him shortly to give him your info. I really hope he's available to take on your case. If not, like i said, he'll more than likely have a GREAT recommendation of who can. Stand by.
Could be worse. Friend of mine who is a redneck of Sicilian descent went through a very acrimonious divorce. Crazy B found a dead racoon on her front pourch and was accusing him of making some redneck mafia threat. Turns out she had put rat poison out because the coon had been getting in the trash.