Oh trust me, I made some money and took advantage of the market down slide for sure. But I didn’t make $3 for every $1 I had in. I did get almost a 50% rate of return both in 2020 and 2021. So you could say I nearly doubled my money. It was a fantastic time to get in. However, I’m quickly seeing all those gains evaporate. It will come back but it looks pretty rough at the moment. What most people need to realize is you buy in when it’s low, you either sell high or hang onto it. The elites create these fluctuations, on purpose imo, and then buy all the stocks that people sell out of because the sky is falling, for great prices and then they ride them up. They do this over and over and over. And people continue to freak out and sell out at the first sign of losing money. You don’t lose anything until you sell.
As I said earlier, if one had made a small $1000 investment in Nvidia in 1999 and hung onto it until today, they’d be a multimillionaire off of that one investment. The trick is knowing when to get in and what to buy. I was offered Google super cheap and said to myself, that’s never going to be anything. Clearly I was wrong and should have spent some money on it. I said the same thing about Bitcoin when it was offered in 2011, I think it was. So you never know what is going to be the new best thing. What we do know is, invest in solid companies and hang onto it and let the market do its thing and you will make money, over time. Unless it all falls then we are all screwed anyways and none of this matters. But looking at it from a 30,000 foot view, the market has always gone up. Buy solid, as low as possible and hang onto it.