I fought with this 7 years ago on my automated Harrell's bulk dropper with a high speed servo that I was integrating with the V1. The servo I'm using can cycle the Harrell's from closed to full open in about 0.18 seconds at full speed, so it dumps the powder charge much quicker than say a V2 or V3 autothrow.
A fast, unimpeded drop off powder really bounces/splashes the kernels and plays hell with the scale and also makes a mess. That initial charge "slamming" into the scale can also momentarily shock the pan making the scale momentarily read above the target weight, which means some programming to work around that.
My workaround for the mess and scale shock issue was a tall stainless shot cup, slowing the servo down a bit in the code to spread out the powder drop time, and also putting a couple gentle bends in the drop tube near the exit to slow down the kernels slightly before going into the cup. I chose to sacrifice some speed for a more consistent and less messy bulk drop cycle.
Your system using gravity to rapidly feed and having what appears to be a straight shot from the dropper internals to the cup is about the worst case scenario that I was testing and fighting with 7 years ago with my system. I wish I had tried a Dixie cup, lol. I'm going to pick some up to test and return the servo on my Harrell's to full speed and see if the Dixie cup will take care of the scale shock and powder splash issues I was having when running the servo at full speed.