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Range Report Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Goin'Hot</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
If not already discussed, it would be nice if it stored all the previous entered altitude, humidity etc..... </div></div>

Go to the first profile screen and hit the preferences button at the bottom-right.
Turn on "Save distance" and "Save atmosphere".
It will hold those settings after you do that.
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

Okay, I'm a dumb shit (admission is the first step to recovery). The option to save conditions is on the first screen.

If you open your eyes............. you just might see it.
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

If that makes you dumb then that makes two of us.

Dig around everywhere you can and you will get very familiar with it, quick.
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Fowler72</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> Sean, I'm not sure if its me, the phone, or the app but when I exit the program the GPS/satellite icon stays on/active and runs the battery down. I have to go into the menu and turn off the auto feature.

Let me know if I'm doing something wrong, or if I need to do something different.

Thanks for building a great app </div></div>
Thanks Fowler, and actually... you did find a bit of an issue here. It should now stop GPS updates when you move out of the data input screen (update is available in market now).
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Market Garden</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Is there a way to make it always calculate including spin drift? It seems like it turns that option off every time you leave a profile. </div></div>

Hey Market Garden. I added support for this. It is now an option in the preferences (of course, only in the full version).
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

Thanks! I love this program, and it's great that you're so responsive to questions and suggestions.
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

Im just waiting for the new HTC EVO 4G to be released and I will be purchasing shooter within 10 minutes of having the phone..
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: flounderv2</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Im just waiting for the new HTC EVO 4G to be released and I will be purchasing shooter within 10 minutes of having the phone..
Awesome and let me know how you like that phone.
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: seankndy</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: flounderv2</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Im just waiting for the new HTC EVO 4G to be released and I will be purchasing shooter within 10 minutes of having the phone..
Awesome and let me know how you like that phone. </div></div>

Will do.. I actually used to work for Sprint after college and still have connections there. I called a friend yesterday who is still there and I have him reserving me one as soon as they ship. He checks them into inventory and is going to set 1 aside so I dont have to worry about the sales reps buying/selling them within the first hour they hit the stores.
Im really looking forward to playing with the shooter app.

Based on all of the sales I see going on for the current model droids with those deals ending on March 31, I have a feeling that it should be out within the next 2 months. Hopefully.
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

Ok I realise that this is a bit pissy and so on,

however, I just uppgraded to "lite"

and nothing works,

I get no wind read outs, the drops are about 2/3 of what they are in real life and I lost a bucket load of good data, or rather it´s there I belive I just cannot use it.

Second, somethings wrong with my speeds, they dont fall, they stay the same down range, how come?

So where I am going wrong,

besides what the .... is a correction factor?

Please do help a poor Swede that seems to be lost..



What do you do when your "puter" pukes, delete program, restart, download again and start all ower,

well bitching part is ower,

all systems are GTG,

phuuuuuu, I am going steel gong hunting tomorow and I did not want them slippery buggers to get away from me.

Sean, sorry I doubted your stuff,

still what is that factor thing?

Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!


Sounds like either something is seriously wrong in your input or there is some nasty bug (I'm assuming with Metric values)...

What are all your values for your rifle, ammo, and shot data input screen?

The correction factor is there to account for margins of error in your scope's correction.
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

Sean, saw a post over on the Accurate Shooter bulletin. This sounds like a great app and nice of Bryan Litz to work on it with you. Too bad I'm locked into my current crap cellphone contract for another year! Anyway, here's a question for you:

Have you found with your app that you get more accurate drops with a longer-range zero, e.g. 300 or 600 yards vs. 100 yards? The reason I ask this is because I use Ballistic on my Touch and it has both a Zero Atmosphere and a Current Atmosphere. I do notice that the drops vary enough to matter if the zero is set to 600 yards for my .308 loads and the Zero Atmosphere differs enough from the Current Atmosphere. However, at 300 or 100 yard zeros, the difference is not enough for me to sacrifice the advantages of a 100-yard zero.
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: seankndy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Chris,

Sounds like either something is seriously wrong in your input or there is some nasty bug (I'm assuming with Metric values)...

What are all your values for your rifle, ammo, and shot data input screen?

The correction factor is there to account for margins of error in your scope's correction. </div></div>

I did a retake on life and did a classic delete, reboot, redownload and now all things are gtg,

I just have to do a manual reinput of all the data, that will take a while,

but still thanks Sean.

Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

Rafael and others,

was out playing at the range today,

shot out to 428 meters, the program did it´s thing and I did my part at times,

yes I shoot a few loads, but broken down it´s really no more than two target loads/two hunting loads at the most.

Best regards Chris
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

Nothing wrong with having numerous profiles.....
I get wrapped up in my little world where I only have 2-3 weapons I regularly use ballistic calculations for.

You must be wealthy to own so many long-range weapons.
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

A tip for those of you who purchased the Full version of Shooter......

In the HUD you need to hit the phones menu button to see the new shortcuts to the ranging, angle, and azimuth tools. This makes for VERY quick solutions. (azimuth only shows up if you have the Coriolis option turned on).

To see these, you must have selected "HUD" in the "Shot solution" section of preferences.

This is a really nice feature Sean added recently.
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Rafael</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Nothing wrong with having numerous profiles.....
I get wrapped up in my little world where I only have 2-3 weapons I regularly use ballistic calculations for.

You must be wealthy to own so many long-range weapons.

Me, I am poor as hell, I spend all my hard earned money hunting/shooting.

Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

Sean stupid question regarding the full "paid" version

I purchased the full version but you have had 2 updates to the full version since I got it. Does it charge me for upgrades or are they part of the price. Android had a "authorizing credit card" display on the screen. I wanted to make sure that its not charging me for each upgrade.
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

Something I don't understand.

When I have coriollis enabled it tells me I have .4 mils of drift at 100 yards and .1 mils of drift at 1000.

This seems counter-intuitive to me that the drift would be more closer and less farther away. I'm not saying it's wrong but it's not what I would expect.

But what really gets me is that it's telling me to dial in drift for coriollis at 100 yards when I specifically set my zero at 100 yards.

Why is the program telling me I need dial in .4 mils when it's set for a no-wind no adjustment bullseye at 100 yards?
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

Without knowing all the variables you have entered, I would say you are seeing the effects of enabling Spin Drift more that anything else.

If you turn off Coriolis I bet you get the same result for windage adjustment, right?
Now turn off Spin-drift and I bet it will look more "normal" to you.

A right-twist barrel results in the bullet "walking" slightly right the farther it flies. This is Spin-drift.
A situation can occur where spin-drift can make wind calls look a bit wierd....but are perfectly normal.

I do think you may have noticed a small error in the program, though.....
Spin drift should be zero at sight-in distance since you would certainly dial out any drift at time of zeroing..... yet enabling spin-drift is showing a drift at my zero in this program.

Minor flaw, easily corrected.
Sean....you listening?
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

That's the same problem assumeing "coriollis effect" button turns on both spindrift and coriollis. With that tab off 0 wind results in my rifle showing zero/zero for corrections at 100 yards.
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lazuris</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Sean stupid question regarding the full "paid" version

I purchased the full version but you have had 2 updates to the full version since I got it. Does it charge me for upgrades or are they part of the price. Android had a "authorizing credit card" display on the screen. I wanted to make sure that its not charging me for each upgrade. </div></div>
Updates are free.
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

Sean, thanks for the program. One thought would be to make both "lite" and premium versions the same, only have a pop-up message come up "upgrade to premium version for use of this function". Right now I'm using the lite program. I'm running it on an HTC Eris Droid. Some of the features discussed don't seem to work and I'm not sure if it's because I'm still running Android 1.5 instead of 2.0 or higher, or if it is because it is lacking in the free version. Hopefully they will be releasing Android 2.1 upgrade soon. Last I heard it was supposed to be "1st Quarter of 2010". Anyone have any more up-to-date info on this?

BTW, the basic ballistic calculator functions just fine on Android 1.5. Thanks again for an awesome app.
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

Ok, I went back and realized it wasn't a spin drift thing because I never put in my bullet length and thus spin drift was disabled.

My drift issue is appears specifically related to coriolis (using the litz data for the 155gr scenar). The trajectory table shows -3.7 at 10 yards then slowly tapering down to -0.1 at 280 yards before holding steady.

This problem is independent of what azimuth I input.
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

I just tried to duplicate your results and succeeded.

Go back and turn off "Always Enable Spin Drift" in preferences.
This should get you back to all zeros for windage adjustments with no wind.

Something wierd is happening when S-D is enabled in preferences and disabled in the data entry screen.

I am sure Sean will take care of this.
Good catch!
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

Hmmm, no joy on that solution for me. Tried every variation of default on or off for both SD and coriollis in the preferences too.

I get the same problem on the profile for my manually entered .22lr (though the numbers are different which tells me it is crunching numbers, it's just doing so in a strange way.

I also tried inputting different latitudes and still nothing.

Not surprised to see little ghosts in the machine for a new program. Hopefully I can isolate it to help squash this bug.
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Starvin</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hmmm, no joy on that solution for me. Tried every variation of default on or off for both SD and coriollis in the preferences too.

I get the same problem on the profile for my manually entered .22lr (though the numbers are different which tells me it is crunching numbers, it's just doing so in a strange way.

I also tried inputting different latitudes and still nothing.

Not surprised to see little ghosts in the machine for a new program. Hopefully I can isolate it to help squash this bug. </div></div>

I am a little confused on exactly what you're inputting and where the program is going wrong -- can you sum it up for me so I can try to reproduce?

Sound like Raf was able to reproduce and found a temporary 'workaround', but that same workaround isn't working for you? So can you please tell me exactly what you're inputting into the program and expected results versus the results you got?

Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

Unfortunately the workaround does not work for me.

Shooter v6
Platform - Motorola Droid
Distance unit - yards
Atmo - imperial
Other - imperial
wind - degrees
Milidot - USMC
automatic lat - check
automatic atmo - check
save distance - check
save atmo - check
always enable spin drift - uncheck
always enable coriollis - uncheck
(I have also tried with all the above check boxes unchecked, and variations between check and unchecked for spindrift and coriollis)

Specific profile:
sight height - 2.4
zero - 100
twist rate - 11
twist direction - right
elevation - mils
wind - mils
elevation turret - 0.1
wind turret - 0.1
correction factor - 1.0

Ammo type: Lapua 0.308cal, 155.0gr, Scenar (Litz) (From bullet library)
diameter - 0.308
bullet weight - 155.0
bullet length - 1.29 (this was previously omitted)
MV - 2850.0
Atmo - ICAO
Drag - G7 (also tried with G1)

In calculation data input screen:
Pressure input type - by altitude & corrected SLP (<span style="color: #FF0000">ETA:</span> I've tried all three with no change in results)
all other data variable depending on conditions.

coriolis effect latitude 32, azimuth 0 (however I have tried different latitudes and azimuths to no avail. The resultant data is always the same).

Resultant data table drift in mils (<span style="color: #FF0000">ETA:</span> with spindrift off and coriollis on):

0: 0
10: -3.7
20: -1.9
30: -1.3
40: -0.9
50: -0.8
60: -0.6
70: -0.5
80: -0.5
90-110: -0.4
120-150: -0.3
160-270: -0.2
280-1430: -0.1
1440 and up: 0

I have another profile set up for my .22lr with manually inputted information for the ammo. It produces similar results but the resultant numbers are different.
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

First of all, great job and thanks for making this available to everyone.

Just a thought, it would be nice if you could save profiles to the sd card.
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!


It lost auto-atmosphere capability at first, but about a week later I added it back due to all the complaints.

So no, it has even more than it did before.
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Rafael</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Which features are not working for you? </div></div>

First, I'm not complaining.

No bullet library (premium version maybe?). The automatic atmosphere doesn't seem to work on my Eris Droid. No GPS dish/logo when I start it up, and can't seem to get it to come up--not the end of the world though. I updated it 5 days ago. Is this an Android 2.0 dependent feature? The inclinometer works just fine. (edit: nevermind, I figured it out. Need to enable it under preferences. Just need to play with it a bit more).

I got to take it out this afternoon and put it through its paces. Worked well for the most part, but I did notice some odd findings. These may just be due to my inexperience at field shooting. Anyways, here's what happened:

I started off at 738yd, measured with my Leica CRF 1200. I had previously calibrated my Kestrel 3500 at home about 30 min before, (but this was inside--could this have introduced some error?). Anyway, 738yd, temp 66F, Rel. Hum. 16.5%, Pressure 29.73 (this came from the "baro" function on my Kestrel--this is station pressure, right?), wind was ranging 7-13mph at about 10:00 direction, so I used 10mph ave for this. Solution gave me 19.9moa elev. and 5.1 windage. Dialed 19.5moa elev. and 5moa windage in and 1st shot missed high and right. Dialed down to 19moa elev. and up to 6moa wind and 2nd shot hit steel on right edge of target. Gave 1/2moa more windage and hit the left edge of the target, so backed it to 6moa. Now I figure the windage error is probably my bad. I had measured the wind at the target and at my shooting location, so I'm not too upset about this. Wind reading is an art, even with fancy instruments.

What did surprise me though was the elevation. It seemed to read 1moa more elevation than I needed. I compared the numbers to my drop chart from Sierra Infinity Suite. These showed 18.8moa at 725yd and 19.9moa at 750yd, so just a bit less elevation from Sierra.

My target:

I backed up to 1020yd, and my solution showed 34.9moa elev and 5.6moa wind. From the last experience, I dialed in 34moa elev and 5.5moa wind. 1st shot was a miss, but it was dark enough now I couldn't tell where it was hitting. 2nd shot was a hit on the upper edge of the target. Shot a few more rounds but they were misses too. My Sierra drop table called for 34.1moa @ 1025yd and also agreed on 5.6moa wind.

Then before it got too dark to see anything, I choked up to 300yd. Your table called for 4moa elev and 1.3moa wind. The wind had died just a bit from the last station (1020yd), so I only dialed 1moa wind, but kept the 4moa elev. This produced 5 center hits on the target at my POA.

Everything seemed to work well. I used the inclinometer to calculate my shooting angle at 1020yd (12 degrees) I really like the timer feature here. I tried editing my ammo data, and this feature works nicely as well (I had both BC numbers from the Sierra reloading manual entered initially for the different velocity ranges, but then edited out the lower number but it didn't seem to make much difference). Not sure why there was the 1moa difference between this program and the Sierra at longer distances. One thing I can say is that I need more trigger time. It felt good to scratch that itchy trigger finger again today. It's been a long winter. Thanks again for a very usable program.

Some more pics: Sorry, none of my Eris Droid and Shooter Lite



Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

When I use automatic atmosphere, it pulls it from Billings, 50 miles away. Probably going to just use my own weather data from my Kestrel in the future. Nice to see this feature work though.
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

The bullet library is only included in the pay version.

The weather function is something that may or may not help based on how close you are to a reporting station. If not close I would always enter my own data. If I have the time I would enter my own anyway. Thats just the nature of it.....none of us tell the govt where to put weather stations and I always trust my data more than some stations report.

Have you ever checked your scope adjustments to see how close they are to what they are supposed to be?

There are so many things that go into a correct solution, and so many that can go wrong, that you must be sure you have valid data to get good results.

How did you arrive at your velocity data?

I can tell you that when all input was the same the results from Shooter were very close to the results from other programs I compared it to.......one of them cost me $150.00.

These programs are good tools, but they are only as good as the data we give them.
Re: Introducing "Shooter", ballistics for Android!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Starvin</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Unfortunately the workaround does not work for me.

Shooter v6
Platform - Motorola Droid
Distance unit - yards
Atmo - imperial
Other - imperial
wind - degrees
Milidot - USMC
automatic lat - check
automatic atmo - check
save distance - check
save atmo - check
always enable spin drift - uncheck
always enable coriollis - uncheck
(I have also tried with all the above check boxes unchecked, and variations between check and unchecked for spindrift and coriollis)

Specific profile:
sight height - 2.4
zero - 100
twist rate - 11
twist direction - right
elevation - mils
wind - mils
elevation turret - 0.1
wind turret - 0.1
correction factor - 1.0

Ammo type: Lapua 0.308cal, 155.0gr, Scenar (Litz) (From bullet library)
diameter - 0.308
bullet weight - 155.0
bullet length - 1.29 (this was previously omitted)
MV - 2850.0
Atmo - ICAO
Drag - G7 (also tried with G1)

In calculation data input screen:
Pressure input type - by altitude & corrected SLP (<span style="color: #FF0000">ETA:</span> I've tried all three with no change in results)
all other data variable depending on conditions.

coriolis effect latitude 32, azimuth 0 (however I have tried different latitudes and azimuths to no avail. The resultant data is always the same).

Resultant data table drift in mils (<span style="color: #FF0000">ETA:</span> with spindrift off and coriollis on):

0: 0
10: -3.7
20: -1.9
30: -1.3
40: -0.9
50: -0.8
60: -0.6
70: -0.5
80: -0.5
90-110: -0.4
120-150: -0.3
160-270: -0.2
280-1430: -0.1
1440 and up: 0

I have another profile set up for my .22lr with manually inputted information for the ammo. It produces similar results but the resultant numbers are different. </div></div>

Thanks for this data. There was a problem with Coriolis. It was giving way to much drift right out of the gate. This is fixed and the update will be up before too long.