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Is something going on in Ukraine?

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People are saying that the Ukrainian bullshit is a distraction for the COVID, inflation and a few other things. Looking at the aggressive psy op that's going on doesn't add up. Reports on the Russians not being what we believed them to be and getting their ass handed to them by the Ukraine rag tag, reports that 15,000 Russian troops are already dead, reports of poor supply and the army is stranded. What is the end game of this Psy Op? Our government has been spewing that the reason for high gas prices and food prices is Russia's fault. They come out this week and say to prepare for food shortages when many are already seeing bare shelves. Prepare for a Russian hacking. What's the end game?
$31 trillion in debt, inflation in the double figures and the economic outlook is for a serious recession if not a depression. There's not a damned thing the Fed or the government can do to stop what is coming. So what is the end game for this Psy Op?
It's paving the way to WW3. What is the false flag event to kick the party off? I don't know what it will be but I know it is coming. Their bullshit storyline is already distributed to the PRAVDA.
Russia is weak and the poor Ukraine people need our help to repel the evil empire that wants to rejuvenate the Soviet Union. We have a consensus (coalition) backing of the NATO countries. <------ sound familiar?
Anyone else see this or is it just me?
Discuss. Lol.
Basically same policy as US. You take matter of national security outside your borders as in deal with the problem 4k miles away over the ocean so you don't have to deal with the problem locally and Soviet Union and now Russia has had the same plan "aka buffer zones". What US did to Soviets and vice versa outside this "arrangement" was all fair as long as its clear whos house starts where.
Idiots in the US appear to have started believing its own propaganda as in LGBT and other bullshit being exported to other nations to fuck their social system up however somehow this shitshow grew roots also in the US and managed to take over and fuck up your own social system (thats why bioweapons or chems are a no no cause they have a bad tendency to backfire). Now this idiots believing their own shit, having population to large extent believing clashing with reality on the ground and this clash unless resolved in an intelligent manner with idiots realizing they cant win and backing down WILL lead to nuclear war. Now what the probability of idiots "getting it" and on top of that accepting that backing down will be their end as people will hang them on the lamp posts is in my opinion somewhere around zero.

So glow or crispy crisp it is for humanity...
Somalians in US causing same problems.





Feds: Somali gangs ran sex ring in 3 states​

Twenty-nine people have been indicted in a sex trafficking ring spanning three U.S. states and allegedly run by Minneapolis-based Somali gangs.
Image: 12 of the 29 people that have been indicted and taken into custody in a sex trafficking ring in which Somali gangs in Minneapolis and St. Paul
none of them belong here. Only judeo christian immigrants belong, these muslims will never integrate with western civilizations
absolutely. all kidding aside the Poles have always had guts. You know that such varied people as Leopold I, Jan Długosz, and François Duvalier always said good things about them.
In my motor drive/VFD days, I worked with a Pole. Nicest guy in the world and razor sharp. Both his sons earned full ride scholarships to MIT..........:):cool:
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The only minorities that I don't like are the ones with a certain mindset. It's the content of some of their characters, not the color of their skin, that I don't like.
well, thats what Putin is saying, right? if you want to come here, respect your hosts and their culture. don't act like an intruder and then scream 'discrimination'.
the Nazis are demanding that the prisoners give up their officers. but....but....I heard that the Russians were killing their own officers, not protecting them?

what to believe, what to believe? (sarcasm - not the fucking propaganda MSM)

edit: this makes me think the Nazis are doing another commissar order to kill all captured russian officers, like in '41.
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like we were saying, Donbas is the focus and the west is only a holding action.​

The Russian armed forces did not plan to storm the besieged Ukrainian cities, but such a possibility is not ruled out, the Ministry of Defense said, TASS reports.

Russia will storm besieged Ukrainian cities

The ministry noted that the presence of Russian troops in the area of the blockaded cities fetters the Ukrainian forces and does not allow to strengthen the grouping in the Donbass.

“Initially, we did not plan to storm them to prevent destruction and minimize casualties among both the military and civilians. However, we do not exclude such a possibility,” the Ministry of Defense said.
All forces of the Russian army will be concentrated on the liberation of Donbass, officials added.

Earlier, Sergei Rudskoy, the head of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, said that the Russian authorities initially considered two possible options for the special operation in Ukraine. According to the first scenario, the operation was to be limited only to the territory of Donbass.

“In this case, the Ukrainian authorities would constantly support the groups involved in the so-called operation of the combined forces,” Rudskoy said.

See more at https://english.pravda.ru/news/world/150862-russia_storm_ukraine/
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Good lord, even Biden's handlers know that he's an idiot.

When's he gonna get Klintoned, DNC'd, dot gov'd... or have the 25th amendment used?

Asking for a friend with an Inquiring mind.

He's still useful at the moment being the fall guy for the destruction of the country.
Good question Dibbs, but MtnCreek is precisely correct. his bumbling incompetence gives him an illusion of being less dangerous. And it lets the neocon half of the uniparty say bullshit like "Biden is soft on Russia!" to get American patriots off the fact that both parties have the same globalist agenda and take money from the same sources.

My question is: is it even possible for someone who is not part of the NWO swamp to be elected to any office above the local level?
Good lord, even Biden's handlers know that he's an idiot.

Well, to give him a pass, he had a bowel movement before each fuckup!
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Big Government

Are You Ready for War with Russia?

03/24/2022Daren Epstein
Not that long ago people, especially those in government, were consumed with the most-significant crisis in world history, or so we were encouraged to believe – the so-called global pandemic, which, left to run its course un-diverted by government intervention, would end humanity as we knew it. So significant was the threat of this contagion, that civil liberties were suspended, businesses were closed, false-idols and talismans such as mRNA vaccines and masks were mandated across the globe. Freedom of expression was suspended, personal finances were seized, travel was limited and the promise of a “new normal” was foisted upon the public by the main-stream media as the only choice for our personal and collective futures.
Then, Vladimir Putin decided to invade Ukraine, and all public mention of the latest thing that was going to end all of our lives was replaced with the next thing that was going to end all of our lives. Unless, of course, we responded as a global community, which normally means the United States, European Union and elites at the World Economic Forum (WEF) will instruct the world community to do through their propaganda arms in the main-stream media. The rest of humanity, of course, is expected to follow along.
Like in 1950, when North Korea invaded South Korea, Americans scurried to find their handy atlas, or more likely an online digital political map to find where Ukraine actually is, before delving into deep analysis on social media as to what the global community should do to help our Ukrainian brothers and sisters. Vladimir Putin is an evil SOB. Anyone who questions that analysis is to be cancelled by the correct-thinking people who are the same deep thinkers who controlled the narrative during the last two years of the COVID psychosis. Instead of marginalizing and controlling the speech of legitimate medical experts we are now supposed to dismiss the opinions of every adherent to the Non-Aggression Principle, and every liberty-loving dissenter who is in any way skeptical of the perpetual war footing of the United States.
There are, of course, absolutely no subtleties to this latest crisis. We must accept what the legacy media and government mouthpieces tell us about the now issue, which will affect all of our lives if we do not take the side of the clean-as-the-driven-snow Ukrainians. Subtleties and details of the issue do not matter. That Ukraine has a large Russian population in Eastern Ukraine has no bearing on this discussion. That the Ukrainian Government is considered by many to be one of the most corrupt in the world is a minor diversion. That Ukraine may be responsible for bringing the borders of NATO right to Russia’s doorstep, when Russia claimed that as a security redline; irrelevant.
So brave is our war-hawk class, who mostly profit politically and financially from cozy relationships with defense contractors and lobbyists, that the usual suspects have taken to issuing threats for which they will never be asked to pay a personal price. Senator Lindsey Graham, bold warrior, called for the assassination of a sitting head of state, Vladimir Putin. Additionally, he called for sending fighter jets and air defense system to Ukraine. A collection of Western governments and Japan have imposed economic sanctions on Russia, which are very likely to have negative effects on Western economies and at the very least will not have their intended effect. They will only serve to make life more miserable for a greater number of people around the world. Warhawk Congresswoman Maria Salazar is calling for the United States to take actions in support of Ukraine against Russia which may lead to a war between the United States and Russia. If we take actions that she and her ilk support, the chain of events set off by that spark will occur so rapidly it will be mind boggling.
War with Russia means that the United States will quickly find itself on its own fighting against a very capable thermo-nuclear power. The Europeans will bow out almost immediately as their cities are threatened and they realize the United States has no capability to come bail them out for a third time. Powers such as China and India, sick of the heavy-handed nature of American foreign policy will at the very least remain on the sidelines. China will be very eager to pick at the scraps of the receding U.S. empire, already $31 Trillion dollars in debt, which would be very lucky to exit any war with Russia with a severe depression. Any assistance from allies of the United States seen to be complicit in American adventurism will pay a price. Japan, who recently sent non-lethal military equipment to Ukraine aboard U.S. transport aircraft, has just obliterated any chance of it getting back portions of the Northern Territories and such an action could make U.S. bases in Japan legitimate military targets in any U.S. war with Russia. China would certainly, at the very least, look at a war between the United States and Russia as an opportunity to move against Taiwan and perhaps Japan’s Senkaku Islands.
World War One began as the result of a series of miscalculations, which led to one of the greatest man-made catastrophes in world history. World War Two in a very similar manner resulted from nation-state reactions to a long chain of international miscalculations which led to another man-made catastrophe merely 21 years after the conclusion of World War One. The conclusion of World War Two saw the first use of atomic weapons in world history, by the “good guys.” If we run that script a third time, we may witness the total destruction of global society due to the miscalculation of some of the least-skilled human beings on our planet.
Nuclear holocaust will not happen all at once. However, this local conflict which has captured the attention of the entire international idiocracy, is no longer local. It is about to become a real international crisis, not just a convenient moment for leftists to virtue signal and wear their Ukrainian flag pins or war hawks a chance to thump their small collapsed chests with bravado. Serbia in 1914 could be Ukraine in 2022. A spark is a spark and it is always dangerous when it is too close to tinder.
If you think America had “war fatigue” during the Korean War, the Vietnam War, The Iraq Wars or the Afghan War, think again. When U.S. war ships are sunk and U.S. aircraft are shot down then things will get interesting. When the U.S. Government institutes a draft to answer the call to the worsening situation and the government taps into disproportionately lower class and minority kids to fill the ranks, all to feed the beast of a thoughtless military-industrial complex, fighting for something very opaque, the electorate may become a little put out. When cyber-attacks occur, the power grid goes down, when U.S. cities are hit with missiles on a regular basis, when food shortages and complete supply-chain disruptions bring normal life to a stop, maybe people will get decidedly flummoxed. When Russia threatens to use or actually uses nuclear weapons to make a demonstration like the United States did in 1945 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, then maybe just a hint of war weariness will start to creep in.
This next war will not be like any other we have fought. We do not get to be the big bully going around the world smacking down whoever we want for whatever reason, protected by our oceans, knowing that we cannot get hit back. This time the adversary can pay us back in kind, and they will be more than willing to do so having watched the United States carry out its manifest adventures or misadventures of empire since the 1898 Spanish American War. If you want to continue poking the bear to support the globalist agenda in Ukraine, just be aware that the price could quite literally be the destruction of your entire society.
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like we were saying, Donbas is the focus and the west is only a holding action.​

One month in, this becomes the case. Lot of premier combat formations and blood/material committed to the North/West for a just a holding action.

What we're seeing is an army on the verge of culmination and an attempt to save face by falling back on the minimum objectives. Russia can still win this militarily, but they've bled more than a few BTGs worth of MWE.

What happens to the current and next conscript crops will be a good indicator... stop-lossing the 130k previous call-up is a pretty good indicator that more is planned.
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like we were saying, Donbas is the focus and the west is only a holding action.​

The Russian armed forces did not plan to storm the besieged Ukrainian cities, but such a possibility is not ruled out, the Ministry of Defense said, TASS reports.

Russia will storm besieged Ukrainian cities

The ministry noted that the presence of Russian troops in the area of the blockaded cities fetters the Ukrainian forces and does not allow to strengthen the grouping in the Donbass.

All forces of the Russian army will be concentrated on the liberation of Donbass, officials added.

Earlier, Sergei Rudskoy, the head of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, said that the Russian authorities initially considered two possible options for the special operation in Ukraine. According to the first scenario, the operation was to be limited only to the territory of Donbass.

See more at https://english.pravda.ru/news/world/150862-russia_storm_ukraine/
love it...rely on russian news sources!! It like relying on the Völkischer Beobachter for news on the Western Front in 1944.
Could not fact check:

The gas battle between Russia, Ukraine, China and Australia

Ukraine has two big undeveloped shale gas deposits, containing 1.2 trillion cubic meters of gas, that may be exported to Europe in competition with Russia.

Facts checked.
It dawned on me after a conversation with local "patriots" that many people are clueless about who runs their party. So here are just a few thoughts on the swamp Neocons who co-opted the RNC, sold you down the river, ran out Trump, and promoted this set-up of a war against Russia:

Most Republicans don't know that their party leadership has been infiltrated by people who do not care about constitutional values. In past times, Old school republicans, the 'Paleoconservatives' valued Natural Rights and were more Jeffersonian in their non-expansionist, non-interventionist beliefs. To us, the Bill of Rights is sacred, as are our borders, and our national identity.

But Neocons (ie. cuckservatives) are the exact opposite. The Bill of Rights is only a carrot that they use to entice foolish Republicans to vote for them, and once they get into power, they have traditionally sold out every value without remorse, for the promise of support in foreign wars. They firmly believe and have even said "you have to vote for us, even if we sell you out. Who else are you going to vote for?"

Pat Buchanan calls neoconservatism "a globalist, interventionist, open borders ideology." and believes neocons are illegitimate turncoats in the conservative movement. In 1986, historian Stephen Tonsor said: "It has always struck me as odd, even perverse, that former Marxists have been permitted, yes invited, to play such a leading role in the Conservative movement of the twentieth century. It is splendid when the town whore gets religion and joins the church. Now and then she makes a good choir director, but when she begins to tell the minister what he ought to say in his Sunday sermons, matters have been carried too far." Closet communists? you betcha.

Another historian has characterized them as "permanent revolutionaries" who carry out their goals courtesy of the U.S. government and questions how anyone could mistake them for conservatives. He says "What make neocons most dangerous are not their isolated ghetto hang-ups, like hating Germans and Southern whites and calling everyone and his cousin an anti-Semite, but [rather] the leftist revolutionary fury they express."
The revolutionary charge is particularly insightful because the founders of the Neocon movement were mostly Trotskyist Democrats - people who believed in foreign war and imperialism for the good of 'the cause' even if the cause varied from Marxism to Totalitarian Democracy - but hey, all of those philosophical details are less important to these fuckers than the fact that THEY will be the ones ruling things.

Paul Craig Roberts said "there is nothing conservative about neoconservatives. Neocons hide behind 'conservative' but they are in fact Jacobins. Jacobins were the 18th century French revolutionaries whose intention to remake Europe in revolutionary France's image launched the Napoleonic Wars".

So if you wonder why Neocon SCOTUS Roberts, the Bushes, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and so many others http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?450257-The-Neoconservative-Reference-List are unreliable in protecting your rights.....if you scratch your head that these "republicans" will trade your gun rights, but give guns to foreign terrorists that promise to obey them, and if you wonder why they fold unexpectedly and give no resistance to the most egregious, Marxist, evil legislation passed by the progressive leftists.......well, it's because these parasites are the controlled opposition. Their goals coexist with their Democrat bretheren as long as they are allowed to continue building an exploitable DeepState empire, bought with American blood and tax money by the "foolish rubes" who thought they were the good guys.
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What's a little Mig here, and a little missile there, give em scraps...right!

Fox is garbage, sorry to say, 90% of the pundits there are no better than the talking heads at CNN. And fuck he is way off base! First off Regan intervened in Afghanistan, a war Russia had no real reason to win, Ukraine is another animal entirely. Levin should focus on something he might understand like Israel. Ukraine is only an ally because we helped sponcer a coup there in 2014 and install Zelensky shortly after, no wonder Putin is pissed! Yeah I get it Putin bad... and he is, fuck Putin! But fuck our warmongers here more!

Top shit fighters go fight for Ukraine ASAP.

I'm not sure what to say about that.
I don't know the language so do not know what was said, nor do I know the nationality of the people in the video.
I do, however, know chicks that are into that type of treatment and she didn't seem really all that upset.
Like I said, at best the video leaves me unable to make a reasonable response.

Can you translate the video perhaps ?

Levin is not trustworthy for this conflict. His myopic war hawking is almost to the level of CNN propaganda. I listen to him as much as I can stand, and it's getting to be less and less. He hails Zelenksy as the hero of our time while dragging the Biden through the Ukrainian corruption mud, never taking the time to acknowledge that the corruption is in large part made possible by Zelensky. Nor does he mention the imprisonment of reporters, cutting the water off from Crimea, Azov and other crimes he is responsible for.

This white/black shit is getting old. It the mental equivalent of "See Spot Run". There are many people who are listening to Levin, Hannity and others of the same ilk, allowing their thoughts to be fed to them via a news personality. This is a mistake. After the whole thing came out about FOX and Newsmax taking money from the government to promote Covid vaccines I have serious trust issues with anyone associated with those organizations and the news in general. My confidence in getting the truth was very thin before but after that and with the beating of the war drums so constantly I have written everyone off, none can be trusted.
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I'm not sure what to say about that.
I don't know the language so do not know what was said, nor do I know the nationality of the people in the video.
I do, however, know chicks that are into that type of treatment and she didn't seem really all that upset.
Like I said, at best the video leaves me unable to make a reasonable response.

Can you translate the video perhaps ?

Pro-Russians agitators first started spraying Zelyonka (antiseptic green dye) on the faces of pro-Ukrainian dissidents prior to the Maidan Uprising in 2013 as the county sought to oust what they believed to be a Russian puppet regime. It appears to be something that they picked up from the Russians who had been doing it as far back as the Soviet times and more recently been using it on any public figure that speaks out against Putin.

Reportedly this has evolved somehow, into gangs of young Ukrainian far right nationalists putting zelenka on the faces of non-ethnic Ukrainians, or those they deem to be non-ethnic's as means of identifying and debasing them. Reports have been coming out for a few years that they have been targeting primarily roma populations inside of the Ukraine.

If you look, you can find video's of them doing this to families of Romani that they capture and accuse (skeptically) of looting.

It has also been reliably reported that vigilante mobs and militia's have been striping looters that they catch, incapacitate them and leave them to die from exposure in the cold. People think its funny justice to take someone's pants off and tie them to a pole for suspected theft, but no-one seems to catch on that in sub freezing temperatures, it is a terrible death sentence, especially if they pour water over them.

This video combines elements of both. Evil people doing evil shit. They accuse the victim of looting, strip, attempt to incapacitate, and then cover her in green dye. It is unclear if these were pro-Russian gangs, or Pro-Ukrainian far right nationalists targeting an ethnic minority, or just a mob doing irrational shit.

I suspect that things will get worse and more horrific the longer the war drags out and people become more lawless and desperate. Lawless chaos tends to accentuate the best and worst qualities of a people.
This war is strange one , as there is just so much material on the net , it seems like more effort is spent making instagram posts that war

And the second thing is there really nothing left in Ukraine where clan Brandon didn't have their fingers or dicks in?

Orcs in Mariupol
Seem to be mostly recording Instagram and VK posts where they Akbar this Akbar that and Akhmat sila this Akhmat sila that.....:alien:
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DailyMail reporting

Wife was 'raped several times in front of her child after her husband was shot dead by Russian soldiers': Ukrainian politician reveals 'horror' of sex attacks during war​

  • The victim was allegedly raped several times as her small child was in same room
  • A Russian soldier is said to have broken into the family's home near Kyiv, killed the husband and then repeatedly raped his wife
  • Ukrainian MP Maria Mezentseva told of the 'horror' of rapes being committed by Russian troops during invasion of Ukraine

russian rapes in front of kids
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