Tentative stages for this match include the following:
1. Shooters begin by engaging targets from prone position at 400 to 600 yards. This will be occasion to determine if rifles are hitting high or low based on initial zero for the match. Often, depending on scope and mount type, long rides on the highway can move your zero a bit. Midrange targets of ~3 MOA can be of help getting your sight settings tweaked if necessary.
2. Shooters will take seats in the front of a vehicle (older Ford Bronco most likely) and while spotter uses binoculars to spot for the shooter's impacts, the shooter engages a target at 600 to 700 yards with as many as 7 shots, until target gets a hit. The shooter will engage with the door open, using the door jamb area for a rifle support. We will have a sandbag in the vehicle for those who want to use it. We will provide a pair of binoculars in the vehicle for those who may need them. The team will decide which shooter spots, and which engages.
3. The team member who spots in the previous stage will be the shooter in this stage. The other team member will be the shooting "bench"... the supporting shooter gets on all fours and makes a firm as possible shooting table for the shooter. Target distance and round count will be announced.
4. Teams will engage targets at mid to long range from behind rocks, with both shooters on their rifles, one spotting for another as they each take shots on designated targets. There will likely be a short walk to the rock wall barrier for this and one other stage. Distance of walk will be 250 yards, there and back. After this stage, we will have a catered lunch.
5. Final stage will be unknown distance/uncertain target size. We believe this most closely represents real world targets, which vary in size, and/or disposition to shooter, making precise reticle ranging nearly impossible. This stage will be a simulated EMP event, where no electronics may be used. Teams will "go behind the barn" one or two at a time and be shown a target in the distance. This target will be "trajectory ranged" for distance. By "trajectory ranging" we mean you will use knowledge of your rifle's trajectory to determine distance to the target. This is a useful exercise for completing a range card in an area where you have no rangefinder. Shooters will need to estimate range the old fashioned way
and then take a shot... spot impact, correct, then shoot again until a hit is recorded. Both shooters will need to hit the target, and they will then need to inform the r/o of their range estimate for that target. Having a hard copy of trajectory for your rifles, showing MOA or MIL drop for every 20 to 25 yards will be invaluable for this stage. Scoring will be based on shot total between the shooters, as well as how close to the actual range (as reported by 2 or more Leica LRF's) the team estimate is.
The round count for each shooter is not likely to exceed 60 rounds. The majority will use 50 or fewer. The more accurate the fire, the fewer shots will be needed.
There is a
rifle range nearby, for those who want to get a 100 yard zero early Saturday, or sometime Friday in the event you choose to travel into town and stay for the evening. We have a corporate rate for lodging set up with the Comfort Suite hotel in Wytheville, VA @ 85 dollars per night for up to 3 persons. The Big Walker Motel in Bland, Virginia also has affordable lodging, at around 50 per night for 2 persons the last time we checked.
These stages represent the general framework of the match, and may change slightly or significantly depending on unforeseen circumstances. Target distances (excepting the final stage as mentioned above) will be announced. It is possible, however, that we may include during one stage a "sudden appearance" target simulation, where the team will draw a card or other such randomizer while on the clock, and the distance to that target will be announced only at that moment. The clock will start, and the shot solution will need to be worked out on the clock (as with real targets of opportunity in the field, of course).
We're still working on the logistics of these stages, and may announce further info as it comes available.