Kestrel Meters Ballistics Official Thread

What is the latest update for the 5700 Elite? Before my last match I swear it asked me to update it and I didn’t update. Now it doesn’t ask me to update. If it makes a difference the Kestrel Link Ballistics app is on iOS.
Thanks. Looking at the information I’m not sure where I stand. It looks like I’m behind in updates, but maybe that’s not the case?

My 5700 Elite is likely not one with the newest chipset. It’s on FW 1.49 Boot 1.01
The newest builds don't seem available for download yet (at least via their website or Kestrel LiNK for Windows).
1.49 is what the program offers on re-download as of 1/14/23
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"I live at sea level so if i setup the kestrel there completely and i go on a hunt 400km away, will the kestrel automatically take my new enviromentals and adjust the solution to the new location?"

Answer: yes and no; you specified a location 400km away, but not its elevation (new place could also be sea level at same latitude).

Yes, the Kestel AB can store your presets for your bullet weight, BC, height above bore, etc. for use at your new location, and would be pretty close if your elevation was similar and not deviated too much from your current latitude.

No, you will not have exactly the same info auto update (its not a GPS, but does have azimuth compass capability), and ideally, you measure your MV at your new location. As you mentioned, you were making all these considerations for hunting. Most ethical shot ranges would not be too adversely affected by only taking environmentals at your new location without doing anything else.

"Will it make adjustments to my solution on its own after capturing new enviromentals?"

Again, yes and no. No, because it does not have GPS geolocation capability (you have to enter that data) and does not "know" where you are relative to your last location. Yes, because it will shift your data output based on the new local environmental data even though you did not change other settings. Your result would be good enough for 'government' work, so to speak.

For ELR, people have different definitions on just what that is. Cal Zant of the Precision Rifle Blog shows most ( people fall into two camps: (1) under and (2) over 1500 yards with the latter being considered as the start of ELR ranges. Having taken some courses with Frank Galli and Marc Taylor (SH owner/Marine Scout Sniper and his Marine Scout Sniper Instructor), their recommendation was that focus on the Kestrel's small specifics (aerodynamic jump, spin drift) was negligible. That on a practical note (even if statistically significant) at non-ELR distances, these considerations most definitely were not for typical hunting ranges that provide ethical amounts of energy on the game target. The concept of ELR hunting is typically an oxymoron and unethical in practicality.

Back on point, Frank and Marc's finding was because the Kestrel AB only measures data at the location near the shooter, not the target (even if its weather-vaned on a tripod 20m away from the shooter via bluetooth) which is ELR far away. Does it hurt to use all the bells and whistles for non-ELR distances? No. Is the return in data use for performance practically noticeable for non-ELR distances? In most cases, and, in almost all cases for ethical hunting ranges, no. Hope this helps as others will most likely chime in as well.
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"I live at sea level so if i setup the kestrel there completely and i go on a hunt 400km away, will the kestrel automatically take my new enviromentals and adjust the solution to the new location?"

Answer: yes and no; you specified a location 400km away, but not its elevation (new place could also be sea level at same latitude).

Yes, the Kestel AB can store your presets for your bullet weight, BC, height above bore, etc. for use at your new location, and would be pretty close if your elevation was similar and not deviated too much from your current latitude.

No, you will not have exactly the same info auto update (its not a GPS, but does have azimuth compass capability), and ideally, you measure your MV at your new location. As you mentioned, you were making all these considerations for hunting. Most ethical shot ranges would not be too adversely affected by only taking environmentals at your new location without doing anything else.

"Will it make adjustments to my solution on its own after capturing new enviromentals?"

Again, yes and no. No, because it does not have GPS geolocation capability (you have to enter that data) and does not "know" where you are relative to your last location. Yes, because it will shift your data output based on the new local environmental data even though you did not change other settings. Your result would be good enough for 'government' work, so to speak.

For ELR, people have different definitions on just what that is. Cal Zant of the Precision Rifle Blog shows most ( people fall into two camps: (1) under and (2) over 1500 yards with the latter being considered as the start of ELR ranges. Having taken some courses with Frank Galli and Marc Taylor (SH owner/Marine Scout Sniper and his Marine Scout Sniper Instructor), their recommendation was that focus on the Kestrel's small specifics (aerodynamic jump, spin drift) was negligible. That on a practical note (even if statistically significant) at non-ELR distances, these considerations most definitely were not for typical hunting ranges that provide ethical amounts of energy on the game target. The concept of ELR hunting is typically an oxymoron and
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I'm trying to determine what I'm doing wrong. So my dope is dead on at around 800 and in but seems beyond that to be off. Especially at 1000 I'm off by like .3-.4 MRAD. This makes me think I need to true my BC. But I thought the entire point of the AB custom curves was so that I didn't need to true my BC. In fact I don't even think my kestrel lets me true my BC then using applied ballistic custom curves. What might I be doing wrong?

Gun is a 6mm GT shooting 108 ELDM's at 2875 FPS
I'm trying to determine what I'm doing wrong. So my dope is dead on at around 800 and in but seems beyond that to be off. Especially at 1000 I'm off by like .3-.4 MRAD. This makes me think I need to true my BC. But I thought the entire point of the AB custom curves was so that I didn't need to true my BC. In fact I don't even think my kestrel lets me true my BC then using applied ballistic custom curves. What might I be doing wrong?

Gun is a 6mm GT shooting 108 ELDM's at 2875 FPS
You are correct that the Kestrel doesn’t allow you to true your BC if you are using custom curves. That is where you have to true muzzle velocity just before transonic. Conversely you can pick either a G1 or G7 BC and then adjust that manually.

I would first review all of my inputs and make sure they all look right before I proceeded down that path. Also there are some settings that aren’t always obvious that can lead to errors at distance.

The Kestrel is a great tool but requires much more time investment to really be proficient with than most realize.
I'm trying to determine what I'm doing wrong. So my dope is dead on at around 800 and in but seems beyond that to be off. Especially at 1000 I'm off by like .3-.4 MRAD. This makes me think I need to true my BC. But I thought the entire point of the AB custom curves was so that I didn't need to true my BC. In fact I don't even think my kestrel lets me true my BC then using applied ballistic custom curves. What might I be doing wrong?

Gun is a 6mm GT shooting 108 ELDM's at 2875 FPS
I had a similar issue and the solution for me was scope over bore height. I'm not saying that is certainly yours, but given my personal experience that is the first thing I think of, as it was very similar to your results.
I had a similar issue and the solution for me was scope over bore height. I'm not saying that is certainly yours, but given my personal experience that is the first thing I think of, as it was very similar to your results.
I remeasured that and I was 2.21 with my last measurement and changed it to 2.25. I don't think that's enough to make a real difference but I'll update that in my kestrel.
I'm trying to determine what I'm doing wrong. So my dope is dead on at around 800 and in but seems beyond that to be off. Especially at 1000 I'm off by like .3-.4 MRAD. This makes me think I need to true my BC. But I thought the entire point of the AB custom curves was so that I didn't need to true my BC. In fact I don't even think my kestrel lets me true my BC then using applied ballistic custom curves. What might I be doing wrong?

Gun is a 6mm GT shooting 108 ELDM's at 2875 FPS

You are correct that the Kestrel doesn’t allow you to true your BC if you are using custom curves. That is where you have to true muzzle velocity just before transonic. Conversely you can pick either a G1 or G7 BC and then adjust that manually.

I would first review all of my inputs and make sure they all look right before I proceeded down that path. Also there are some settings that aren’t always obvious that can lead to errors at distance.

The Kestrel is a great tool but requires much more time investment to really be proficient with than most realize.
This is not entirely correct. You can use DSF to true up the firing solution, similar to what truing BC would do.

Have you done a parallax check and tall target test?

Have you used a second device to confirm target distances? (Never trust what the shooting range says). I like to use the Garmin watches to get exact distances when on a public range.
This is not entirely correct. You can use DSF to true up the firing solution, similar to what truing BC would do.

Have you done a parallax check and tall target test?

Have you used a second device to confirm target distances? (Never trust what the shooting range says). I like to use the Garmin watches to get exact distances when on a public range.
I am not sure what you mean by a parallax check unless you are just saying to make sure my parallax is set to the right setting. But a tall target test is a good idea to make sure the scope is tracking correctly. If it is not, is there a place to input that into the kestrel, or do I just send the scope off to be repaired?

My Sig Kilo 10k was within about 10y of what the range says, but I used the range's distances.
I am not sure what you mean by a parallax check unless you are just saying to make sure my parallax is set to the right setting. But a tall target test is a good idea to make sure the scope is tracking correctly. If it is not, is there a place to input that into the kestrel, or do I just send the scope off to be repaired?

My Sig Kilo 10k was within about 10y of what the range says, but I used the range's distances.
Yes, making sure you don't have any drift in the image and the parallax is double checked.

You can use Sight Scale Factor to input tall target test results. To access this press Enter on the E-Unit or W-Unit of the gun profile.

10 yards should get you close.
Yes, making sure you don't have any drift in the image and the parallax is double checked.

You can use Sight Scale Factor to input tall target test results. To access this press Enter on the E-Unit or W-Unit of the gun profile.

10 yards should get you close.
Awesome, thank you. I'll do a tall target test as soon as I hit the range again and input that into my kestrel
In regards to custom curves and cdms (I’m not tech savy)…. When inputting my bullet info into my kestrel app, I select my bullet and am then asked to select either a g1, g7, or custom curve. Is the custom curve the same thing as the cdm?
Correct the CDM is basically an average of all the rounds they measured shooting that bullet. The PDM is if you actually took your rifle with that bullet and had it measured with their radar.
Good to go, thank you! I kept seeing “custom curve” and “custom drag” and wasn’t sure if it was the same thing.

Thanks for the help!
Just for clarification, there is only one custom curve correct? The PDM is rifle specific as well, right?

Good to go, thank you! I kept seeing “custom curve” and “custom drag” and wasn’t sure if it was the same thing.

Thanks for the help!
Those are the same thing.
@Kestrel Ballistics
5700X with latest firmware
First time trying to setup sectors before a match and I’m struggling.
Using my iPhone and the latest Kestrel app, I want to create sectors for each stage with their ranges before hand then sync all stages as sectors into the Kestrel…but it ain’t working.

Few problems…

1. Each time I change ranges in sector 2 after setting them in sector 1, it will change sector 1 ranges to be my sector 2 ranges as well? For the life of me, I cannot get my ranges to stay the same once I’ve changed sectors and input them into a new sector. Why are my previous sector ranges changing to new sector values???

2. It only syncs one sector at a time and doesn’t sync the name. So if I create 20 sectors for the stages, it only pushes the current sector and disregards the sector name I set in the app. How can I push all sectors at once? Kinda a null point given that I can’t set the ranges as above…but still want to know.

3. Is there a point in making the default target speed to 2.0? Every target is a mover…why? Seems like the default speed should be 0…

Thanks in advance.
*$*#(@(# Shit!!!! Was at the range the other day and #&@&* app kept bugging me to update Kestrel firmware every time I locked my phone screen and it forced disconnected then I reconnected!

Freezing my ass off fighting with high winds, sun in my line of sight etc, I finally gave in figuring it would take 5 mins. I #&@&@&$ lost track after 20 mins of having my phone and kestrel tied up.

I swear these software geeks were birthed on the dark side of the moon, crossed between a jackass and a cabbage patch doll. Been dealing with this firmware BS since 2015!

Well past time for a “chrono” leap in technology in the area too.
@Kestrel Ballistics
5700X with latest firmware
First time trying to setup sectors before a match and I’m struggling.
Using my iPhone and the latest Kestrel app, I want to create sectors for each stage with their ranges before hand then sync all stages as sectors into the Kestrel…but it ain’t working.

Few problems…

1. Each time I change ranges in sector 2 after setting them in sector 1, it will change sector 1 ranges to be my sector 2 ranges as well? For the life of me, I cannot get my ranges to stay the same once I’ve changed sectors and input them into a new sector. Why are my previous sector ranges changing to new sector values???

2. It only syncs one sector at a time and doesn’t sync the name. So if I create 20 sectors for the stages, it only pushes the current sector and disregards the sector name I set in the app. How can I push all sectors at once? Kinda a null point given that I can’t set the ranges as above…but still want to know.

3. Is there a point in making the default target speed to 2.0? Every target is a mover…why? Seems like the default speed should be 0…

Thanks in advance.
The sector thing doesn't work intuitively. You have to manually sync each sector one at a time, you can't batch sync the whole match. At least that has been the only way I can get it to work.
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The sector thing doesn't work intuitively. You have to manually sync each sector one at a time, you can't batch sync the whole match. At least that has been the only way I can get it to work.
What about each new sector overriding the previous sectors? Do you see this problem too? Haven’t tested it yet, but does that stop if you copy each sector over after it’s finished?
What about each new sector overriding the previous sectors? Do you see this problem too? Haven’t tested it yet, but does that stop if you copy each sector over after it’s finished?
I had to search on YouTube and found a video that shows the process. But as I recall you have to have the sectors created on the Kestrel and then link to your phone to upload the current sector to the currently selected sector on the Kestrel. If you don't move to the next sector on the Kestrel it just overwrites the current one displayed.
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I had to search on YouTube and found a video that shows the process. But as I recall you have to have the sectors created on the Kestrel and then link to your phone to upload the current sector to the currently selected sector on the Kestrel. If you don't move to the next sector on the Kestrel it just overwrites the current one displayed.
Yup. This is how it's done. Select the desired sector on the kestrel to update, enter data on your phone in the sector section,push data to kestrel from your phone. Change sectors on your kestrel to the new one you want to update next, wash, rinse, repeat.

If you have your data layed out it takes 5 minutes for a whole match once you get the hang of it.
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Welcome to the Kestrel Meters Ballistic Support Thread. This is the official world-wide support center for Kestrel users, hosted right here on the Hide. Look for product news, Link app and Kestrel firmware version updates, PC program information and ballistic support.
I have the Kestrel meter, the Zig kilo4 and an I phone. I managed to connect the Kestrel and the I phone but how do I add the Zig
Is your version a BDX? Or Standard? If it is not BDX it will not pair. If it is, use the above video^
It has to be in BDX-X the other mode is BDX-U you don't want that one. I have been on the phone with Kestrel twice first time I got the range finder to read a range and the Kestrel to display a scope setting. Then I thought to myself how does it know which gun since I put about 6 in the I phone. So we went through that and I set up the Kestrel to receive data from the I phone for the gunand did the Lapua and the m-24 which are both mil
It has to be in BDX-X the other mode is BDX-U you don't want that one. I have been on the phone with Kestrel twice first time I got the range finder to read a range and the Kestrel to display a scope setting. Then I thought to myself how does it know which gun since I put about 6 in the I phone. So we went through that and I set up the Kestrel to receive data from the I phone for the gunand did the Lapua and the m-24 which are both mil
There is a spot that says "Gun" and it will tell you which profile is active. You can quickly just scroll through any of the profiles that are "on"
FWIW during a match I go into the "manage guns" screen and turn off all other profiles so I don't inadvertently switch profiles.
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I have the Kestrel/Hornady 4 DOF and today I noticed for the first time that when I enter the target yardage in the calculator (1,004 yds), the single target engagement screen in my cell phone app shows Rng (y) 1,098. Conversely, when I enter 1,004 yds in the single target engagement screen the calculator changes to 918 yds. Would appreciate any advice. Thanks.
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