So there I was Wednesday night...
My Mother In Law came over for her birthday and her brand of dementia has her thinking everyone on the TV is someone she knows and they are were in Boston together, So I'm drinking a small work night glass of whiskey and listening to her say as Tucker Carlson speaks "He's a nice boy, he is in Boston now look, we did lots of things together" and I am disturbed by the possibilities of what she imagines they did together. back begins to hurt. Hurt like really uncomfortable.
I mention "Man my back hurts I'm done" knowing my wife is thinking "You fuck, you can't sit down here while my Mom has ice cream?"
So I go upstairs hop in the shower and think the pulsing of the hot water on my back feels really good because this is really uncomfortable.
Go in lay down in bed and think "Man if someone took a lance and stabbed it down just under my left rib cage and penetrated until it exited just where some lefty would appendix carry this is probably what that would feel like".
And it's not getting better.
So the pain gets to the point it actually makes me puke, and never having had that's happen before, I'm thinking this is going to end up in the hospital. My daughter having already texted Mom having heard me losing my guts which I admit can sound horrifying my wife is asking if she needs to come home from getting her mother settled back at the place.
I'm pretty sure by now this is a kidney stone, never had suffered one but have heard stories AND it's been kind of in the back of my mind eating a keto diet for some 4 or more years now.
Trip to Mass General, it's snowing out, every ambulance that comes in has some screaming homeless person complaining of being in pain level 10 and "needing something" while I sit stoically and suck it up.
Dumb move. I got there about 2230 and didn't get seen until 0330 because I wasn't in pain like the dudes that knew the game and got some meds and a warm bed.
So an intern sees me. I give her my suspicions. She says she will send the attending in and my wife and I sit for another half hour before I said fuck this and we left. I actually think the bumpy ride in on the snow covered roads may have been a helping factor as I started to feel better after leaving the car.
Now last night I'm getting ready to go to bed, taking the night leak, everything's going swimmingly when all of a sudden "squib round"! Couldn't stop the piss if I wanted to most times but now the water works are shut down, sudden burning, build up of propellant pressure and suddenly "6.5 manbun".
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Standard size napkin for reference. Yes I reached in through the piss to pick it out because curiosity wasn't going to let that projectile not be scrutinized.
So what do keto peeps think? Cause of the diet? Result of my 12 oz a day coffee habit.
Sadly I've become more sedentary over the last year, PT is about a 30 minute per day total now and most of the day is chair bound. I probably drink two nalgene 32 ouncers of water a day.
Any keto dieter advice for avoiding kidney stones?
Don't want to stop eating this way as I feel good and the food is so good.....
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