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Larue OBR 18"

Re: Larue OBR 18"

Yep - PredatOBR would be more ideal for my purposes. Solves the "issue" - that's what I consider it - of the 20 MOA rail. I communicated with Larue recently and they will not reveal any info on the availability of the PredatOBR. They will take pre-orders though. Whatever that means.

I like a lot of the Larue gear, but the GAP-10 is also getting a hard look from me at this point. Either one is top-notch as far as I am concerned, but availability is certainly a factor for me.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

Ordered my OBR first part of October and it shipped Friday to let you know the wait.

Heard that the predadorOBR was in the sept/oct time frame.

I will throw my HDMR on it with a LaRue mount and post a photo this week with measurements.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

Good to know.

I have no issue with waiting for a quality rifle. I know some of the custom bolt-action builders are getting out there with time frames. I have a buddy who has been waiting 11 months now for a bolt action from well-known builder on this site. He was originally quoted six-months, so it has gotten to be a bit ridiculous in my opinion.

I'm not saying I want to wait that long, but it helps if the manufacturer gives you a heads up on what the wait will be instead of saying it is unknown or that they simply aren't saying.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

Well, I got off the fence and ordered.

OBR 7.62 - 16"
PRS stock
SSA-E trigger

This rifle will be run suppressed exclusively. I have a new TBAC 30P-1 (thread-on) waiting for a home.

I was told 16 weeks, which is more than reasonable to me. I won't be counting them, so if it's over that by a bit no biggie. Far better than waiting for an NFA item to clear!

Will be looking at mounts for a 4-16x42. ADM Recon-SL is on the short list. I've not ruled out using rings either.

Thanks to Larue Tactical for extending the LE/MIL discount. It is certainly appreciated.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

I love my OBRs I have 2-762 and 1-556 running Eotech and 3x on the 556 and Vortex on the others I run ctr's with risr's on them with the pod mount
2.5-10 on the 16"
6-24 on the 18"
Re: Larue OBR 18"

I been thinking about one of these for a while now as well, recently got to check out one of the PredatAR's and it was incredibly light, wasn't crazy about the light weight barrel though
Re: Larue OBR 18"

I have 4K rounds down the tube of mine and it is still a tack driver. I have not had any malfunctions yet that were gun related and I have used it on multiple occasions where I have put over 300 rounds through it one day and twice I have put close to 1K rounds through it in one day.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

I ordered my OBR a few weeks ago. I too was quoted 12-16 week delivery time. I was hearing from everyone on here and elsewhere that it was taking anywhere from 5-8 month in actuality. So I sent an email to LaRue asking them whether or not the quoted time was still accurate. I received an email back the next day stating that I would be getting it in the quoted time frame. About 2 days later I decided that I wanted to add something to the build and called them back. When I was on the phone, I asked again if they were going to be able to stick to the time frame and he told me they are no longer quoting time frames for shipping and that it would be longer than 12-16 weeks. He didn't know the exact time I would be getting it. So, for those recently placed orders, stand by! I still think its worth the wait as long as I get it before the blessed one bans them again.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

I ordered my 18" OBR four months ago and when I spoke to the dealer i'm going through (a real straight shooter) recently about a realistic time frame I could expect delivery, he basically admitted that he couldn't say. He did mention however that they had just recieved a few 7.62 PredatAR's that were ordered back in January. He also commented that the 5.56 models seem to ship quicker. I'm glad I already have a 16" OBR 7.62 or I might've considered jumping ship and going with a GAP AR-10. But I figure i'm in too deep now anyhow and it can't possibly be too much longer now.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

I was waiting on an 18 inch OBR since Mid November. At the time of order, I was told 4-6 weeks to delivery.

Mid February rolls around, I call them for more information, and I was told 3-4 more weeks.

April 1 comes and goes, and I contact them again. No information, no ETA.

Called them last week. I finally find out why my order is 23 weeks overdue. Was told I am in the first batch of civilian guns after their current contract is completed. When I ask when that is, I am not given an ETA. The tone of the conversation indicated it would be 6 weeks or more, barring any additional .mil or LE orders.

My new SR-25EC arrives later this week.

Don't get me wrong. The OBR is one hell of an impressive rifle. Its accurate, well made, and reliable. It's reputation as a good rifle is well deserved. Problem is, the greatest gun in the world doesn't do me a damn bit of good if its never delivered. Combine that with a screaming price on an in stock ready to ship alternative, and its a no brainer on my part.

I wouldn't be nearly as irritated by the whole thing if LT had simply sent out an email, or communicated to me that the delivery date had been bumped out to accommodate a .mil or .LE run. I completely understand that they would want to get the rifle into the hands of those who go into harms way. But at least tell me that's whats going on. Instead, I had no information as to why my 6 week order is taking 6 months, and no realistic ETA when the order would be completed.

It's going to be interesting going forward, as they had a huge number of orders for 5.56 and 7.62 guns before they opened up preorders for the PredaTOBR, and when they started that list their order system crashed from the incoming volume. To those of you who recently placed your orders, settle in for the long haul. There's a thread over on ARFCOM, where one of the members has been tracking when and what guys order, and when its been delivered. Interesting reading.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

I totally hear what you're saying. Fact is, everytime I scan the LaRue threads over on Arfcom, the news seems more depressing. (I swear I read a post there where a guy claims that he waited for
an entire year before he got his.) And from what i've gathered, the wait for the PredatOBR will make the wait for the OBR look like a walk in the park. I've gone back and forth about getting an KAC myself (SR25 EMC for me) but it's the reports of it being finicky with certain ammo (including from owners I actually know), that has kept me from pulling the trigger on one. Please come back and tell us how yours handles.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

I know that the wait sometimes sucks and nobody likes to wait

I am choosing to wait until my OBR arrives. I have plenty of other guns to keep me busy shooting whether it be long range with a bolt gun or shooting 3 gun
Re: Larue OBR 18"

Running a NF 50mm obj with an OBR mount on a 7.62 OBR also, but with a RISR option on the stock.

Cheek wield and alignment has been good for me and those who have tried out the fit.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Decoy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Ordered my OBR first part of October and it shipped Friday to let you know the wait.

Heard that the predadorOBR was in the sept/oct time frame.

I will throw my HDMR on it with a LaRue mount and post a photo this week with measurements.

8 months????? Good God!!! That's a long wait. They told me 16 weeks when I e mailed them Thursday. ( 2 days ago)

To those that already have one......is the weight quoted on the Larue website accurate? 9.25 lbs for a 16" OBR?
Re: Larue OBR 18"

I think "16 weeks" is the standard line that everyone gets. By all appearances, the wait times seem to be well beyond that for most.

Because I have no other options for precision shooting at this time, the wait time will ultimately factor into my buying decision. I have a 7.62 OBR on order, but may cancel and go GAP-10 for now. GAP seems to be able to deliver in very reasonable timeframes (with customization). If Larue is swamped filling .mil orders, I can understand individual civilian sales getting lowest priority.

They are both great guns and I can always buy an OBR down the road when they are more plentiful (if such a time arrives). I don't think they will even give timeframe on PredatOBR rifles. However, they will take a pre-order which seems odd to me. I do like the Larue gear though and will own one of their rifles at some point!
Re: Larue OBR 18"

Got in my 18" OBR in and set the HDMR on the LT111 but it is a little high for me since I'm not using any night optics on it. Checked in on their website and they have a new mount that is 1.285"inches to centerline instead of the 1.535" of the LT111. It is a LT 120 and I will get one on order. I measured the HDMR gap from the rail and it will be about the perfect height for me.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

Glad to hear they have a new lower mount available. I think it was inevitable considering the rail height. At least it seems to show they are recognizing it was an issue for which they needed a solution.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Decoy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Got in my 18" OBR in and set the HDMR on the LT111 but it is a little high for me since I'm not using any night optics on it. Checked in on their website and they have a new mount that is 1.285"inches to centerline instead of the 1.535" of the LT111. It is a LT 120 and I will get one on order. I measured the HDMR gap from the rail and it will be about the perfect height for me. </div></div>
That should fix the problem for me too. I'll have to check it out.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: zenghost</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If Larue is swamped filling .mil orders, I can understand individual civilian sales getting lowest priority.</div></div>

There is no large quantity military purchase at this time. My unit ran a "group buy" deal but that is just a bunch of guys ordering together on one list and getting a special engraving deal. The weapons are still privately owned and have nothing to do with the military. Everyone was also quoted the same 16 week wait period already mentioned in this thread, and to the best of my knowledge none have been delivered yet.

Re: Larue OBR 18"

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TacticalHunter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Those of you that have your OBRs,what does the barrel measure near the muzzle on the 18" 308s ? </div></div>

You looking for the barrel diameter? ~0.725in according to my calipers.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

It seems a lot of backlogged 18" guns have been shipping lately. I've had a 16" ordered since dec. Things seem to be opening up and I expect to have mine within a month.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Commander Shepard</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Everyone was also quoted the same 16 week wait period already mentioned in this thread, and to the best of my knowledge none have been delivered yet.</div></div>

I take that back, they definitely front-loaded the Army group buy. I ordered mine at the end of April and it will be at my FFL on Monday. I'll post pics when I pick it up next week.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Krazny</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I was waiting on an 18 inch OBR since Mid November. At the time of order, I was told 4-6 weeks to delivery.

Mid February rolls around, I call them for more information, and I was told 3-4 more weeks.

April 1 comes and goes, and I contact them again. No information, no ETA.

Called them last week. I finally find out why my order is 23 weeks overdue. Was told I am in the first batch of civilian guns after their current contract is completed. When I ask when that is, I am not given an ETA. The tone of the conversation indicated it would be 6 weeks or more, barring any additional .mil or LE orders.

My new SR-25EC arrives later this week.

Don't get me wrong. The OBR is one hell of an impressive rifle. Its accurate, well made, and reliable. It's reputation as a good rifle is well deserved. Problem is, the greatest gun in the world doesn't do me a damn bit of good if its never delivered. Combine that with a screaming price on an in stock ready to ship alternative, and its a no brainer on my part.

I wouldn't be nearly as irritated by the whole thing if LT had simply sent out an email, or communicated to me that the delivery date had been bumped out to accommodate a .mil or .LE run. I completely understand that they would want to get the rifle into the hands of those who go into harms way. But at least tell me that's whats going on. Instead, I had no information as to why my 6 week order is taking 6 months, and no realistic ETA when the order would be completed.

It's going to be interesting going forward, as they had a huge number of orders for 5.56 and 7.62 guns before they opened up preorders for the PredaTOBR, and when they started that list their order system crashed from the incoming volume. To those of you who recently placed your orders, settle in for the long haul. There's a thread over on ARFCOM, where one of the members has been tracking when and what guys order, and when its been delivered. Interesting reading.


What mil order? Not totally calling bs but the OBR is not an M gun.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: lw8</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
What mil order? Not totally calling bs but the OBR is not an M gun. </div></div>

Ours wasn't a government order, just a bunch of guys from one unit setting up a group buy. They're still privately owned guns.

I'm not aware of any large scale purchases with government money.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: lw8</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
What mil order? Not totally calling bs but the OBR is not an M gun. </div></div>

They don't disclose who is buying them. However, it is well known that LE or .mil orders get bumped to the front of the line. I know the Texas DPS has ordered a number of rifles, as well as several other tactical teams in LE, and the turnout of OBR's in the various .mil sniper comps is certainly telling.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

Will 1 inch night force rings clear a 50 mm objective?

When I spoke to larue this week I was quoted 16 weeks for an 18 inch. My only suggestion is to hound around for retailers that have new ones in stock. You never know you could get lucky
Re: Larue OBR 18"

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Krazny</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: lw8</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
What mil order? Not totally calling bs but the OBR is not an M gun. </div></div>

They don't disclose who is buying them. However, it is well known that LE or .mil orders get bumped to the front of the line. I know the Texas DPS has ordered a number of rifles, as well as several other tactical teams in LE, and the turnout of OBR's in the various .mil sniper comps is certainly telling. </div></div>

No doubt LEOs and some LE Agencies are buying...my issue was with the uber secret military order claims that keep floating around.

I know Mark is pushing hard to get his gun in mil hands and rightly so...but until it is an M Gun, it ain't a .mil item.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

Some OBR 7.62s are moving pretty fast now it seems. I placed an order for a 16" on June 5th. The gun shipped yesterday. Saw on the TOS a guy waited just a few days. That might have been a 16" also though.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

I've bought a 7.62 and a 5.56 OBR over the last year. The 7.62 was about a month late based on the original estimate (roughly 5 months total) but the 5.56 was about a month early. Based on postings by all the other guys waiting on guns (LaRue Industry Section of Arfcom), it appeared to me that they were waiting on shipments of barrels. One week, everybody waiting on an 18" would get shipping emails, then a couple weeks later the same for guys waiting on 20", etc.

I just placed an order for a PredatOBR. I'm not even going to worry about that one because I know it will be several months before they even get to my order in the long line that has been forming. It will be like a surprise Christmas present when it shows up. Even so, it doesn't compare with the wait on something like a GAP bolt gun - plus you don't have to put a grand down just to get in line (not meant as a knock on GAP).

I may have missed it up above, but the prices are going up on all LaRue products on orders placed after July 1 - 10 to 12%. That's what made me go ahead and order the PredatOBR when I did.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

For what it is worth, I called Larue yesterday to change something on my order and had the chance to talk to one of the reps. He said currently the determining factor regarding OBR wait times is the barrels. The 16" are the least popular so they are moving the quickest, which is why people are receiving them early. Likewise, the wait times for the 18" is around 6 months because of the demand.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

Yep, I received my 16" OBR 7.62 yesterday. Popped off the flash hider and put on the TBAC 30P-1. I am very happy I chose the 16" to save some length. I had entertained doubts about my choice and almost changed to the 18" barrel. For my purposes (suppressed exclusively and at 800 yds rarely) it is the optimal length. Plus, a tad lighter which does not hurt with the OBR already being built like a tank.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

That thing is set up just like mine, damn nice rifle man.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: p951951951t</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm happy with my new 16" OBR...

Re: Larue OBR 18"

Thank you sir. Hopefully going to zero the rifle tomorrow. The new rings I got are a bit too low at 1.26xx and they don't leave room for flip covers. I'm probably going to buy the badger 35MM rings that are 1.35.
Re: Larue OBR 18"

with your A2, if you don't have an H6 buffer (6 tungtsen weights) and an extra power spring I'd try the combo out. The 16" barrel and suppressor on my rifle sends the bolt racing back like its hair is on fire, the extra weight really helps smooth things out.

EDIT: get badger rings and know invincibility