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M40a1 build guide

M40A1 Guidline pricing question ...

PWS built M40A1 with M40A1 scope base, stamped gunbook, insured shipping.

I looked at GA Precisions website. I think GAP builds the highest quality M40A1s on the market and it looks like this is what they go for.

GA Precision quality M40A1 rifle $3700 + shipping
GA Precision charges M40A1 shipping $75
M40A1 replica scope base $415
M40A1 USMC issued gun book $50-$140 (depends on where you buy it)

That is $4330 total.
Plus the value of a PWS built item carries a premium and NO WAIT TIME. My question is, is the rifle priced out of the market or is it just that people rarely spend that kind of money on them?
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M40A1 Guidline pricing question ...

PWS built M40A1 with M40A1 scope base, stamped gunbook, insured shipping.

I looked at GA Precisions website. I think GAP builds the highest quality M40A1s on the market and it looks like this is what they go for.

GA Precision quality M40A1 rifle $3700 + shipping
GA Precision charges M40A1 shipping $75
M40A1 replica scope base $415
M40A1 USMC issued gun book $50-$140 (depends on where you buy it)

That is $4330 total.
Plus the value of a PWS built item carries a premium and NO WAIT TIME. My question is, is the rifle priced out of the market or is it just that people rarely spend that kind of money on them?

I think you have a very fair price, to be honest. If I didn't have an order through TwoMan, I would be on that in a hot minute.

Value for the seller comes down to what someone out there is willing to pay. I have been trying to sell a couple higher end pieces that have not moved a bit. I see similar items not moving either (looking a GunBroker). I dunno if it is just a slow time on the gun market, or if everyone is reeling from all the high priced fear buying from last year.

Good luck with that sale. Like I said, if I were a richer (or single) man, I would be all over that M40A1 you are selling
"M40A1 slings. In my experience they were used very little and mostly stayed in the protecto kaddy. We used 550 cord slings. Feild expediant slings that were looped through the front sling swivel and around our wrist. Leather slings were left in the hard cases. I cannot ever remember using one with my m40a1. I may have but not often"
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M40A1 slings. In my experience they were used very little and mostly stayed in the protecto kaddy. We used 550 cord slings. Feild expediant slings that were looped through the front sling swivel and around our wrist. Leather slings were left in the hard cases. I cannot ever remember using one with my m40a1. I may have but not often

Is a picture possible describing what you are talking about? (ya know, the type worth 10k words :D ) I believe I know what you are talking about but curious the length and utilization.

I dont remember using the entire sling ether.....Although, I personally used just the shorter front portion of the leather sling. Looped it through the front sling swivel and riggors taped the end. Slid my hand through the loop and grasped it near the front swivel. Much like latincovina explained.
it is a LOOP of 550 cord, looped through the front sling swivel. It binds up on your wrist. Its nothing fancy only a field expedient sling. It is good for dragging the gun on a stalk and keeping your outline broken up on patrol. I cannot ever remember using the leather sling.
I/we only used the front shorter portion of the leather sling. Looped through the front sling swivel then riggors taped at the end to hold it together. Was a little easier on the wrist than the 550 cord when moving. Although, some preferred to use 550 as twoman described. Our normal carry for the 40 was down along your side muzzle down grasping the sling/550 at the front swivel. Reason for this was so to present a lower profile when integrated within a standard patrol.
We also used the front portion of the taped sling to loop under the "torturous" taped up sand bag that we used as a rest/shooting platform throughout the SSBC. I still have mine (short portion of the sling) at home. I will post pics when I return stateside in a week so.
I as well "do not" ever remember seeing anyone's 40 with a complete sling.
Since we're back home, I'll help get this flowing again. New A1 stock is waiting for me at home. Schneider barrel should be there by the time I get off the boat. Bottom metal from C&H to hold me over until I can get TMA bottom metal is on order now. I already have a mount I bought in late '15 from latinaincovina and the MST 100 is in the box in the gun storage facility...waiting. Now I guess a trigger, recoil lug and action is all that's left. Not sure if I want to track down a mid 90's action to simulate what I MAY have carried if I had been 8541 or just use a current production action to make it a 'new issue' clone. Something I don't remember reading: stainless steel action- yea or nay? Also, if anyone can steer me to what I don't have yet I would appreciate it.

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There was an E series action with trigger in the WTS section last week. It was priced right and would be appropriate for your build. Came with a proper trigger you would need to get notched for the Model 70 bottom metal.
This spring I'll be going through the building back up of a 6-digit M40A1 barreled action as I migrate my existing G-series SN action from GAP into a late model M40A3. I hope to get the parts here shortly and update both here and a separate thread on the progress. Gotta keep this thread alive!
Yes, yes lets not speak of the love that shall not be spoken of,

Tales of a seaman's life do intrigue me. Never got on ship for a proper float. The idea of warm, calm central pacific seas, clean ocean air and broad horizons appeals to me but I realize my reality would be the North Atlantic and lots of puke smells. Still Im sure your career and the office environment provide for some stuff that could make its own active post. Good for you and be safe.

Back to our regularly scheduled gayness.

With the kids on vac an me working this weekend I have three days to shoot as long as an overtime doesn't intercede. Ill be bring my M40ish all three days.

I see my proper M40A1 in the safe and Im sad because I haven't had it out in a good two months. Ill have to show her (note I said her) some love soon.
So I have all the parts for my A1 build. Still trying to decide if I want to do a brake mount suppressor or leave it clean. Marty @ BadgerOrd said on the M40 forum that he'd seen A1s with suppressors but couldn't find pics. Anyone here seen an actual A1 with a can prior to the A3 coming out? My can isn't a Surefire( GA RSTA) but the brake looks close from several feet away. Trying to keep what I have left of my hearing by suppressing all my centerfire guns. I hit 41 this year and current career requires good hearing, as does playing guitar and most importantly, interacting with my better half.

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The gang's all here. Finally.

E prefix action with trigger and mag box
Recoil lug-new
Schneider M40 contract barrel
HTG stock inletted for A1 bottom metal
Model 70 steel bottom metal-new
A1 mount from latinaincovina

I've decided I'm going to have the GA brake mounted and use my RSTA suppressor. This will be a clone except for that and I can live with that. I'll think of it as an A1.5 or an A1/5 or whatever. It's an A1 to me in all the ways that matter. The GA brake can pass for a SF brake at 10 feet or so if anyone else cares to look that close. Now teetering between two builders. It all boils down to how long I want to wait.


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Put the brake on you will enjoy your rifle that much more but still get an appreciation for the guys that used them.

I love my A1 but it lacks things that make the shooting experience that much better.

I ended up building an M40/A1/A3/A5ish and it's becoming my favorite rifle.
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Ya that's what I'm thinking. The purists will scoff but it's the owner's/user's opinion that matters foremost. If we can't enjoy to the fullest, why bother? Definitely won't be a wall hanger or safe queen. I'll probably shoot it more than the Mk11 and Mk12 combined.

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Even though I'm an old A1 toting, 173gr SB qualifying 8541 still trying to hang with the modern M40A6 world, Happy "0317" Day to my fellow HOGs.


Photo credits go to a badass shooter of rifles and film (and fellow HOG), Josaphat Orozco. Check his visual documentation of Scout Sniper awesomeness here: http://www.josaphatorozco.com/m/scout-snipers


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Damn any of those for sale?
Its been a while since I shot my A1. My M40A1ish has become somewhat of a pet rifle.

Ill be getting it back out when I return from vacation to shoot a Dot drill and see if I can match up with another M40A1 enthusiasts good shooting.

But for now.....


McMillan HTG in forest under the Krylon, looks like Win bottom metal, base looks like it might be correct, scope isnt correct but what's a fella on a budget to do, might be cerakote instead of oxide but looks like than man wants to use his gun.....

So it's not 100 percent but I appreciate it.